Some people have and some haven't? Or all have but not all know it?


Meaning intuition, the healing touch, psychic gifts, other intangibles/immensurables ...

I haven't a particular take on this myself, looking to work out what mine is. Part of that is seeing what you lot think. I'd love to hear not only what your feeling is, but (especially) why. I am aware this isn't a yes/no question; you're bound to have different answers for different values of "it"!

To be fair, I do think some "have it". Then I also do think everyone "has it". There's a touch of Gemini in my makeup. ;)


Or maybe some just have it more than others?

I dont think we all have it potentially to a high level, for a few reasons. LIke all other skills, some seem 'naturals' to it and others hopeless at it.

Some of it is based on physiology , like sensitivity to EMF , or even a better sense of smell, when some of the these subtle receptors are combined they can give signals not available to most - sensitivity.

It can depend on one's makeup and receptivity to it and how one processes it. For example, I am fortunate in the this area with a Neptune chart ruler well aspected to Jupiter and Mercury. Some peoples psychic makeup dont allow it, cant process it or balance it.

Usually it needs to be refined and developed properly (like all of our skills and talents). Two people with similar high ability will perform differently depending on their training and development.


I think all people are born with intuition but some parents/cultures/societies develop and nurture it whereas others try to suppress it so it manifests differently in different people


I think all people are born with intuition but some parents/cultures/societies develop and nurture it whereas others try to suppress it so it manifests differently in different people

The trouble is that the age of reason has set everyone's hopes in logic, cause-and-effect, and that the phenomenal world can be mapped on the mystical world and the like, so these qualities have been stressed at the expense of the noumenal, intuitive world(s). Children are naturally creative, have excellent imaginative skills, are intuitive, are vocal about their emotions, all nurtured during their early school years only to be trampled on as they approach their teenage and on.

To me, when someone is (say, abusively) called "childish" it's usually because they're exhibiting those uninhibited qualities of childhood, naïve in the commercial, adult world in which we've been so channelled, so I'm reminded of the inner worlds and creative powers suppressed by the pressures of social conditioning.

Shame really but it's how the world works.


Psychic skills are all to do with the pineal gland so if someone wants to develop them they have to take particular care of that gland, physiologically and spiritually.

The keen person will take great care of their diet and particularly the water they drink. An impure body won't be much of a vehicle for communicating with the psychic world, surely.


The trouble is that the age of reason has set everyone's hopes in logic, cause-and-effect, and that the phenomenal world can be mapped on the mystical world and the like, so these qualities have been stressed at the expense of the noumenal, intuitive world(s). Children are naturally creative, have excellent imaginative skills, are intuitive, are vocal about their emotions, all nurtured during their early school years only to be trampled on as they approach their teenage and on.

To me, when someone is (say, abusively) called "childish" it's usually because they're exhibiting those uninhibited qualities of childhood, naïve in the commercial, adult world in which we've been so channelled, so I'm reminded of the inner worlds and creative powers suppressed by the pressures of social conditioning.

Shame really but it's how the world works

Psychic skills are all to do with the pineal gland so if someone wants to develop them they have to take particular care of that gland, physiologically and spiritually.

The keen person will take great care of their diet and particularly the water they drink. An impure body won't be much of a vehicle for communicating with the psychic world, surely.

It seems to me that our modern society is dismissing of these type of skills completely! What you say about drinking water got me thinking... Here in the UK they put a LOT of chemicals in our water, so even those who consciously make an effort to keep our body and mind clean struggle because we are unknowingly ingesting this water while we brush our teeth, wash and of course drink it straight from the tap! It is a huge shame, I'm hoping the shift in consciousness that some people are describing on the horizon will involve humans developing their less obvious talents... There is a large percentage of the brain we do not use (same with DNA) but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a purpose, my guess is that those cells contain some different abilities such as psychic ability which are still there in our consciousness, we have just forgotten how to access them.

ana luisa

Adding wood to the fire. For those of you who believe only some are "born" with these skills, can they be hereditary ?


I think so ... if not 'hereditary' as such, some similar dynamic.

My great gran was a Tarot and crystal ball reader ... as far as I know NO ONE ELSE in the family is involved in anything like I am. When I found out years ago, and heard the story and commented on it I was told by my mother not to 'be ridiculous' and how would that matter? "You also had a great grandfather that was Jewish and that didnt effect you."

"But I have been studying Hermetic Kabbalah as long as tarot !"

"Whats that?"

"Its a system of esoteric Judaism that was adapted in the west and applied to tarot cards."

" I dont know what those words mean."

- end of conversation -

apparently it can miss a generation ... REALLY MISS a generation ! :(


I, for one, do believe everyone has "it" to some degree. True, not everyone will excel in all or even any of these abilities. Some people don't realize that they do have 'it' though. Such as knowing who is calling on the phone when it rings, though there is no way they really should know this.

I also believe it depends on how one is raised to believe and behave. But this is not all of it, either.

I was raised in a family where my maternal side was very psychic. My mother read cards, is a psychic medium and could read a crystal ball, tea leaves, etc. Her 'specialty' however, were the cards and being a psychic-medium. Her mother and siblings also had these abilities--though only one sister really actively pursued it as my mother did. My grandmothers mother and her siblings were also all psychics and card readers, crystal ball readers, tea leaf readers and you name it. So, I was raised around it, however, my mohter and her family had this rule that they did not teach others how to develop their abilities because if it was meant to be--it would be so.

My own brother and one sister have had experiences with spirits and I am sure they could develop their abilities, but they want nothing to do with it. Mostly out of fear of what their neighbors and friends would think. :rolleyes: However, my niece and nephew of the one sister are also quite psychic. So, yes, I do think it probably runs in families as well.

I don't do anything special to 'protect' my pineal gland so that my abilities will develop stronger. I never even thought about that, tbh, nor heard that one should do this. I do drink purified water because our tap water is not very clean. I have grown up with flouridated water, flouride toothpaste and when younger, took flouride tablets often, as I have terrible teeth, unfortunately. I am a big soda drinker too. Always was, though when I googled about the pineal gland for psychic development, its a big no-no. All my family are big soda drinkers too.

I think we all have our strengths and gifts though. It may be clairvoyance, or clairaudience, etc. or it may be playing the piano, singing, or dancing or drawing and painting. We can also all develop any of these skills to a certain degree as well, if we have the desire to do so and perhaps are trained in such things and practice to make the skills stronger.

As with anything though, there are those who seem to master these things, even from childhood. Then there are some who don't even discover their talents till later on in life. I think it really depends on our own frame of mind, and also our surroundings that influence us and how we live our lives.


Apologies everyone! for throwing you the question and then dropping out.

I just haven't got here all week, almost. The plus side is I get back to a lot of thoughts on this page. I can't stop now (trying to modify my bedtime to earlier, lol) but I've read them all - not going to attempt to reply to any now - zapping the lot to my kindle to re-read and I'll come back with a Grand Coherent Theory.

Maybe. :D

Or maybe more fuel for the fire. I think what I'll do is put together a "theory" for others to "edit" and build on. This is a question that's been in my mind for a long time.