Spritual experiences with deceased pets

Miss Woo

Last night, I felt my Pug on my body while I was in bed. My Pug died from cancer 7 months ago.

I was wide awake and thinking of getting up and opening a window because I was hot. I was lying on my side and I felt him get on my hip/thigh, walk around and settle down, except it was like the gentle, soft padding of a cat's feet and not like the heavy, painful 10 kg weight of my Pug insisting that my body is his bed! He used to do this a lot and sometimes he was so heavy that it would hurt me and I had to push him off.

I was awake and not dreaming. I have never experienced anything like this before and it is my first spiritual encounter with him (if that's what it was).

Have you ever experienced anything like that with your deceased pets?


I never have encounters with the deceased (animal or human) when awake. I only see them in dreams. And I have seen our pet parrot many a time in my dreams since he was put down. They are not 'memory' dreams. I felt an actual presence, like I would with a human who has passed on.

Miss Woo

I have only dreamt about my Pug once since he died...

I dreamt that I came home from somewhere and, as I was walking towards my front door, I saw my Pug and a Pug puppy running along the pavement towards me. I opened the door and they both went inside.

In the dream I was so happy that he had come back and he was alive. Afterwards, I thought perhaps it meant that I'm definitely going to get my Pug puppy (I'm getting a Pug puppy in about five months).


I have only dreamt about my Pug once since he died...

I dreamt that I came home from somewhere and, as I was walking towards my front door, I saw my Pug and a Pug puppy running along the pavement towards me. I opened the door and they both went inside.

In the dream was so happy that he had come back and he was alive. Afterwards I thought perhaps it meant that I'm definitely going to get my Pug puppy (I'm getting a Pug puppy in about five months).

And maybe your Pug's spirit will be watching over the puppy? That is so nice! I think he was definitely telling you to get a puppy.

Miss Woo

And maybe your Pug's spirit will be watching over the puppy? That is so nice! I think he was definitely telling you to get a puppy.

Yes, that's what I was thinking! The dream helped me to feel much more at peace with his death.


awww maybe he was reassuring you Selena! and good news you are going to get a new puppy in some months! :heart:

Miss Woo

awww maybe he was reassuring you Selena! and good news you are going to get a new puppy in some months! :heart:

Yes, it's very exciting! I'm going to be a Pug mum again! :)


Yes, you have had a visit from your dear deceased pug. :) And, if he visited you once, he will visit you more! Call on him, talk to him. Tell him you love him and miss him. He'll come again. :heart:

Have you ever experienced anything like that with your deceased pets?

yes, many times.

My dog from when I was a kid came to visit me, when I was in that half way state of waking up. He was a big dog, about 80lbs. maybe? and, I felt 'something/someone' jump on the bed and walk towards me. We didn't have any animals at the time and I opened my eyes and could even see where his "feet" were making impressions in the bed. Then, 'it' layed down on the bed beside me, (just like he did when we were kids).

At first, I wasn't sure who/what it was, and asked, and heard a dog bark. Then, I realized it was my dear friend from childhood.

He visits all of us, and once visited my mother and alerted her to a dangerous happening. Mom was babysitting my sisters children overnight. She had my infant nephew sleeping in the old styled crib all of us children slept in. She fell asleep watching television in the living room, and our dog came to her, pawed her. She opened one eye, saw him and told him to go lay down (forgetting he had been dead for over 25 years at that point! :p). He pawed her again, whined and barked at her. This was enough to make her realize he was visiting her, so she woke up and saw him run down the hall and into the room with the baby sleeping. So, she went down there to see what was happening and there was my infant nephew, with his head between the rungs of the crib. Luckily, he was not hurt, but it could've turned ugly. As soon as mom saw the babys position in the crib, our deceased dog disappeared. Lucky for us all he was on watch there. :D

often he will come through for me when I go to different psychics for readings too, as did our daughters pet guinea pig, and a few other pets. My aunts dog and the deceased grand dog also often comes to us. :)


I firmly believe that deceased pets can come back and visit us. It's happened to me many times. I had a beloved West Highland Terrier that sadly had to be put down due to illness two years ago. She was my best friend and I loved her with all my heart. We were inseparable so needless to say I was devastated when we got the bad news. Shortly after she had passed, she came back to me in dreams and still pops in every now and then. I always know it's her because the dream feels 'real.' As in, I can literally feel her wet nose against my hand.

When I'm at home in my parent's house, I really feel her presence. When I sat on the sofa, she would always come over to me and press her back against my shin, essentially 'leaning' against my leg and letting me support her body weight. The past few times I've been at home, I've felt this 'pressure' on my shin when I sit in that old spot. I also sometimes 'hear' her nails hitting the wooden floor, like they used to do when she'd run to greet me. It gives me immense happiness to know that she's still around :)

Miss Woo

Thank you for sharing your stories! :)

When I felt the weight on my hip I instantly knew it was my Pug. His favourite thing was being on me. That's why Pugs are called Velcro dogs LOL.