
General Throughts

Thank you dreamers! Wow, what insight; some validation of what I'd already been thinking in some cases and a trend towards encouraging me not to take this on until I'm more firmly grounded, so very good advice (even if that is not necessarily what I wanted to hear!) :)

To clarify the objectives of learning palmistry for me, it’s largely concerned with my current ambition to move out of corporate work altogether and be capable of earning a living strictly from reading. I also feel a spiritual calling to do this sort of work more, but to do it more often, I must let some of my other obligations go or cut back on the time I spend doing them.

So, I have a full-time job working from Monday to Friday 8-5. Currently I don’t feel that letting my job go is an option, but working full-time might be. I have a modest tarot practice in town that gives me plenty of ‘pin money’ and that is what I am hoping to expand. I take editing commissions on the side that may pop up at any time. I attend regular events every week that are essential for my mental, spiritual and physical health. And I spend time every day here on AT. There is no time to study a new discipline, yet I have been told by more than one shop owner that it would be nice to have readers in town who read more than just angel cards and tarot cards.

Since I dabbled in reading palms when I was younger and just playing around, I thought this would be a good path for me. As I mentioned, I will certainly be pursuing this but there is simply NO TIME in my life right now to do so.

So, with all of that in mind let me look at the dreams…


Feedback for Liralen

I had a dream for you last night. I dreamed I work for a boss whom I dislike intensely.
I think this ‘boss whom I dislike’ is any boss in any work environment. No matter how reasonable or administratively skilled they are, I have always bristled at bosses and authority and being told what to do. This also represents my attitude about my ‘real job’.

He has made an appointment for me to call a mother with a sick child. I'm supposed to sell the mother a new treatment for the child, but I know it won't work.
Children can represent undeveloped potential and the fact that they are sick shows that the potential is being thwarted or stunted in some way. This is what I see in sitters when I read for them and I honestly strive to give them tools to help solve them problems. However, because of the ‘instructions’ I receive from the work world to do other, unrelated things, I am not able to really help. I know what I do will not work.

On the day I must make the phone call, I keep putting it off - I simply can't bring myself to do it. On the same day, I hear about the death of another child, which I think the company I work at is partly responsible for. So I want to call the woman even less. I get very nervous because I know there will be an argument with my boss if I don't do it, and he's something of a bully.
I think the key here is the idea that I keep ‘putting it off’ and the dream helps to reveal that time lost may create more casualties. And this next statement is the real heart and soul of the meaning of your dream for me:

I also berate myself because I had promised never to get in that kind of situation again (working for a company that I find unethical and then get anxious because I can't live up to their expectations).

To make a long story short, I believe that, through the tender ministrations of my higher self, I was downsized out of a high-paying job that did not allow me to fulfill my spiritual goals a number of years ago. Since that time I have built a fair reading practice but I feel that I need to do more, and this statement rather sums up exactly how I DO feel in real life about working for my current company. They are not really that unethical any more than any other company out there; I am just not a vibrational match for the corporate world anymore. I do get anxious when I can’t perform to their standards.

I think the dream may mean that some of the activities you will have to let go if you study palmistry are not really something you want to do, but you feel guilty not doing them, so you think of putting palmistry off. It might also mean you subconsciously believe there is something unethical about studying palmistry and that's why you don't allow yourself to take time for it, but I'm really not sure this applies here.
Yes, I agree that there is guilt if I let some of my activities go. I don’t think there is anything unethical about palmistry if you approach it from a spiritual angle, but of course as we all know, our trade does have an air about it of chicanery and fraud as many unethical people have plied our trade as well.

Thank you for this dream! It was startlingly to the point about my feelings towards my ‘day job’. Thank you, Liralen!


Feedback for Bleudiamond

: )
Well in the first dream I am in a slightly wooded area with snow everywhere. I was walking back with I guess some tools in my hand; I was retrieving stuff I needed. Anyways, I notice that there s a half-eaten something in the snow by a bush. I get the feeling I'm being watched and turn around, there is a giant lynx looking at me. It starts trotting towards me and I run. Then it starts running. I run back to the cabin and lock the door. I sitting on the floor in the cabin, I think I tripped or something and I yelled for help back to the man sitting on the couch. He turned his head over his shoulder and looked all amused, then went back to looking at the fire going in the fireplace. I'm still right near the entrance holding back some little animal telling him that the lynx will eat us both. It was looking at me with its big eyes through the door so I angrily picked up a stick and poked it so at least it would back up.
I like to pay attention to animal messages; they have taught me so much in recent years. What strikes me about this dream besides the energy of the Lynx is the notion of ‘running for the safety of the cabin’. This I see as my view of clinging on to the day job; I do it to keep the predator away from the door. As you said in your interpretative comments, Lynx is a strategic hunter. I also found this in a description of the meaning of the lynch online: “The lynx is a patient hunter and its messages often entail serenity, tolerance, understanding. The lynx helps us to endure waiting for long periods to achieve a necessary goal.” This underscores the notion of waiting for the time to be a little more right.

