Help required to banish a presence


I once had a friend who bought a house where every single interior door had a snarling wolf's head figurine above it. This REALLY freaked him out, so he asked me to help him "clear" the house. Using Israel Regardie's How to Make And Use Talismans I created and charged a talisman that I used with a short, appropriate cleansing ritual in each room. For no other reason than that it literally fell into my hands (I found it on the ground), I used a pristine piece of white birch bark for the inscription. I remember almost nothing about this 30-year-old event beyond the doing of it, so can't provide any specifics. He never had any issues after that, but the settling of his mind may have been the greatest benefit.


Its a handy little book that .


We had something similar, without the physical "symptoms", several years ago - one corner of one room. When I tuned in I felt it was a female presence and that her intention wasn't to do harm, but that she may do harm unintentionally because she was needy. The corner happened to be where my youngest had his bed!

The main thing I did was have a conversation with her. I told her first that she must not do anything to harm my son or any of us, and I didn't mince my words! But I also reassured her that we meant her no ill and that I personally wished her to find peace. I asked her politely to go somewhere else, or if something prevented that, to communicate to me more clearly than she had done so far.

I never did hear what she wanted/needed, but after a bit I became comfortable that she had either gone, or quietened. Not to say there was noise or anything like that, but the unsettled feeling left the place and I felt she was either less troubled, or absent now. By "after a bit", I mean that I had to repeat talking to her a few times, when I thought she'd gone but my sense of her came back.

I suppose my tone was as if talking to a child visiting my house: firm, friendly but absolutely clear about my/our limits. Reassuring that I wished her well, offering to help if I could, but never prioritising her over my own household.


PS. Can't remember if I used scents (more likely essential oils in a burner, but could have been incense); if I did it would have been sage for cleansing, and maybe ylang ylang for peace, gentleness, and sleep since it was a bedroom. Pretty sure I wouldn't have thought of crystals back then. The black tourmaline sounds a good idea.


Curious as to how this is going for you.

I've heard stories of this growing up... Folktales, I guess... about spirits that torment your sleep, and only ever your sleep. A large part of my education came in the form of folktales which were handed down and is (I guess) why I'm mentioning it. Obviously not to be taken seriously in this case though, but in these stories, the spirit doesn't ever leave until it gets to communicate the message that it came to give. If this were one of my stories, it would be trying to show you something in that room. Lol.

Well, I have cleansed with salt, lavender, crystals, exhortations of a kind - as in, please go back to the Univarsal plenum of energy, where you belong - and suggestions for it to leave. Even sent it on with some love. I have not yet done the sage bit, that is next. And as I rarely sleep in there, I have not yet tried to sleep there again! It does not want to communicate much, though I did use my tarot cards to try and communicate with it.

Interesting, about your folk tales! Thanks for taking an interest! :)

I once had a friend who bought a house where every single interior door had a snarling wolf's head figurine above it. This REALLY freaked him out, so he asked me to help him "clear" the house. Using Israel Regardie's How to Make And Use Talismans I created and charged a talisman that I used with a short, appropriate cleansing ritual in each room. For no other reason than that it literally fell into my hands (I found it on the ground), I used a pristine piece of white birch bark for the inscription. I remember almost nothing about this 30-year-old event beyond the doing of it, so can't provide any specifics. He never had any issues after that, but the settling of his mind may have been the greatest benefit.

I will have to track that book own, sounds fascinating! And hey - I don't so much care if the spirit is present, I just want it to leave me and mine alone! So even if all this does is make me feel better, so be it :)

@ Mandmaud - interesting story about your presence! I have taken the same tack, being very firm and telling the presence it may not harm me or mine. Trying to convince it to leave though! ;) going to try burning sage tomorrow, I will open the windows and mask myself so I don't suffer from breathing it. It feels to me as though the presence is still there, a bit, but diminished from what it was. Kind of like your experience, I guess!


I'm sorry you are having problems with this Spirit Padma :( Sorry about the awful nights sleeping with there!

When you first moved into the house, do you remember you posted about Feng Shui because there was a bad energy in a room, was it this or was that a different room?

I hope you find a solution and please post about what helped if you found one!

I was searching AT and found this very old thread with advice -
how to get rid of spirits

I have no experience in this area but I think I would do a divination reading to ask about the spirit there (but not an ouija board reading probably). If you feel comfortable doing a tarot / oracle reading, there is a great spread here about finding out about hauntings.

let us know your progress and good luck :heart: :love:


It does not want to communicate much, though I did use my tarot cards to try and communicate with it.

Down to the bare bones of what's needed - you don't need it to communicate. You don't need to know anything it has to say, as long as it takes note of what you have to say (though I'm sure you'll be interested if it does communicate something ;)).

