Research help: Cross-communication or "synchronicity" with visions?


Psychics: Cross-communication or "synchronicity" with your visions?

I'm researching the phenomenon of two psychics having the same or similar visions, whether at the same moment or at different times, but relatively close in time (a month or less apart).

1. What is the significance of such an occurrence, with respect to the future event seen?

2. Is there a direct connection between psychics or is the reason for this similarity in visions facilitated by a higher power/God allowing both psychics to tune into the same frequency?

3. Is this considered "cross-communication"?

From what I have researched, cross-communication is refers to more than 2 psychics seeing different bits of the same piece of literature and coming together later to put it all together. I don't believe , based on this functional definition, that what I'm explaining falls under cross-communication. Seems to be synchronicity, which is a coincidence.

Psychics, please weigh in. And any literature suggestions are greatly appreciated.


I guess it would depend if you are talking about two or more psychics or sensitive people accessing what Jung referred to as the Collective Unconscious.

Depending on the part of the world and culture you subscribe to, the access to that knowledge stems from different things, a place, an ancestor etc.

I don't understand what 'ustsaoky' is?


I don't understand what 'ustsaoky' is?

Thank you for responding, Milfoil. My apologies.
"Ustaoky" = the phenomena by which Miss Nine types with fat fingers and fails to thoroughly review her post before publishing.


Were you thinking the source of the information seen by two or more intuitive a would come from the part of the collective unconscious having to do with Freud's "archaic remnants"?

From Wikipedia's article on Collective Unconscious*:
Jung linked the collective unconscious to 'what Freud called "archaic remnants" – mental forms whose presence cannot be explained by anything in the individual's own life and which seem to be aboriginal, innate, and inherited shapes of the human mind'. He credited Freud for developing his "primal horde" theory in Totem and Taboo and continued further with the idea of an archaic ancestor maintaining its influence in the minds of present-day humans. Every modern man, he wrote, "however high his conscious development, is still an archaic man at the deeper levels of his psyche."

So, this archaic remnants explanation would show that the source for the messages is external.

*please take note in case of inaccuracy of author. I haven't reviewed the sources yet.

To add, here is the wiki link to Cross-Correspondence.

Cross-correspondence seems not to draw on the collective unconscious based in ome's archaic remnants. The psychics meditating are recalling a bits of the same script. This experimentation took place in the early 20th century.


Yes, archaic vestiges. However it doesn't necessarily follow that they are external. It could be merely a way of how we understand consciousness and how we are both part of it (in a collective sense, like drops of water in an ocean) while being simultaneously individual in our memories. So, like bricks in a wall, there is no division from the whole unless you redefine what the whole is (ie is it a brick or is it a wall? Is the wall part of the world, is the world part of the Universe etc - so there is no division.)

Internal and external are, therefore simply different views of the same thing merely dependent on viewpoint (ie are you looking down the tube or side on?)


I can't really comment on cross correspondences simply because at any one time, any of us are influenced and informed by the world we live in, the news the events of the day, the political motivations etc and hence it is impossible to remove those influences from each psychic or medium's mind to get a true measurement of correspondences. Instead it could be argued that the 100th monkey effect, which is a more recent observation is a more likely candidate for human synchronistic foresight.


Wow. Thank you for all this information and clarification. My brain feels like it did in philosophy class in college. It takes me time to process bits and pieces at a time.

I'm going to look into the information some more. I have a university close by and I was thinking of checking their psychology books out. There is also a medical school library that is open to the public.
I feel those who have the gift have a specific purpose for using them. Ie. Some are psychics, some are mediums.


Thank you for responding, Milfoil. My apologies.
"Ustaoky" = the phenomena by which Miss Nine types with fat fingers and fails to thoroughly review her post before publishing.

Grin. :)