Michael Tsarion webinars on the Major Arcana


I was listen ending to a podcast today, David Whitehead and was interviewing Michael Tsarion. Now I am one of those types who is fully fascinated by his kind of research, mostly relating to his plethora of work on symbolism.
I was massively excited to hear that, in relation to his Tarotscopes website he is about to embark on a set of 22 webinars based on the major Arcana. Tsarion, apparently a scolastic tarotist since childhood is very determined to present evidence for the Ancient origins of Tarot.
I for one am really keen to hear this, though admittedly I have not yet managed to sign up..
The webinars start this month and I think he said will be two a month. Sorry to be vague, but I also think he said something about visiting his Tarotscopes facebook page. I tried the website, but it looks like membership is required to get anywhere there.
He will be using the RWS deck, in conjunction with the Thoth;I guess we all have at least one of these.
If anyone has any less loose info, it would be great if you could post links. I have enormous respect for the research he has done on other subjects, and while I knew he had very high regard for the role of tarot and read for others, I don't believe he has ever applied himself so fully to dispersing his work.
I personally, am very excited.


My first impression of this person is that he gives me the creeps. That's only a first impression, so that's all that worth. His courses are very expensive. That brings out the skeptic in me, too. He's got lots of videos, so I can get to know what he's about mo better.

Oh he's one of those Illuminati guys. He shows a video that is famous now showing the lies about WMD. I wonder if he made that. Anyway, I'm not in to that stuff. It creeps me out. I feel like conspiracy people ride on coattails of things that are true and then add a bunch of crap that people believe because they started to say true things. It's stomach churning, really.