Trying to convince it to leave though! ;)

Again... you don't really need it to leave, if you can co-exist peacefully. But you DO definitely need it to stop causing the physical problems that disturb your sleep.


I'm sorry you are having problems with this Spirit Padma :( Sorry about the awful nights sleeping with there!

When you first moved into the house, do you remember you posted about Feng Shui because there was a bad energy in a room, was it this or was that a different room?

It is a different room, Danieljuk :) It was my bedroom that had a bad Feng Shui due to the placement of the bed - once the bed was moved, the problems resolved themselves! :)

Danieljuk said:
I hope you find a solution and please post about what helped if you found one!

I was searching AT and found this very old thread with advice -
how to get rid of spirits

I have no experience in this area but I think I would do a divination reading to ask about the spirit there (but not an ouija board reading probably). If you feel comfortable doing a tarot / oracle reading, there is a great spread here about finding out about hauntings.

let us know your progress and good luck :heart: :love:

Thanks for the spread and the thread about spirits, Dan, I will check them out today! I have used my cards to speak to it, I think I got a pretty clear answer, but I can try the spread you mention as well!

Down to the bare bones of what's needed - you don't need it to communicate. You don't need to know anything it has to say, as long as it takes note of what you have to say (though I'm sure you'll be interested if it does communicate something ;)).

Well...I don't love the idea of speaking to it, but I do find communication flows better if it is a two-way street :) So I am going to do the smudging with sage today, and I will just remain open to see if it wants to chat. But definitely I agree with you, it must stop disturbing us!


If this is, in fact, a spirit, the absolute first and foremost thing you should do is remove ALL of your Tarot from that room. I have had dealings with similar things several times over the course of the past twenty-seven years, and all of those people who tell you "well, all you really need to make sure you don't do is NOT use a Ouija Board" are nutcases: Tarot can also provide a "portal". Anything can become a tool for a negative spirit, from your TV to your cellphone to your Tarot. Even if it's NOT a negative spirit or entity with which you're dealing, I'd still move your Tarot, just to be on the safe. So much time and energy goes into charging a deck--do you really want something like THAT charging them FOR you? I think not! And if it's NOT an actual presence, clearly the room gives both you and your husband a "negative vibe", so you really don't want your Tarot in an area that you associate with negativity.

Having said all of that, I've been reading up on parapsychology and the paranormal (and have had more than my fair share of experiences with all of the above) since the ripe young age of 13 (that's thirty-years' worth, y'all), and your experiences with attempting to sleep in the room are very much in line with the "Hag Effect", aka Sleep Paralysis (which is likely why someone else pointed you towards The Nightmare painting and song). Many people's "paranormal experiences" can be chalked up to Sleep Paralysis, which can feel very much the same as a psychic attack. You might want to further research that.

If in your case this IS a negative spirit or entity, people can sit here all day and tell me that ALL paranormal "negative energies" are spirits if they'd like, but I've had numerous experiences with these things, and I can tell you first hand: not all things that "go bump in the night" or attack you spiritually are merely "angry dead people". Am I saying that demons are real? Why, yes, yes I am. But they aren't the only negative non-human entities out there. Many folk traditions also describe negative non-human entities: the Boo-Hags of West Africa and the Southeastern United States; the Dark Fae of the British Isles; the Puckwedgies of New England (Native American); the list goes on and on. You should definitely research what "indigenous" entities there might be in your area (including Elementals, which are everywhere, and are NOT always negative, but if you've ticked them off, poor you!), as well as consider that this might be something even more "unsavory". I don't know what your religious background or spiritual convictions are, but I have personally found that the Prayer of St. Michael The Archangel works well in instances like this, if you ARE dealing with a non-human entity that is not of the "indigenous" (Elementals; dark energies from local "folk traditions") variety. When dealing with Elementals and "folk spirits", it is best to appeal to them from THEIR "tradition", rather than yours. For example, if you've angered an Earth or Air Elemental (and your case definitely lends itself to either of those), you would attempt to BALANCE what you've done to anger them by appealing to their energy (offerings of crystals or incense). In the event of a "folk spirit", you will need to do heavy research into what local peoples did to "ward off" those energies (for example, to "ward off" a Boo-Hag in the Southeastern United States, one would wear something light blue--a necklace, bracelet, scarf, whatever--and possibly paint their door lintel that same color, as well as placing a broom at the foot of the bed).

Prayer of St. Michael (scroll down for the more "user-friendly" short version):

Aunty Anthea

How to make an Amulet for Protection

I am a practising witch and HERE is the link to a genuine witches site with easy to follow recipe and spell needed to create a protective charm/amulet.

This amulet is meant to give you overall protection against physical and spiritual harm.

Where the spell says salt, it should read sea salt.

Blessings })