Tarot and our pets


I have a pet rabbit, and we adopted another rabbit this weekend so they can be companions. There is a bonding period required, and various bonding activities etc, but it got me thinking...I have used Tarot often to clarify aspects of my own relationships, does it make sense to do the same for my bunnies?

And more broadly, what are good ways to use Tarot concerning our furry, finny, scaley and feathered friends and family members.

Share any ideas and experiences please!


Yessss! I've done intuitive readngs for my dogs and cats :) the results were suprisingly accurate! I got answers to what i already thought they might be feeling boredom, unheard. more recently i googled it and found a guy on the cat site having his cat picking the cards and he was getting accurate results too! You should try it & share with us! I'm curious to know what a rabbit would like to share!


Oh yes, I've done readings on each of our cats. I stick with simple 3 card things:

Tell me something I know
Tell me something I don't know
Tell me something I need to pay attention to

The spread works really well for pets.



above is a link that may help.

I have drawn the cards for my two jack russells using a pet spread and forgive me l cannot remember who designed the one below.

1. What is your pet trying to tell you
2. What is your pet feeling right now
3. What can you do to help
4. What your pet needs at this time
5. Your pets general health
6. something your pet will need or feel in the near future
7. Overall outlook for your pet


Gah.....all is NOT quiet on the Western front! Bunny dating is stressful!

The cards aren't looking great...partly because the role I play, I am unwilling to play for as long as it might take to make this work. My own emotions are very deeply involved and can I overcome them enough to do this thing? To make the rabbits work together until they work together?

It is an emotional issue all the way around and the cards indicate that if I take MY emotion out of it, and just stick in there, using all the tips/tricks/suggestions that in time I can probably make it work.

Each rabbit comes to the relationship with their own personalities and issues. And the cards indicate accurately what those are, it does not look like this will be a short or easy fix, but rather a long involved task.

I appreciate the suggestions for layouts, very helpful.

It is still unclear to me whether or not, in the end, they will have a relationship that is worth all this. The goal is companionship, not uneasy tolerance.

I just pulled a card on the quality of the relationship, reversed 6 of wands...

when I pulled two cards about whether or not to try a different match...I got a six of swords and the World...

I'm thinking that things aren't meant to be with bunny number one, but that there IS potential for a new beginning and a great relationship with another bunny.