Calling for guinea pigs: first time trying out bibliomancy!


Since your query was relationship related, I pulled a book I bought when we were visiting Dover Castle in England, Sir Cedric by Roy Gerrard.
I opened it and flipped the pages side to side to side then quick as a bunny put my finger in...eyes closed of course. Imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be the publisher info on the last page. Carpola, what can I make of that? the cards, the books never fail either.

"Conditions of Sale"
This book is sold subject to the condition that the Plates therein or any part of them, shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be made up for sale, or resold in any form other than the form which they are published."

The bolded is what speaks to me for both sections of your query.
How to heal and How to move forward.

We can't change other people but we can make ourselves stronger.
Have you been melding into something else in order to fit a relationship that doesn't fit?
Compromise is at the root of any relationship, but you have to pick your battles.
Is it worth losing/burying part of yourself? Are you rushing in where angels fear to tread?
Time will heal you, as it will me...but we have to be ready for it. Sometimes pain teaches a lesson first.

Moving forward? Reinforce who you are. Look inward and build your character, for want of a better word.
As you unfold and grow, those who would be a partner will gravitate to you. And you will see more clearly if they are worth it. Love is the hardest job any of us have, but the reward is priceless.

Best wishes, thank you for allowing me to read for you. Sharyn

Thank you so much for the reading. It resonated deeply with me--and you wrote it in such an eloquent way, too! You really hit the nail on the head with character building...the other day I was doing a brief one-card reading, and I got the Tower. I thought it just meant like I like to deconstruct stuff too much and it's almost an unhealthy inquisitiveness, but I began to think that it showed up because it was telling me I had no "firm foundation" and I can be easily torn down. I used to struggle with insecurities and low self-esteem and I think despite the fact that I am a changed and much more confident person now, there are parts of my "character tower" that remains incomplete and needs more work.

Thanks again for the reading. It gave me a nice jolt. :) And I am glad you can resonate with the reading I gave you. I wish you all the best and hope everything works out!! :) *sending you positive energy, rainbows and unicorns, all that jazz*



If you're still taking guinea pigs, I'd love to join in too! For my question, What can I do to make sure all flows very well with our new plan?

"'No, indeed!" I said. 'Pray go on. What kind of changes?'
But the old man seemed to be more in a humour for questions than for answers. 'Tell me,' he said, laying his hand impressively on my arm, 'tell me something.' For I am a stranger in your land and I know little of your modes of education: yet something tells me we are further on than you in the eternal cycle of change--and that many a theory we have tried and found to fail, you also will try, with a wider enthusiasm: you also will find to fail, with a bitterer despair!"
-From "Man in the Moon"

The passage seems to carry a gentle warning towards getting too caught up and too emotionally invested in your new plan. It seems to reflect your enthusiasm and your confidence, your readiness and willingness to advance. This may cause you to become less careful and less sensitive towards potential danger and conflict. What you can do is to listen to the "wise old man" inside of you, or maybe you have such a person in your life right now that fulfills this role. You can try to expand your range of vision so your attention is not funneling down to a single point of focus that blocks you from seeing everything else. You can also try to moderate your emotions a bit so you are better prepared for the risks you might be taking, and the known outcomes that you might face. Draw upon your own experience as well as the experience of others so you can avoid the potential obstacles. This way, you will be better prepared, and it'll be an easier road. :)

Let me know if you have questions. :)



"'In that case I would gladly stay,' replied Mein Herr. 'As it is--I fear I must say goodbye!'"
-From Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, Mein Herr

The best way to advance spirituality at this time is to know what is best for you and don't be afraid to differentiate and choose. The key is to remain confident about who you are, what you want, and what is best for yourself. Spirituality is a very personal thing and you should gravitate towards practices or ideologies that you are able to relate to and connect with. It's about refusing to make compromises or getting yourself involved with an unsuitable spiritual path because of what others expect of you or what you feel like you should be doing. You should be going towards the right path, and the right path is something you know that you deserve and something that just feels *right* to you. It is simple. You pursue what makes you feel good at ease, and walk away from whatever that makes you feel uncomfortable and whatever that compels you to compromise. If you ever feel trapped doing something supposedly spiritual, then you are probably heading towards the wrong direction. Spirituality is never about compromises. It sets you free. So follow the cookie crumbs of openness freedom and you'll be on your way. :)

P.S. After I posted this reading I decided to add this in as well...when I flipped open the book, I actually held the book upside down so the whole book was reversed at first. I laughed at my silliness and then I flipped it over so it's right side up. Maybe this is significant too--what you need right now might just be a brand new perspective, a new way of seeing the world. :)

Ah Kim, thank you so much. You're completely spot on with everything you say here. First of all the change in perspective is very true. I've been doing a bit of soul searching and I keep saying that I need a change of perspective so it's funny that would come up :)

With regard to everything else, it's very accurate. I've been using my intuition a lot and have recently walked away from something because it 'didn't feel right.' I'll continue using my instinct as my guide.

