guides / intuition / higher power stuff... thoughts?


yes. exactly. you have to 'see' it as if you already have it and not allow anything negative to interfere. It works.

Ah, so that's the trick! I kinda go with putting good thoughts / intentions out to the universe on what i'd like. Not in terms of winning the lotto, although that would be nice lol.

Like job wise, I really wanted a new position that was up for grabs, and I was positive about it... but just focused on securing the job... I'll find out this week if I actually got the job....

The thing is what i've found out so far, and this is from very limited experience is - that you really have to be specific in what you want and have a detailed plan and yeah, not have any negative interfere with that thought process because the universe has a funny way of throwing things back at you....

For example my friend and I were discussing putting things out to the universe, and how we didn't want a negative person to come into to our office as she was just being really passive aggressive towards us. We were like right, we don't want her in our office anymore due to her behaviours... She hasn't been in our office to work for oh.... 2 months now! What we didn't put out to the universe was that she was welcome back into the office if she quit with the behaviours!

Just some ramblings...


Dear CN taught me about meditating and really relaxing and centring myself. I think that is when you are the most open with them. nothing in the way! I am still really a beginner in this on my own journey! This is really based on my own messages but I do have different guides but have not been able to find out about them exactly yet or see them. Since exploring this area and bettering my divination skills, I get clairaudient messages. I *think* it's from them but they don't reveal themselves or change their voices. it's just a phrase that pops into my head! when I meditate I can talk to the different one's but not exactly got into them yet!

Since discovering all this I get random messages come into my divination and also in real life (like "you shouldn't trust this person" for example). Also I have asked them for help in difficult situations, like please dear guides help me! I think I am having more faith and trust in an external force.

If I am very calm and centred I can also get images for myself and people of symbols. They seem to be over 60% accurate! but I can't always control it, none of my skills are 'on tap' yet. they come and go! But I don't see my guides ever. So I am really just at the beginning of my discovering journey.

I read a lovely visualisation meditation once about talking to your guides. A medium on a website was sure you needed to do this to "access" them but I think you just need to be calm and see what happens! in her meditation you make sure you are calm and relaxed and imagine a garden. I think you have to access the garden by going through an arch or unlocking a door. In the garden meet your guide in this "mutual place". I tend to imagine for me sitting on a bench in a beautiful garden. Once I was at the centre of a maze. It's a nice meditation visualisation of your spirituality and the idea you are meeting someone who comes to meet you there.


I connect with my guides by writing letters. We have a sort epistolary connection where I write a letter in a notebook and they will either reply by a sort of channeled free writing, or answers will come to me in my thoughts or dreams.

It works for us - lots of notebooks on the shelf all filled with our shared thoughts.

Good luck


I connect with my guides by writing letters. We have a sort epistolary connection where I write a letter in a notebook and they will either reply by a sort of channeled free writing, or answers will come to me in my thoughts or dreams.

It works for us - lots of notebooks on the shelf all filled with our shared thoughts.

Good luck

Thanks for sharing Starla,

I attempted doing some free writing... but I guess I can't let go of feeling a little strange ....
Glad that works for you!



Dear CN taught me about meditating and really relaxing and centring myself. I think that is when you are the most open with them. nothing in the way!

:) thank you, Daniel and yes, I agree with you, that this is when we are most open with them.

Starla, I LOVE your idea to write to your guides! I am going to try that too.


Celticnoodle, I'm interested in learning your method for connecting through meditation... do you have any advice or tips you can spare? Right now, I do vipassana meditation mainly.. but there are many other types out there that I'd like to learn a bit more about.


Celticnoodle, I'm interested in learning your method for connecting through meditation... do you have any advice or tips you can spare? Right now, I do vipassana meditation mainly.. but there are many other types out there that I'd like to learn a bit more about.

Espeet, everyone is different in how they like to meditate and so it may take you awhile to find the 'right' way for yourself. I, myself, do two types of meditation the most. The first one is praying, (some things a Catholic girl just cannot get out of her system!)--and I love the rosary prayer. Its always been 'my prayer'. So, I always start out doing this first. Now, I am not telling you to do that, as that is a very personal way for me to meditate and I know not for everyone.

However! Perhaps there IS something very personal to you that is similar and you can try. It can be something such as repeating a mantra that is special to you or some other form of "prayer" or repeating sounds. It may also be easier for you to start with this using a leading pre-programmed cd/dvd or youtube video. Or perhaps just doing it on your own.

