Confusing runes...


I have to say, I;m dubious of people that name themselves after gods, but I'll mail you...


Malachite said:
The set that I carry around inside my coat are a set of engraved pewter runes...a bit more substantial...

*Kiama laughs very loudly as she imagines Malachite walking along the streets of Honiton, with one side of his coat considerably longer than the other....* Aren't they too heavy to carry around with you?




no, the coat's bad enough under its own weight...and they aren;t actually that heavy...


Wow... it's been a while since I was last in. Runes is my favorite subject though.
I've been studying runes since 1993. At first I was taught that it was a secret. Then I was taught that it was a womb. Then I was taught dice cup. The last step on the course? This is the one rune that they really know absolutely nothing about. They are not even truly sure what the names go back too. However, it's not found in the Younger Futhark (or the Norse row as it's known.) So we can't look to the Norse name on this one *grin* So no one is truly sure of it's exact meaning. I've even seen it meaning "An intiation or opening". Frigga is sometimes associated with this rune and no one knows much about her either. She's mentioned in Norse mythology, but isn't really talked about in great detail like the others. So long thought short? You might as well go with what you're comfortable using. What feels right to you? If you're doing a reading, it's your interpretation on what you see before you. I don't think that was much help lol.


Malachite said:
How do other people interpret the rune *Perthe*, or whichever name you know it as..?
It has been variously interpreted as symbolising the womb, and therefore basic creative fertility, with a feminine aspect,
or as the dice cup, representing a chance for 'fertility' in a growth and enrichment sense, but coupled with a sense of risk...
Personally, i tend to read it as a deep cave, perhaps like a womb of the earth, but mysterious, so you go in without knowing what else is in there, good or the Yin side of the tao...

anyone have any other interpretations?