Am I Reading the Runes Right?


Hello all!: ) So I've been doing rune divination for about 3 to 4 ish years. What I have noticed is that there are so many rune meanings for each of the runes. Some sources say different things about the true meanings of the runes. For example some might say THURISAZ means protection and some might say its bad or its a warning for something bad. Some also say this is Thor's hammer, but some also say that this rune literally means the ice giants or thorn. How do I know which reins true for the meaning?

LAGUZ means water so it means going with the flow, but I also associate this rune for the suit of cups in the tarot, so I would link those two meanings together. I also read the SOWILO rune as the sun tarot. My question to you is do I have to read the runes like the ancient nordic people did in their original meanings or can I associate the runes with other symbols and meanings? If it means the sun then can I associate this rune with what I personally think what the sun means to me? Do any of you do the same? What is your opinion on this and what is your advise for me? Thank you and Happy Holidays!


I learned runes much as I learned Tarot. I learned the basic meanings, then found out how they related to my situation and went from there.

They can be figurative or embarrassingly literal. It all depends on the question. Do a rune a day, or a rune a question, and see how they speak to you.

They're just as rewarding as cards. They're just different. Good luck!