I also love what you say about refusing to compromise. So many times I talk myself out of pursuing classes that grab my interest because of silly things like the time, price etc. I always regret it. I realise that I need to stop compromising and just do what brings me joy and spiritual fulfillment.

Great reading Kim. Thank you! Do let me know if you'd like a tarot or an oracle reading in exchange :)


"'No, indeed!" I said. 'Pray go on. What kind of changes?'
But the old man seemed to be more in a humour for questions than for answers. 'Tell me,' he said, laying his hand impressively on my arm, 'tell me something.' For I am a stranger in your land and I know little of your modes of education: yet something tells me we are further on than you in the eternal cycle of change--and that many a theory we have tried and found to fail, you also will try, with a wider enthusiasm: you also will find to fail, with a bitterer despair!"
-From "Man in the Moon"

The passage seems to carry a gentle warning towards getting too caught up and too emotionally invested in your new plan. It seems to reflect your enthusiasm and your confidence, your readiness and willingness to advance. This may cause you to become less careful and less sensitive towards potential danger and conflict. What you can do is to listen to the "wise old man" inside of you, or maybe you have such a person in your life right now that fulfills this role. You can try to expand your range of vision so your attention is not funneling down to a single point of focus that blocks you from seeing everything else. You can also try to moderate your emotions a bit so you are better prepared for the risks you might be taking, and the known outcomes that you might face. Draw upon your own experience as well as the experience of others so you can avoid the potential obstacles. This way, you will be better prepared, and it'll be an easier road. :)

Let me know if you have questions. :)


Okay, I believe I do understand this. My husband & I are in the process of buying a vacation home. So far all is going smoothly, but the husband is in a hurry to get it done and move in! I am wanting to hold back a bit with packing things--what's the hurry? We have a home to live in and there will be time to move things there to the vacation home. :) But that is generally how we both are anyway in life, he is always wanting to charge in and I am wanting to take my time and do a little bit now and again.

There were a few things that did pop up in the inspection, which the current owners are taking care of. We had hired a very good inspector and he was very thorough with the whole process. I am not really fearful anything else will go wrong except that there may be some delays as there always are with closings on the sale of homes. But, you never know, do you?

I would say that right now I see this as pointing to my husbands crazy desire to put furniture in our barn right now that will be moved eventually to the new home. (why right now? I ask him, but then let him do so, or there is no peace. if this is what makes him comfortable, go for it, but at the same time, he is driving me crazy. :laugh:). Lets hope that this is the only 'risk' we are taking at this point in time. We have moved frequently, but only twice before did we actually move ourselves like we will this time too. Yes, there are always risks, but we have done extensive homework on this before jumping into it and we can afford this and should be okay.

Thank you for the reading and I was happy to see this was from
-From "Man in the Moon"


may i sit?
i'd like to know what adventures will i go through with TS in this life?


I would like to be your guinea pig, can you tell me what i need to know regarding t feelings for me

"And lastly there fell on me a sense of awe that was almost terror--some such feelings as Moses must have had when he heard the words 'Pull off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground'. The figures of the children became vague and shadowy, like glimmering meteors: while their voices rang together in exquisite harmony as they sang:

'For I think it is Love,
For I feel it is Love,
For I am sure it is nothing but Love!'"

