Questions about mediums...


I feel a J does someone have a John in the spirit world, perhaps a Jeff or a Jason

You used to have family holidays as a child

You had a pet when they were young

An older relation has passed over, I see someone with almost white hair

I could go on LOL LOL LOL :laugh:

Cold reading is extremely common in UK

In UK some supposedly famous mediums have people in the crowds at the entrance and again during large freshment breaks during the performance, gaining information about people which they then pass on to the medium, who in turn astounds the entire audience with their accuracy :bugeyed:

Another trick is to have people planted in the audience :(

I have only even come across ONE genuine medium (she was actually tested by an institute) and heard of TWO others

I was always curious as to how someone could read in big groups...even super real mediums. Wouldn't it be an onslaught of information? I guess it would just take tons of practice to sort through it...and yes, it would be much easier to fake in a big group, I would think. More odds in the "readers" favor to hit on something with someone due to there being more people.

I had one reading that the woman blew me away. She actually didn't advertise as a medium but as a psychic. She hit on a lot of things that were very specific to my life (and this was a walk in at a new age fair...she didn't have any info on me)...and as I was getting ready to get up, she says "someone is here for you" and proceeds to talk about my grandma who had passed away a few months before. It was so detailed...really random stuff from my childhood. Example...she talked about a red yard stick that grandma had that she would threaten us with when my sister and I fought. lol Sounds mean but my grandma wouldn't have hit us no matter what we did. It was actually funny when she threatened fear of repercussions. There were many little details like that. I have no doubt she was the real deal.


I went to a thing recently and I definitely think you can sense some spirits and not others. There were multiple mediums there and each was completely different and seemed to pick up on different entities. No one claimed the room was filled but by the time everyone was done there would have to been a lot flitting about. Joining then departing, some staying around. I am blessedly unaffected by things like that unless I'm between sleeping and waking but I do think that these mediums were legit. They were basically doing a service without getting much in the way of financial compensation.

I wonder how it if each medium works on a different vibration? Spirits come in on that vibration so only a specific medium can see or hear it.

Hmmm...interesting to ponder.


I'm having a giggle... Like GOTH said, I really do think some people like putting on a show... and.... some people fall for the OMG she / he is a medium... in a hippy git shop, they must be REALLY GOOD medium and people will proceed to throw money at them :p

Interesting that you couldn't pick anything up from the "medium" in the shop too!
I guess if nothing else, you know who is real and ... perhaps faking it when you go for a reading yourself. :p

I tend to go on other people's recommendations if I want a 'really good' reading. Having said that, I have seen a few 'psychics / mediums' who have totally done a cold reading on me... *rolls eyes*

And...Sometimes I feel like a bit of a hack if i'm actually doing a paid reading for someone and they're like yeah no.... that isn't right... no, that didn't happen NO, NO, NO.... lol. *rolls eyes*