Some cool quotes I found on my FB page :)


"Whatever you're thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you're worrying, you are planning. When you're appreciating you are planning. What are you planning?"

I guess it's like a train what my uncle said, but not sure how he explained it, something about how positive thoughts just come back to you if you're positive, negative thoughts come back if you think negative.

This quote I am not sure of, maybe I need to think outside of the box, or maybe my mind is too mudded right now or I can't hear my higher self but what does this mean? I am not having a great time right now but what is the opportunity? What is the changes?

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity". The other quote is "All great changes are proceeded by chaos".

The next one is cool, though, why do I feel better today than I did yesterday? I don't know why. I just do. Maybe someone can answer that? LOL I mean I am having a better day yes. Why? I don't know. Is it because of a previous good day I had?

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. - James Allen"

(Maybe I am over thinking lol my dad says I do that haha-I'm a virgo rising, I heard Virgos over analyze things-I dunno I just like to know how things apart, like I want to know more about the brain and psychology because I am just so curious how it all works-heck I was excited to see the inside of my eyes today after I got my eye exam because I thought it was SO COOL! I'm weird I know haha).

"The secret of creating anything desired: Get happy! As you practice happy thoughts, you practice your connection with source and well being. From your place of being happy, you have access to all that you desire".-Esther and Jerry Hicks.

Now, time to find the old Kelly. Though maybe it's the energy of the apt I live in by people moving in and out that has bad energy is just choking the old Kelly. I want to "kill" off this new Kelly. I don't like her.I was reading my old FB posts and I was happy and silly. I miss her.

Too bad we can't do exorcisms on our inner demons Well not in the way the church does


Too bad we can't do exorcisms on our inner demons Well not in the way the church does

We can .... and can do better than the church does. We can face and address them or just try to ignore them or sweep them under the carpet ... guess what happens then ?


Hehe yeah my therapist said how with problems some things you do like sweeping under the carpet is like putting a bandaid on a scab, it doesn't make it go away exactly. Have to get to the root of the problem.

Heh kinda sounds like a quote for my skin picking, bandaids doesn't pick my skin picking, yes help heals my scabs and cuticles but not the problem-the habit :p


Good quotes :)

I'm working on figuring out a reading but part of what it's saying might be relevant.

If you can relax and concentrate on a good feeling, even a simple one like being grateful for your heart beating and keeping you alive, you can think that everything in your past has led up to this and so let the past go. If you keep doing this it will strengthen the good feelings :love:


We can .... and can do better than the church does. We can face and address them or just try to ignore them or sweep them under the carpet ... guess what happens then ?

Which reminds me, ughhh, time to take some exorcise. Some spirits I definitely don't want to purge - that bottle of MacAllans' scotch in yonder cabinet. A good if sometimes naughty spirit. But I will resist just now.....



(Maybe I am over thinking lol my dad says I do that haha-I'm a virgo rising, I heard Virgos over analyze things-I dunno I just like to know how things apart, like I want to know more about the brain and psychology because I am just so curious how it all works-heck I was excited to see the inside of my eyes today after I got my eye exam because I thought it was SO COOL! I'm weird I know haha).

That's Mercury for you! Yes, analytical, bringing order and a great communicator, sometimes a bit cunning, mischievous. Psychobiology is a fascinating subject.

Too bad we can't do exorcisms on our inner demons Well not in the way the church does

We can and do. But most times we find the Mr/Miss Hyde within isn't such a bad person after all!

Here's a pertinent quote.

» If you try to purge your demons take care not to offend your angels.