My other fave way to meditate is to just find a quiet place where I can sit and I always ground and center myself--(which again is very different for everyone).

To ground myself, I always eat before meditating. Then, I place my feet firmly on the floor and imagine roots growing out of the bottoms of my feet going deep down into the ground where they are anchored.

I take a few deep breaths in through my nose and out through my mouth and sit up straight in the chair. (I have a special meditation chair too--but mainly because I'm so short, its the ONLY chair I own where my feet can touch the floor while I sit in it!). I also imagine a light being poured from the heavens that comes pouring down over me--and it envelopes me completely from a bit above my head to below my feet and outwards. Its also more comforting for me to keep my eyes closed while I do all this, but not a necessary step.

Then, I just sit still. Sometimes I can only do so for 05 or 10 minutes and sometimes I come out of the meditation realizing I have been meditating for 30 or more minutes! I am not exactly 'asleep' as I am still aware of my breathing and sitting in the chair and aware of the 'noises' in the room/outside. But, it is very relaxing.

If I want to meet with my guide or a deceased loved one, I make sure to voice this while I am going through the grounding and centering techniques. Sometimes I have a question to ask of them--and I do so as well. It is not always answered, so I warn you--that it may not be answered in the first meditation for what ever reason.

The biggest problem I had when beginning to meditate and I still have from time to time is mind chatter. Its a common thing among all people who meditate. Then, I either heard it or read it somewhere that one should just consider the mind chatter as a common sharing of our lives with the universe/guide. However, do your best not to dwell on any of it. So, a lot of times I will still try to meditate and all I can think of is the list of items that need to be done--example--

*oh, I need to call the electrician today and tell him....;I forgot to put down milk on the grocery list...I wonder if mom was able to get back to the store to buy that dress she liked....* things like this. But, I do my best to not allow those simple thoughts go further to where I am even rehearsing what I am going to say to the electrician, what he *might* say in reply, and what I am ready to continue to say to him. I'm also not going to allow myself to say which store I should get the milk at or what I would say to my mom if she does get the dress, and I see it and think it looks awful (or good) on her. I just allow the first simple phrase to come to mind, and then let it float away and leave it be.

Sometimes this mind chatter keeps going, and if so, I will just stop meditation that day and let it go and try again later that day or the next. Never think of it as a failure. Think of it instead as a time that you spent sharing your thoughts and what you are doing/have to do with the universe--your best friend.

Sometimes I find that just putting a cd with beautiful soft music on and sitting in my chair with my eyes closed, grounded and centered is all I can handle for meditation that particular day. That is fine too.

I have friends who cannot sit still, so for them, they go walking or running and that is meditative to them. Another friend loves to listen to hard rock and finds that meditative! :bugeyed: still surprises me, but whatever works for her! And, another friend meditates while gardening and another has found her true psychic gift is meditative drawing and painting for her clients. She actually goes into a meditative trance and has no idea what she is even drawing till she comes 'out'. When she comes out, she will quickly paint what she draws, (or perhaps she is still somewhat in the trance, I can't recall) and then writes what the drawing means to her for them. This is how she does her psychic readings for her customers--through her artwork. (though, she has stopped doing these for the time being, sadly). I had a reading done by her and she was EXCELLENT!!! I told her I'd buy another one from her anytime she starts back up again, but so far she has not gone back to doing these. :(

So everyone is different in what works for them, but my main advice is to not give up and don't force yourself to sit still if that is not for you. Even if you can sit, don't force a specific amount of time for yourself to do that. Do what is comfortable for you. Some days will come easy for you to meditate for 5 minutes, some for 35 minutes and other days you will feel like you just cannot do it at all.

Never try to meditate if you are on edge or stressed out until you can feel calm and ready to do so. I also feel like you should never attempt it on an empty stomach. And, never get upset w/yourself over the mind chatter. Just let it be and let it go! Try things you really enjoy doing as well, IF sitting still in a chair is not for you, perhaps a walk in the woods or walking on the beach is. There really is no wrong way--except if you are driving or using heavy machinery! ;)

The main purpose here is to calm and relax yourself to the point of being able to connect.

I do think it is easier for beginners to also set aside a specific time (such as first thing in the morning - or just after lunch, or right before bedtime) to meditate. Also having a routine, such as always sitting in this chair, always in a specific room, always with the lights dimmed or off, etc. Making it a ritual seems to make it easier for most people but not always the MUST DO.

