Energy Vampires/Cord Cutting


Folks were talking in another thread about people feeding off of others energy by keeping a connection aka cord that keeps them attached to the other person even if they are no longer in their life. Is this something someone else does or do people do it to themselves? How do you detect if someone has a cord or is feeding off of someone's energy and what can you do to stop it? Thanks for any insight into these questions.

Are there any divination techniques that work best for detecting and/or dealing with negative cords/energy?


That can be something that happens either consciously or unconsciously. You form cords to people you feel relationships with as you go through life either good or bad, anytime they become significant to you in some way, even if they don't drain energy. People who drain energy may or may not be aware of what they do, either way a cord will form. No matter what though, it's pretty easy to fix.

Google "cord cutting ceremony" and you'll find a variety of suggestions. Usually they call the negative cords attachments and the positive ones connections. Pretty much, meditate and feel for where the bad cords are and you can cut them with an athame, or with imaginary scissors with your finger, or if you're like me and you want to do this on a regular basis you might buy a special tool. I have an obsidian blade. You can try to feel out specific ones, and they may be cords to locations. Negative associations are black, positive ones can not be cut and are lighter. Usually positive ones are on higher chakra points.

I feel for a dark cord, cut it away from my aura, then rub the place with a piece of hematite to form a slippery protective "band aid" to the area so the cord can not reattach. I know that as I do this I am letting go of negative relationships and unhealthy bonds. It can actually be a theraputic psychological exercise even if you are mistaken about a purposeful negative bond.

I do this somewhat regularly because even without a psyvamp involved it's a good thing to do if you come around negative people a lot, especially manipulators. If the cords are cut, those people may drift out of your life, or the quality of the relationship may change to something less negative as their ability to manipulate you decreases.

Edit to add - Okay, I also want to say this. In my life I've heard a lot of people accused of being a psyvamp, and one claim to actually do this purposefully but "ethically" and only with permission. I've only met two where I think it's actually true. One unconscious and not aware of what she was doing, and I suspect the other new. I think the one asking me for permission was just a horny dork in a coffee house trying to cash in on the weird vampire love thing (why do people find the equivalent of falling in love with a hamburger erotic? I just don't get it.)

Don't jump to conclusions. If you hang out with this person and don't feel the need to take a nap afterwards, they're probably not a psyvamp. We all pick up a little bit of the other person's energy in a relationship, there's an open exchange. In fact, if this person makes you upset, you could actually be throwing your energy at them in an attempt to gain control of the situation, without being fully aware of what you are doing.

This is a non-divination question in a divination forum. I suggest you actually turn it into a divination question. Seek out the source of your discomfort, and be open to the fact that it may be psychological (anxiety drains energy too).

I ask my pendulum if an energy source (or drain in this case) is internal to me (psychological or my own energy shifting) or external. If external, I seek to find if it is purposeful or not, planned attacks in my experience are as rare as true psyvamps. (Unless you're actually going around associating with unethical occult practitioners on a regular basis.)



Thanks for all the info and I did rephrase my question to make it more clear why I was posting in this section as another poster asked about using the tarot for similar reasons although she called it a curse. You raise an interesting point about the psychological aspect of it, so I am wondering how you see that as different? This topic was brought up in terms of obsession or dependency and the idea was that someone was connected to you through this cord and causing you to remain thinking/feeling about them in an unhealthy way. If the cord is used to keep that sort of attachment alive it does involve a psychological component, right? I am sure you are right that most of this is subconscious. That true evil doing psychic vampires are few and far between, but what about when people create negative situations to keep you bound to them so to speak. Is this another attempt to keep a negative cord alive? Because if someone desires to feed off of your energy and they can no longer feed in a positive way they might settle for negative energy.

Thanks for insights. :)