
Hi Bleu,

second night where I had a really amazing dream for you and thought *must record this in the morning* and it's gone! argh! I must get some dream crystals I think around me.

I cannot remember either of the 2 dreams this week or the specific symbols. I am trying to remember but just get a massive blank! I am hoping they might come to me. However I can remember the theme of the dreams. A little like fragments like Liralen. Perhaps I am not supposed to remember the actual content, I don't know, but going to do my best with this :)

First of all when I thought of your picture and question, I saw the tree in the picture moving all over the place. It was popping up in different places in the picture like stop motion, not like sliding or something. I think this is a message that maybe you have literally moved around a lot. Been to many different places. Could be quite nomadic and not had stability of one place. If that is not the case I think this represents change like your question posed. You don't have a chance to lay down your roots. So the reason for your question is perhaps to do with the lack of security and stability with change going on.

On to the dreams, like I said I can't remember the symbols or what happened but they were quite epic and long. The theme of both nights was the same. A lot of change going on and how to handle it. I am a Taurus who hates change and last year was such a 'Tower' sort of year for me, totally understand having to deal with it. I think the outcome of both dreams was that the answer to dealing with the change is go with the flow and find something to deal with what is going on. Detach from it and perhaps work at meditation and relaxation or take up a new hobby. I can remember that from both nights. I hope the rest comes to me :) We can't fight change, the world is always changing and it brings us growth. We can however change how we react to it! :thumbsup:

in answer to your question Bleu in what ways can I grow as a person?

for me the answer is to be able to adapt to the changes and growth. Perhaps there is a lack of being able to get your roots down for stability like the tree in the picture. You have no idea about security in future. Well live your life now, we all worry about the future. I think turning to meditation and relaxation techniques is the answer from what I can remember. Deal with things calmly and you might not have those roots of security but you can detach yourself and go and meditate. I think you can build a stability of peace on how you react to things, even if crazy change is going on! This is something I am learning in my own life as growth and I am very much currently a beginner at it. I hope you see this in your life and it's helpful :heart:


Hello bleudiamond,

I'm afraid there were no more dreams this week. Sorry about that :(!


Well, I had my trusty dream crystals going last night and sure enough, I had a quick little dream for you! First, I want to say that I love your tree; it's such a great symbol. Without even looking at dreams I am thinking of how the mere act of selecting this symbol can be seen as a harbinger of spiritual growth.

This dream we could title "Praise for a Worthy Person". There are two main characters. One is H___., a friend of mine who in real life is such a cheerleader for everyone and who quietly shows up for others in their lives. And there is R____., a really good guy who works as a handyman and who goes above and beyond when he does something for you and makes you feel very cared for when he does a service for you, coming to ask if everything was OK and is there anything else he can do, and so on. The main action that goes on here is the R____. needs more credit for what he does and so H___., being the kind person that she is, makes sure he gets a really good ad in the newspaper that will get everyone's attention. I remember seeing it in such clear detail in the dream, and of course everything is electronic these days but this was an old-fashioned newspaper. The font was huge and eye-catching, the graphics were beautiful, and so on, so the ad cost a little more. That extra spiritual energy (represented by the extra money) was what H___. gave for him.

My intuition is telling me that you are actually represented by both H____. and R_____. in this dream. It feels to me as though, like H____., you are generally one who is helpful and empowering for other people and now it may be your turn. You have many fine qualities that people are unaware of because you are not generally one to toot your own horn. But also like R____., you could use an advocate to sing your praises.

What comes to mind for me as advice in terms of your question, "In what ways can I grow as a person", is to stand up for yourself in as many ways as you can and try to take the limelight yourself a little rather than always deferring to others. Just speak the truth and as long as it resonates as true you will be OK. Also choose consciously to spend more time with people who can empower you.

That is it for now! It's early in the week; we'll see if I have any more for you.


First off, let me say that I love how you always title your dreams. It's sort of like they are miniature stories or fables then.

I guess you could describe me as the type of person that enjoys helping others, like R in your dream. And I really don't like to promote myself; I kind of prefer to be in the shadow, out of the spotlight. I hate saying that I'm "good at x or y" because I know that I can always do better. Nothing seems good enough to be boastful about, or I'm afraid of stepping on someone's toes. The last thing I want to take attention from someone else who does want it.