-From "A Fairy-Duet

There is a sense that you are reaching the end of a cycle, a concluding chapter of your current endeavour. It seems that you are reflective, and you are processing what you have just newly experienced. The truth is you still haven't quite figured out what's happened to you or what you have done. Although you are still trying to grasp it and understand it fully, you know it is something big and something transcendental. Although details seem to blur and overlap and you can't create an exact timeline to make sense of your experience, you are gripped by what you have felt and how much you have felt. You may feel like something fresh and new has washed all over you and transformed you; you may feel like you are now part of something bigger, something beautiful. It is like a divine inspiration, and you have found and communed with your Muse. The message from this passage is that even though you may be unsure of what happened, you may even have doubts about it, but you should trust what you feel. Once you have calmed down and processed the shock and adrenaline, you will be able to get in touch with the truth that you have gained. You will be able to appreciate this experience as something wonderful and fruitful. :)

[end of reading]

Thank you for the opportunity and let me know if you have any questions. :)



"And lastly there fell on me a sense of awe that was almost terror--some such feelings as Moses must have had when he heard the words 'Pull off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground'. The figures of the children became vague and shadowy, like glimmering meteors: while their voices rang together in exquisite harmony as they sang:

'For I think it is Love,
For I feel it is Love,
For I am sure it is nothing but Love!'"

-From "A Fairy-Duet

There is a sense that you are reaching the end of a cycle, a concluding chapter of your current endeavour. It seems that you are reflective, and you are processing what you have just newly experienced. The truth is you still haven't quite figured out what's happened to you or what you have done. Although you are still trying to grasp it and understand it fully, you know it is something big and something transcendental. Although details seem to blur and overlap and you can't create an exact timeline to make sense of your experience, you are gripped by what you have felt and how much you have felt. You may feel like something fresh and new has washed all over you and transformed you; you may feel like you are now part of something bigger, something beautiful. It is like a divine inspiration, and you have found and communed with your Muse. The message from this passage is that even though you may be unsure of what happened, you may even have doubts about it, but you should trust what you feel. Once you have calmed down and processed the shock and adrenaline, you will be able to get in touch with the truth that you have gained. You will be able to appreciate this experience as something wonderful and fruitful. :)

[end of reading]

Thank you for the opportunity and let me know if you have any questions. :)


I feel this reading refers to the crossroad i have come to in which im trying to decide to whether i should or shouldn't let go a romantic connection which seems to be going nowhere, im lining toward letting it go and move on, but perhaps this reading is telling me, there is more i need to find out before doing so. Thank you for the reading, very helpful.


I AM BACK!! Finally got through all of the reading requests from another thread. Will be coming back to finish all the biliomancy requests from today on. 8D


I'm liking your style of interpretation. If you're not too swamped, I'd love to get a reading as well. I would simply like to know where to look to find something new and engaging in my life. :)

Question: "Where to find something new and engaging in life?"
Book: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Other Stories by Lewis Carroll

"Chapter VIII
In a Shady Place

The ten days glided swiftly away: and, the day before great party was to take place, Arthur proposed that we should stroll down to the Hall, in time for afternoon tea."

"VIII" or "seven"'s numerological meaning is curious inquisitions, research, and analysis. The first thing that came to my head was "school", but really it could be anywhere or anything that nurtures a school mentality--where you learn, accumulate new knowledge and insight, analyze what is already in place and gain better understanding/context of the things around you. Your fresh new adventure may be in a "shady" place; it could be something you used to have an aversion or prejudice towards, and as you get in touch with it and get to know it better, you learn to see through some of the preconceived notions that you have. This "new adventure" may not be immediately apparent to you, days will pass before you realize its worth and its meaning, but once you have the time to reflect, to just take pause and reflect on what you have achieved and been through, you will begin to realize that this experience has given you the opportunity to have a different perspective, a different vibe of zen that you are able to tap into.

Edit: So I accidentally misread VIII as VII (7)...for some reason I just gravitated towards that, sigh. Let me know if this resonates at all.


Question: "Where to find something new and engaging in life?"
Book: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Other Stories by Lewis Carroll

"Chapter VIII
In a Shady Place

The ten days glided swiftly away: and, the day before great party was to take place, Arthur proposed that we should stroll down to the Hall, in time for afternoon tea."

"VIII" or "seven"'s numerological meaning is curious inquisitions, research, and analysis. The first thing that came to my head was "school", but really it could be anywhere or anything that nurtures a school mentality--where you learn, accumulate new knowledge and insight, analyze what is already in place and gain better understanding/context of the things around you. Your fresh new adventure may be in a "shady" place; it could be something you used to have an aversion or prejudice towards, and as you get in touch with it and get to know it better, you learn to see through some of the preconceived notions that you have. This "new adventure" may not be immediately apparent to you, days will pass before you realize its worth and its meaning, but once you have the time to reflect, to just take pause and reflect on what you have achieved and been through, you will begin to realize that this experience has given you the opportunity to have a different perspective, a different vibe of zen that you are able to tap into.