Messages from the birds


I've been feeding birds outside my windowsill for a while, as a religious practice...sometimes I leave breadcrumbs out overnight, sometimes after I wake up, sometimes when I hear a bird outside my window. Today, I woke to the forlorn cooing of a pigeon, which I took to mean, "FEED ME." So I got up, got a slice of bread, shredded it onto my windowsill, during which time pigeons flocked all around me, waiting. Shredding done, I closed my windows & left them to it. But they didn't show up for quite some time, which was odd. They were usually onto it pronto. I wondered, "Where are they?" And mere seconds after that thought, a pair swooped onto my windowsill and started pecking away.

It feels like a message from my guides that they're around, they're influencing things, they're listening to my thoughts, and ready to respond pretty much instantly, which is so squee I decided to share it on here. I would love to hear any augury stories any of you would like to share too :)


That is a lovely story and wonderful you have such a connection with the birds. I know birds can mean so many different things, also depending on the bird species.

We live in a very old farmhouse, out in the country, and we use to have some eagles that had a nest nearby. I haven't seen them in awhile though, so they must have moved on. But, I can say that when they would fly above our property, it was just so inspiring and beautiful. I'd sit on my deck and watch them hours flying and soaring.

It was also at a time when I really developed my mediumship abilities to a large degree. I had joined another medium online and together we ran psychic medium circles. This went on for a few years, and I learned so much through those circles and working with everyone there. I know the eagle symbolizes hidden spiritual truths coming out to you and also helps one to help others heal. I feel that our psychic circles were healing for many, so that was really inspiring.

At the same time as the eagles, we also had a lot of crows and ravens who nested close and they often brought me/us gifts. I'd always find shiny things on our deck--most usually quarters, though that didn't really start until after my father passed away. As a kid, my dad was always giving us change so we could go get a treat (back when you could get a soda or ice cream for small change!), and so I feel like it was a gift from him brought to me , possibly through the crows and ravens here. :D


We have a woodland nearby and a crow-ery (hope that's a word!) which flies about in really amazing formations around my house at dusk. Then they all land on my roof and sing/squawk to me and fly off again. I don't look at them and divine messages for me per se, but I do try to listen and feel in to what they are saying to each other with their swirly shapes. Sometimes I'll be gardening and some birds, especially blackbirds, will attempt to start a conversation, and I can just about understand when they are happy, saying cautious 'hi', 'oh no there's the cat, fly away', 'yay I've found a worm', or 'human, please help us- the magpie is attacking our nest'.


Celticnoodle - That's just beautiful! Very timely appearances of those birds in your life indeed. They really show themselves as messengers of the other side if we care to notice. And what a sweet way of your dad to show he's still around watching over you :)

Earthair - I just love observing the antics of wild birds, and bird-spotting, which I thankfully get to do at the Botanic Gardens in my uber-urban city-state. Some of them are cautiously accustomed to humans, some stay high up in the trees, & I squeal whenever I spot a rare bird :)

I've learnt to take note when birds or other animals act weird around me. I just remembered... Last year, an adorable tiny yellow-breasted, green-winged bird flew into my living room in the middle of the night - very odd, very rare, I still don't know what breed it is. I switched on the light & this little thing shot across me - we startled each other, lol. At first I thought it was injured because it was on the floor, but when I got close it shot away from me, with what sounded like an annoyed chirp & perched on a wall clock lol. Wasn't afraid of me though... Flitted around a bit after that before settling on the COFFEE TABLE, of all places, & puffed itself up into an adorable little puffball and fell asleep right there. Didn't budge even when I had my iPhone a foot away from it. I was as silent as could be, but couldn't it sense me?

At dawn it was awake and still hanging about when I came out of my room. It saw me, flew to the window, but didn't fly out - just perched there, & actually looked quizzically at me while I had my iPhone in its face again, and didn't fly out the window! Just shuffled a couple of inches away as if to say, "OK, that's close enough." What an oddly tolerant bird! I just left the bird to it after a few shots and it flew away eventually.

The colour is significant too - yellow-breasted birds are auspicious in my culture. I think I'm getting the message in the bird's antics now, considering events in the past year up to now...


Celticnoodle - That's just beautiful! Very timely appearances of those birds in your life indeed. They really show themselves as messengers of the other side if we care to notice. And what a sweet way of your dad to show he's still around watching over you :)
:) T.Y., Yannie.

I've learnt to take note when birds or other animals act weird around me. I just remembered... Last year, an adorable tiny yellow-breasted, green-winged bird flew into my living room in the middle of the night - very odd, very rare, I still don't know what breed it is. I switched on the light & this little thing shot across me - we startled each other, lol. At first I thought it was injured because it was on the floor, but when I got close it shot away from me, with what sounded like an annoyed chirp & perched on a wall clock lol. Wasn't afraid of me though... Flitted around a bit after that before settling on the COFFEE TABLE, of all places, & puffed itself up into an adorable little puffball and fell asleep right there. Didn't budge even when I had my iPhone a foot away from it. I was as silent as could be, but couldn't it sense me?