Your dream made me sit and ponder who in my life is empowering. Lol As I’m going to mention in my post to Daniel, I am moving. And where I am going there is a good friend of mine that I would say is empowering person. She does the most amazing large glass mosaics and the only person I know in RL that likes “new agey” stuff. She is always supportive of everything. We were even thinking of doing some joint art venture together. I will definitely spend more time with her as I will live very close to her very soon.

Thanks for the dreams Mell, I will try and follow your advice. : )


Hello bleudiamond,

Had a dream for you last night, more of a dream fragment really.
The dream was about a war-torn country where terrible atrocities are done to the local population. I am not in the country, I think I watch a report about it on TV and I think of joining or donating money to an organization that might help the people there.

I think the dream is asking you to take a stand for a cause that you feel passionate about, to become an activist of some sort. This was only a very small dream, maybe there'll be more in the next few nights.

Don't fret Liralen, I'll use your dream fragment. : )

I like your interpretation. : ) I am not an active member of any charitable organizations, but I have ended up helping a few of them by proxy. For example, there is a nonprofit space org that is doing a kids’ project and I was absorbed into it by someone I knew. I feel like I ended up doing all of the work though. That is, I did do all of it, except for our team’s astronomer, who provided me text and information for the project. I guess it’s ok since I’m the only one with a design/art background, and I am bad at promoting things and they are handling that. Which ties back into Mell's dream. It’s not even something I think about much, but reading your dream and Mell’s together reminded me of it.

I do feel like I should start working on my own projects or at least projects for organizations that for my favorite causes. I would like to find the time to be more active in animal rights or at least to finally complete my tarot deck. But it seems like there is never time left after I fulfill all of my other obligations.

Thanks Liralen : )


Hi Bleu,

second night where I had a really amazing dream for you and thought *must record this in the morning* and it's gone! argh! I must get some dream crystals I think around me.

I cannot remember either of the 2 dreams this week or the specific symbols. I am trying to remember but just get a massive blank! I am hoping they might come to me. However I can remember the theme of the dreams. A little like fragments like Liralen. Perhaps I am not supposed to remember the actual content, I don't know, but going to do my best with this :)

First of all when I thought of your picture and question, I saw the tree in the picture moving all over the place. It was popping up in different places in the picture like stop motion, not like sliding or something. I think this is a message that maybe you have literally moved around a lot. Been to many different places. Could be quite nomadic and not had stability of one place. If that is not the case I think this represents change like your question posed. You don't have a chance to lay down your roots. So the reason for your question is perhaps to do with the lack of security and stability with change going on.

On to the dreams, like I said I can't remember the symbols or what happened but they were quite epic and long. The theme of both nights was the same. A lot of change going on and how to handle it. I am a Taurus who hates change and last year was such a 'Tower' sort of year for me, totally understand having to deal with it. I think the outcome of both dreams was that the answer to dealing with the change is go with the flow and find something to deal with what is going on. Detach from it and perhaps work at meditation and relaxation or take up a new hobby. I can remember that from both nights. I hope the rest comes to me :) We can't fight change, the world is always changing and it brings us growth. We can however change how we react to it! :thumbsup:

in answer to your question Bleu in what ways can I grow as a person?

for me the answer is to be able to adapt to the changes and growth. Perhaps there is a lack of being able to get your roots down for stability like the tree in the picture. You have no idea about security in future. Well live your life now, we all worry about the future. I think turning to meditation and relaxation techniques is the answer from what I can remember. Deal with things calmly and you might not have those roots of security but you can detach yourself and go and meditate. I think you can build a stability of peace on how you react to things, even if crazy change is going on! This is something I am learning in my own life as growth and I am very much currently a beginner at it. I hope you see this in your life and it's helpful :heart:

Oh Daniel. Unfortunately, you are spot on.

When I read that you saw the tree moving all over and referenced me a nomad, I laughed out loud. I counted that I have moved 8 times these past 8 years. My mother says I’m “just like a gypsy.” The 8th move is coming up in the next few weeks. I’ll be renting, and I am not quite sure where yet. Of course, I’ll only be there a year, maybe two, then I can buy another house after that. Hopefully one I will stay at for a while. I made the mistake of getting attached to this house; it’s really been the hardest move of all because I wanted so badly to stay. I even planned out all the wall colors. So I did freak out a bit, I still am. There was a fork in the road this year for me, a point where I could have finally chosen stability in place of pursing my master’s degree. It was like leaving this house that I loved so much was a sacrifice for a chance to try out my dream.

