butterfly dream - help to interpret


I had a weird vivid dream tonight that feels meaningful, but I don't know how to interpret it.
I dreamt that a beautiful large Monarch butterfly got inside my left ear and got stuck in it. In the wax. Like it wanted to eat it, but got stuck in it like in a glue. I was trying to get it out. It was weird. Felt so real.

What can this possible mean? I am struggling where to take this.

Starri Knytes

Short and sweet! What a great dream, I'm surprised you didn't get this.
The butterfly represents metamorphosis or transition. The ear is the message needed to make the transition and the earwax is showing that the message is getting stuck. It's not getting through.

Do you feel like you are on the precipice of discover and growth in some area of your life. This is a message to unstick your ears so you might receive the message and transition into the beautiful butterfly you are meant to be.

I hope that this helps.
Bright and Magical Blessings.


I agree with what Starri mentioned here. First of all, what a lovely dream! And, secondly, butterflies are all about tranformation and joy. Its a very spiritual symbol. Because this butterfly went into your ear and was stuck, I'd agree with what Starri mentioned--that you need to pay attention and listen to what is being told to you. Also, I wonder if it might indicate if you will develop clairaudience?