Hope this can help you. :)


This was so thoughtful a response. Thank you for that! You've given me much to think about. I like the idea of drawing.. it sounds similar to automatic writing in a way. I think you're right in that there is a way for everyone and it may be what works for them (but not so much for another person).. the idea of prayer is intriguing as well.

I do very much want to learn how to connect with any guides/angels/higher power properly.. I've been getting some feedback in my thoughts (when I ask them questions or ask for guidance) and some pictures, but they're not easy to make out because they flash by so quickly.. so I thought maybe I was doing something wrong. But thinking about it, everyone is different, so it must vary from person-to-person.

celticnoodle, you kick so much bum! Thank you again!


I have so many thoughts about this.

I first learned to access "guides" through guided journeying / trance. This is extremely easy to me, I was always a daydreamer and it's like an extension of daydreaming. It's still the way I access them most. I have a hard time with meditation because my back hurts and I can't stop thinking, but give me a drum beat and a visualization and I don't even realize I've been sitting for 15 - 20 minutes.

I often sing too to bring me into that space. I had a teacher once that said some people are visual, some auditory, some physical, etc. So bringing elements into meditation that will help you stay in it can really help.

I also light candles and leave offerings for my guides, and have a daily gratitude practice along with them where I thank them all in order for walking with me. If I am working with an animal or deity and I can find a statuette or something to represent them I do that, it hangs out with the candle and offering. Guides will generally "tell" you what they like.

I've shifted from believing that guides were a part of myself/subconscious into believing that they are their own beings in the last few years. I'm not really sure where I stand on it, my rational mind still very much believes the first but when I opened myself up to the possibility of the second my journeys and daily experiences of guides became so much stronger. So I try to stay open to that possibility because anything that strengthens my practice is a step in the right direction.

I started out with only one - Spider - and now I have a host that I call in for issues as I need them. Sometimes I am going through something or trying to do a certain type of magic and I think a specific guide is appropriate so I invite them in. Sometimes in journey or in everyday life I'll have an experience where a guide comes through and I know I'm to work with them on a specific issue.

Hopefully that is helpful.. it's interesting to read other's experiences.


celticnoodle, you kick so much bum! Thank you again!
:laugh: You are most welcome, esspeet. And, thank you too!

UrbanBramble, thank you for sharing your way of meditating. I also do at times listen to a cd of drumming and rattles and I love that too! I did use to have a small little 'statue' of one of my power animals, whom I think is my 'main' power animal, but I don't recall whatever happened to it now! I have not even thought about it in so long! So, I'll have to try and find it again.

It sounds like you are lucky since you are able to reach your guides with a guided journeying/trance so easily. That is wonderful! I sometimes will also meditate with a visual tool too--often something I've drawn on a piece of paper myself, or a picture I've found. I have also been able to astral travel this way, using a picture as my focus to do so. Its been awhile, so another thing I'll have to find time to try again.

I do agree also that bringing the elements into meditation can help but if you are not comfortable with it, it is not a necessary step. One of my most recent and most enjoyable meditative times was when the hubby and I were vacationing on the water just a month ago. Our room had a nice balcony off of it that faced the water and it was also covered with a roof and had comfy chairs to sit on there. I took full advantage of it - especially early in the morning while the lake was still quiet and I just listened to the waves of the water and felt the cool breeze on my face. It was so delicious! :)

I've shifted from believing that guides were a part of myself/subconscious into believing that they are their own beings in the last few years. I'm not really sure where I stand on it, my rational mind still very much believes the first but when I opened myself up to the possibility of the second my journeys and daily experiences of guides became so much stronger. So I try to stay open to that possibility because anything that strengthens my practice is a step in the right direction.
I am so glad you brought this up too. I do definitely believe that our guides are their own beings. Possibly someone we've known in a past life time even. I know that one of my guides was indeed a 'friend' of mine from a previous life--as I journeyed back to that time to actually see myself in that life time and I again also saw my guide as he was to my then self. He saw me too and I'm not sure if he recognized me as someone he knew or what but we both locked eyes for a minute and then I was back in my body. It was a really interesting experience.

by chance, are you a shaman or studying to become one? I just get the feeling that you are possibly one or it can be you are what a shaman teacher I had once told me--"that you are a 'natural' shaman". Meaning in her words that you may not be what is considered a shaman, but you do have shamanic experiences that just come naturally to you. So, perhaps you are what she refers to as a 'natural' shaman. :)