I do need to calm down a bit. I knew what I was getting into, but I am a person who doesn’t like an uncertain future, I’m a planner. It’s not comfortable for me to have so many variables which I can’t control. I guess no one likes uncertainty. I have been trying to read (preparing for my first classes) at night to calm my nerves, of course this keeps me up very late. Then I’m not worried, but I’m tired. : P This dream group has been helpful because it forces me to sleep for an extended period of time.

lol Change, change change. I'm the person who reacts to it the worst and who gets it so often. Well you got through your tower year, I'll get through my tower period too : P

Thank you Daniel! I will try and take it easy. Please tell me if you remember your epic dreams : D I am intrigued now.



Your dream made me sit and ponder who in my life is empowering. Lol As I’m going to mention in my post to Daniel, I am moving. And where I am going there is a good friend of mine that I would say is empowering person. She does the most amazing large glass mosaics and the only person I know in RL that likes “new agey” stuff. She is always supportive of everything. We were even thinking of doing some joint art venture together. I will definitely spend more time with her as I will live very close to her very soon.
I am so glad about this! work out great for you!

Also, I wanted to say a word about Tower years - they are like plowing a field. You can't plant anything and expect a good crop if you don't turn the soil first. Also, you can see yourself as the Fool, open to the adventure and take some of the sting out of the power of the tower! :)


I am glad I went with my moving Tree image that I saw :)
wishing you the best Bleu! I hope things work out wonderfully in the end with your Masters and a place to live where you can really put down your roots :heart:


Hello everyone,

My question for this week is:

How can I find/create the kind of romantic relationship that I would like to have?

I'm afraid I can't post a picture, but could you use a rose as your focus - a rose of whatever colour you feel drawn to? Thank you!


Hello everyone,

My question for this week is:

How can I find/create the kind of romantic relationship that I would like to have?

I'm afraid I can't post a picture, but could you use a rose as your focus - a rose of whatever colour you feel drawn to? Thank you!


First off, I was thinking of lemonade and ballerina pink colored roses. I had a dream for you and here it is:

I kept going places with friends and one of them is a dude with black hair who has warm fleshy hands. He kept glancing at me from behind his glasses. Finally, I decided I had to make the first move since he seemed shy.
In the next section of the dream, the male portion of our soon to be wedding is looking for a place to hunt. I remember they stop at a gas station and they are all looking at a map and then someone recognizes a couple of good areas. There was a weird moment in the dream where I saw a deer start nudging a big bunny in the dream then picked it up and vigorously shook it. Like some strange side story happening while they are searching for a hunting area.
Next thing I know everyone is meeting at this beautiful house before the wedding. Lovely kitchen with granite counter tops and a vaulted ceiling in the living room. I remember telling someone in his family that he can leave all of his money to his nieces and nephews and children-- don’t worry, none for me. I remember his mother was sick with something in the dream, maybe a type of cancer. She kept explaining that the doctors let her had some of the things she wanted to eat and such so she wouldn’t go crazy. Also I had to leave at the end because I was going to pick out a new wedding dress; I discovered there was something wrong with the one I had.

What I got from the first part of the dream was taking the initiative. I kept thinking I'd be 80 before this guy made a move and after I did, things turned out ok. The message is never let any prospect slip by without seeing if the feelings are mutual. Maybe also you can find the right relationship through a mutual acquittance as in the dream.
It's funny that you want to know how to find the relationship when so much emphasis in the middle section of the dream was on the correct location of "the hunt." But they completely didn't even see the deer and rabbit nearby. I'm not sure what to take from this, that your search area needs to be either right under your nose or at place that someone suggests.
In the last section of the dream it strikes me that the mother was explaining how she got just enough of the things she wanted. Learning to compromise and in doing so, getting what you need. Also, I think this part shows that it is important to woo the family and make sure you come into their lives without making them feel threatened, if possible.

