Full moon and its effects on divination, spiritualism and paranormal activity


Thank you all for your responses. They've been plentiful, which is quite wonderful :)

No ancestors or deceased have been contacting me. I have been quite unsuccesful in receiving any kind of messages from the other side. But then again, I haven't made any real effort to contact it, perhaps trying tarot cards now and then. I would really like to make some progress in this contacting..

I however do know, that the only time I've seen a ghost (A "shadow person". Noticed it walking away. Don't really know if it noticed me noticing it. Also, I didn't have a sleeping paralyze during that moment.) was during full moon, and both me and my parents experience sleeping problems during full moon.

Due to my quite free schedule, I usually just stay up later until I become tired, thus skipping the sleeping problem part of the full moon bargain. I hate rolling around in bed for hours and hours..


Slightly off topic but I'm not sure if I should be envious of all of you that get so many ghost encounters or terrified of the whole prospect. I don't think my own dead relatives would make the most friendly of ghosts.


For some Tarotists, the full moon is the perfect time to cleanse, purify, or recharge their cards. Same goes for most crystals. Just put them in a place where the unfiltered full moon can shine on them for the whole night. Gotta be careful though, as you don't want unpredicatble rainshowers to wreck your deck or for sudden gusts of wind to scatter them all over the place.


Wonder how I missed this thread when it first showed up . . .

In folklore, the Full Moon begets "lunacy" as alluded to above. I was born under a Full Moon so it has always felt like a monthly "homecoming" to me. I love to sit quietly and "bathe" in its light (maybe recharging my intuitive "batteries"?). Astrology makes much of not only the Full and New Moon but also the entire "waxing" (increasing) and "waning" (decreasing) cycle; figuratively, one is better for "planting" (or initiating) certain things and the other for "gathering in" (or reflecting on) what what was accomplished. "Moon-gardening" is popular, but is more complex than that simplistic view (http://www.naturalnews.com/039036_moon_planting_lunar_phases_gardening.html). Solunar tables for hunting and fishing are another expression, and they are probably an elaboration of primitive instincts. Another use Scott Cunningham mentioned was "consecrating" a new magic mirror, in conjunction with running-water immersion. Regarding whether the "veil" is thinner during the Full Moon or the new Moon, I'm quite interested in whether astral work is more appropriate (and effective) during one or the other, since I haven't really paid attention to that in the past. I'll have to revisit my astral projection and scrying texts.


ooops! I had already posted before...