And also this: (The energy of lynx endows you with possession of) “secrets of hidden and the unseen, ability to see lies and falsehoods, inner workings of others, keen sight, (be) careful not to break confidences, people may become uncomfortable around you, trusting intuition teaches ability to access secrets, mysteries and hidden aspects of yourself.” This part shows to me to advantages of learning this craft and warns me to be careful in how I administer the information, which I feel that I do already when I give readings.

bleudiamond said:
Second dream I am swimming around a steam boat in a river. It was light out but when I dove back under the water was so murky. I've got scuba gear on and someone is with me. He signals to keep going forward and I signal I can't see. I can he's a little impatient and he takes the lead. When he passes I notice he's holding a giant spear-Harpoon! lol Anyways we swim for a while and I surface and notice and we are around a bunch of whales. I'm not big on killing whales, and in the dream it felt a bit silly. I was thinking "hey, we don't even have a boat and a handheld harpoon would just manage to give it a good belly scratch." Well, first I actually thought, "hey dont kill that whale." : P )
My first thought would also be, “Hey, don’t kill the whale!” Swimming can be interpreted as spiritual activity such as being of service to others, as well as boats being a spiritual vehicle. This is clearly a part of my spiritual journey, but with the water being murky, there is something I can’t yet see. The whale, yes, I can see how that would imply that something is more than I can handle given my current tools/situation.

bleudiamond said:
I think the two dreams mean to wait until you feel you can be prepared enough or just in general to wait on taking on something else. Lynx is a strategic hunter, using its energy wisely. I think you need a good strategy, know what you really want. I think it is also a keeper of secrets. : ) In the second dream, I feel like a whale is something very big to take on, learning palm reading...I felt like the whale couldn't be slain with the current situation. I think you should wait until you can get everything together in a better condition. I think maybe a month or a couple of months.

I hope this makes any amount of sense to you. : )
Oh, yes, I think this is a good caution not to jump in until I can give it my full attention. Thank you for your dreams and interpretation; they give me something to think about and also some sound advice.


Feedback for Danieljuk

danieljuk said:
Dream 1:- near the beginning of the week I was not fully asleep and so it's sort of a dream but I was thinking of the picture and time question at the time. I saw an alarm clock like a Disney type character. It had a big face and 2 big bells on the top but it also had a face and hands and feet, like it could dance around. It seemed a sweet cartoonish character. I was near it and the bells starting going off in a deafening noise. My positive feelings to it turned negative, it was annoying. I had a mental image of the annoying clock going off with a red circle around it and line through the middle. It was a striking image.

interpretation - there is anxiety here about timing running out to learn palmistry but I am not sure if currently is the right time! don't worry about this, the time will come when it is the right time to learn. this is not a time sensitive thing. There might be other things to concentrate on :) when I was writing out my pen notes for this, this part of a quote got stuck in my head All good things come in due time. so don't do palmistry now just because you are anxious about time. Do it when it seems the best time and you can put your all on to it. Perhaps you have too much at the moment :)
I love the image of the Disney-like alarm! I love Disney movies. It is true, I have way too much going on at the time to give it my full attention. I also like the comforting notion that the time will come and I will be able to do this.

danieljuk said:
Dream 2:- I dreamt of a snake chasing me around an abandoned theme park. Both the snake and the theme park are images in my mind from the last week that I have seen. The snake is a large pale snake but I once had a dream about a snake chasing me that was a clear anxiety dream. It was a huge cartoon large snake, this snake seemed more real and not cartoony but still threatening. The theme park was an old one in the UK that went bankrupt. I was looking at images and all that is left now are concentrate foundations, everything has gone! The snake was chasing me abound this derelict place which was a mix of concrete and nature reclaiming the area. I was leading running away in a group but there was other people behind me in a group, a mix of men and women who were undisclosed. I think you were one of the people in the group Melle.

The dream had two endings. Earlier in the night I dreamt that we turned around as a group and realised that this snake type is a constricter type snake, it's not one with fangs and venom. It seemed to have no desire to squeeze us and so was no threat at all! we stopped and it was friendly. We were running from a perceived fear. This morning I was replaying the snake chasing again but the dream had a different ending. This time a creature came which I think was a Fox and fought the snake in an abandoned concrete square area that was like an old tennis court type place. They had a fight. The fox was protecting us.

interpretation - I suffer from anxiety and have anxiety dreams a lot and this is very similar to my style when worried but think these are for you! the snake chasing is so anxiety again like the clock. This time it's about hidden fears and worries. Maybe temptation. What happens if you start learning palmistry, do you have room for another thing in your life to do with divination? where will it fit in? will you have time? are you taking on too much? The theme park was totally derelict and abandoned. Perhaps you fear you will have no fun or relaxation and rest in your life. When will you have time for that?