Hope something here makes sense to you. : )


Liralen's Dream Week

Hi Liralen,
I am writing up the dream I had for you last night today because tomorrow looks very busy looking after my Nephew. But if I have any more dreams I will update further :) This week seemed to be much easier than last week to dream, I really think it's due astrologically to Mercury Retrograde.

I love you asked people to imagine a rose for you because we are all going to come with different one's. Here is what I imagined for you....


It's a rainbow rose! okay so I am slightly rainbow biased but I really thought it suited you with many colours! I was researching into the rainbow rose and it's artificially created and there is info about it here

Interestingly I saw the rose this colour when I imagined it and thought of your question, I didn't really choose this colour. I then had to think about why rainbow colours would suit you because your question is really about finding someone to make your complete. All those colours of the rainbow, make one beautiful thing. I also think it's full of positive optimism about the future with romance for you.

I had a dream for you but I can't do this one without pictures to illustrate! So this has accidentally become a bit mycroftesque but need images. The pictures I found on google almost are exactly what I saw. It was quite vivid.

The dream had two endings but the beginning was the same for both. I dreamt of a haunted house. It was really really stereotypical of a haunted house. I imagined it exactly like this one as Disneyland, Paris -


this was an abandoned spooky old house and I dreamt you went up to it but you were afraid. It seemed threatening and scary. If you entered the house anything could happen. Was there nasty supernatural powers and energies or was the house safe to walk into structurally? many questions but all about risk. I could see you outside considering it. But then I saw that the house turned comical! the threat was gone!

I saw this....


which is something from my childhood. It is tinned spaghetti in a tin but it's cut up and so not long and in tomato sauce. I remember it so visibly and it started to come out of the haunted house windows and down the front of the house. I see this as quite comical. You then entered the house with no fear! Something had taken away the apprehension. The house had a scary image but was less threatening. The threat was worse than the reality.

The dream repeated during last night. Same thing again but no tinned spaghetti this time. This time two people bravely went to the front door. There was a lady who was tall and thin. She had jet black hair which was very long (at least down to her waist). Next to her was a guy. He had dark features but wore clothes that had a sports / casual style. like sports shoes, those long shorts and a shirt and he wore a baseball cap, backwards. The cap seemed really prominent to me. He had his nose pierced and had a chain on his shorts. Like sort of sports / punk / skateboarding style. I felt intuitively that it was you and him as a couple. So maybe that is what he could look like or maybe he is just a symbol. Anyway you walked into the house with no fear or problems. Confidence! I felt the couple were lovers or at least interested in each other as a connection.

Interpreting the dreams, I think the haunted house represents a fear or apprehension about romantic relationships. They might be linked to the past. last year in the dream circles we looked at 'houses' a lot and they represent your 'life'. So the state of the house can reflect that and your emotional side. This is a scary place and I think it represents a fear with love and relationships. Maybe there is lots of questions like before entering the haunted house. what if.....? what if.....? if there is a person you like, you should go with the flow, at your own speed. don't be rushed! when you are ready to go in the house you are ready! but don't be anxious about it, see what happens. Dream moods says that this symbol represents "unfinished emotional business", just wanted to include that as well.

I think the spaghetti maybe represents not taking it too seriously or worrying that you have not found someone yet. look at the funny side of life. This could also represent childhood because I saw the symbol as from my childhood.

The couple in the second ending could be a positive message about you will find someone. I am not sure how you feel about the fact that you could walk through the door to the haunted house fine with a love partner. I wondered if you were glad or that or if it annoyed you that you had company to 'take the risk' I feel positive about this, not like it's a problem.

so in answer to the question:- How can I find/create the kind of romantic relationship that I would like to have?

I think you have to come at it from a position of confidence. It seems a bit scary and you don't know what will happen. Put the anxiety to one side and take this step by step. Just see what happens when you socialise with people and don't think too far ahead. I think also coming at this with good humour and not taking it too seriously. I wonder if there is something emotional or from your childhood you need to work through. I just found out in the last few months that really I have to work through some emotional issues and I think I am not "ready" for a relationship until that point. We have to be in the right place and then it all comes together which I think it will for you. I see positive symbols in my dream for you about the future, you just have to enter the scary house :)

hope you can take something from this Liralen!