I think this might actually be one of my biggest fears! I’ve barely got any time for this as it is with everything I have going on, and it’s beginning to take its toll.

danieljuk said:
dream one ended with the realisation that it's not scary but dream two ended with this animal fight. I saw this as a Lenormand combination and Snake + Fox means to be careful about a female rival. They could be a schemer or liar. I am not sure if that has anything to do with your palmistry interest but be careful of a rival! :
This is very interesting. I thought of lenormand when I saw snake and fox, too! I think for me the thing to be careful of would be the very person who suggested that a palm reader would do really well around here. I do agree but I’m not certain of the willingness of this person to follow through or help to promote me if I do invest time learning this craft.

I, too, dream a lot of anxiety dreams but I love that there were two endings for this dream. It seems to suggest some power over the matter, even if that power lies in accepting the current status quo. It’s also interesting that two of you dreamed of being chased. That implies a fear that something will overtake me or catch up with me. I see snakes as representative of change. Think of a snake as it slithers from its old skin periodically to emerge in a new one. For this reason, snakes in dreams can represent being in a period of transition. Although I yearn for the change, I might also be a little frightened by it.

danieljuk said:
The dreams seemed quite serious and full of anxiety but I think they are making a bigger thing out of a bigger thing, it's not really that bad! if you don't have time for it you just won't be able to fit it into your life. No need to worry about it. So in answer to the question Should I make time to study Palmistry now? I think for me the answer is no. It's not the right time there will be a better time in future, be patient! you should use that time to add some fun and relaxation in your life (I think there was a message something like that in my dreams in the last dream circle, I think it was for you. make time for some fun!). hope this helps you Melle :heart:

Thank you for your dreams and interpretations! They are really helpful in giving me some perspective.


And now we look forward to a question from bleu! In the meantime, thanks for your dreams and remember:



Since my life in flux right now, my focus will be on change/growth.

Hence the following tree, which I used to sit under all the time. : )


My question is in what ways can I grow as a person?


A Dream for Bleudiamond

Well, I had my trusty dream crystals going last night and sure enough, I had a quick little dream for you! First, I want to say that I love your tree; it's such a great symbol. Without even looking at dreams I am thinking of how the mere act of selecting this symbol can be seen as a harbinger of spiritual growth.

This dream we could title "Praise for a Worthy Person". There are two main characters. One is H___., a friend of mine who in real life is such a cheerleader for everyone and who quietly shows up for others in their lives. And there is R____., a really good guy who works as a handyman and who goes above and beyond when he does something for you and makes you feel very cared for when he does a service for you, coming to ask if everything was OK and is there anything else he can do, and so on. The main action that goes on here is the R____. needs more credit for what he does and so H___., being the kind person that she is, makes sure he gets a really good ad in the newspaper that will get everyone's attention. I remember seeing it in such clear detail in the dream, and of course everything is electronic these days but this was an old-fashioned newspaper. The font was huge and eye-catching, the graphics were beautiful, and so on, so the ad cost a little more. That extra spiritual energy (represented by the extra money) was what H___. gave for him.

My intuition is telling me that you are actually represented by both H____. and R_____. in this dream. It feels to me as though, like H____., you are generally one who is helpful and empowering for other people and now it may be your turn. You have many fine qualities that people are unaware of because you are not generally one to toot your own horn. But also like R____., you could use an advocate to sing your praises.

What comes to mind for me as advice in terms of your question, "In what ways can I grow as a person", is to stand up for yourself in as many ways as you can and try to take the limelight yourself a little rather than always deferring to others. Just speak the truth and as long as it resonates as true you will be OK. Also choose consciously to spend more time with people who can empower you.

That is it for now! It's early in the week; we'll see if I have any more for you.


: )

Will wait to give feedback until Saturday but..

Mell, thank you for the lovely dream; that was so fast! Those crystals must be smoking. : )


Hello bleudiamond,

Had a dream for you last night, more of a dream fragment really.
The dream was about a war-torn country where terrible atrocities are done to the local population. I am not in the country, I think I watch a report about it on TV and I think of joining or donating money to an organization that might help the people there.

I think the dream is asking you to take a stand for a cause that you feel passionate about, to become an activist of some sort. This was only a very small dream, maybe there'll be more in the next few nights.


Hi Bleu,
I had an amazing dream for you last night and thought at the time I need to write this down in the morning. This morning I couldn't remember it at all! :(

so going to try one more time tonight and write it up tomorrow morning if I get another and so don't eat into your interpretation time. Sorry, so annoying! I have found my dreaming really affected by Mercury Retrograde. It was difficult for Melle and now for you, much easier last round. Let's hope it improves. Plus there is a nice new moon around today to help with communication apparently! :)