At dawn it was awake and still hanging about when I came out of my room. It saw me, flew to the window, but didn't fly out - just perched there, & actually looked quizzically at me while I had my iPhone in its face again, and didn't fly out the window! Just shuffled a couple of inches away as if to say, "OK, that's close enough." What an oddly tolerant bird! I just left the bird to it after a few shots and it flew away eventually.

The colour is significant too - yellow-breasted birds are auspicious in my culture. I think I'm getting the message in the bird's antics now, considering events in the past year up to now...
wow! what another cool experience. what type of a bird was it, do you know?

My sil has the red tail hawk as a power animal. (totem animal). Its funny, because whenever something BIG is about to occur for him, he will see red tail hawks everywhere around him. There is one who comes and sits on their fence in the backyard. They also follow him when he is on his way to work and when he is at work. He has a natural way with animals of all kinds--and its really funny, because he is a big guy-with lots of tattoos and drives a Harley--so usually, people are a bit fearful of him, but the animals all love him. And, at work (he works outside)-his co-workers refer to him as the "animal whisperer" like the guy on tv, because the wild deer will come right up to him and lick the palm of his hands and allow him to gently pet them. He had the same experience with a very large owl at work once, allowing him to come right up to him, and stroke his feathers and his belly! The owl was about 3 or 4' tall--so a huge owl!

I use to have a customer who came to me on a regular basis for tarot card and psychic readings. She was an American Indian, and her name had "Seven Hawks" in it. The red tail hawk was also her totem and I would often see seven hawks in one day--and know it was a sign that she'd be in touch with me within a day or two. It always happened. The hawks would also just come and sit near where ever I was, and stare right at me. It was truly eerie. If I were driving, they'd swoop down and nearly hit my car and then land when I would come to a stop, and again stare right at me. :laugh: She is no longer a customer of mine--but it happened to me a lot when she and I worked together.:D

Another interesting happening for me was with a wild rabbit. One day, I was talking to my sister on the phone and happened to look out on my deck--which is partially enclosed. The rabbit was standing on his hind legs and just looked at me. I was only about 2 or 3 feet away from me and I talking on the phone. Generally, they never even came up on our deck--but would hide underneath it. I knew instinctively we were going to hear of a birth in the family, and told my sister. Then, a few hours later, our daughter called us to tell us they were pregnant with baby #1.

Birds and animals are great with giving us messages, if we only just will take the time to listen to them. :D


What a wonderful experience you've had!

I've had many experiences with birds. Each species have their own message.

When I needed nurturing, the ducks were always there to interact with me. When I need a message from the Universe, Raven is always present with me. When I need to look at things from a different perspective, I see Hawk.

I love how the Universe communicates with me through Nature :)


Last year, an adorable tiny yellow-breasted, green-winged bird flew into my living room in the middle of the night - very odd, very rare, I still don't know what breed it is. .

Yannie, I wonder if it was a bee-eater. If my guess about your (highly urbanized city-state) homeland is correct, It might be a blue-tailed bee-eater, with green wings & a yellow breast :)

They're migratory.

Another possibility is an escaped pet--perhaps a parakeet?


My sil has the red tail hawk as a power animal. (totem animal). Its funny, because whenever something BIG is about to occur for him, he will see red tail hawks everywhere around him. There is one who comes and sits on their fence in the backyard. They also follow him when he is on his way to work and when he is at work. He has a natural way with animals of all kinds--and its really funny, because he is a big guy-with lots of tattoos and drives a Harley--so usually, people are a bit fearful of him, but the animals all love him. And, at work (he works outside)-his co-workers refer to him as the "animal whisperer" like the guy on tv, because the wild deer will come right up to him and lick the palm of his hands and allow him to gently pet them. He had the same experience with a very large owl at work once, allowing him to come right up to him, and stroke his feathers and his belly! The owl was about 3 or 4' tall--so a huge owl!
Heheh, some people might look fearful to others but animals have a way of sensing our energies :D this and your wild rabbit experience reminds me of an experience with a stray cat I had just yesterday - I was headed somewhere, there were other people around me, and this stray cat lounging by a bench lay in my general direction... Of all the people around, it spotted me and got up walking towards me, mewing like it wanted to be petted lol. That was weird...

I use to have a customer who came to me on a regular basis for tarot card and psychic readings. She was an American Indian, and her name had "Seven Hawks" in it. The red tail hawk was also her totem and I would often see seven hawks in one day--and know it was a sign that she'd be in touch with me within a day or two. It always happened. The hawks would also just come and sit near where ever I was, and stare right at me. It was truly eerie. If I were driving, they'd swoop down and nearly hit my car and then land when I would come to a stop, and again stare right at me. :laugh: She is no longer a customer of mine--but it happened to me a lot when she and I worked together.:D
Wow yeah, this is powerful spooky!

Birds and animals are great with giving us messages, if we only just will take the time to listen to them. :D


What a wonderful experience you've had!

I've had many experiences with birds. Each species have their own message.

When I needed nurturing, the ducks were always there to interact with me. When I need a message from the Universe, Raven is always present with me. When I need to look at things from a different perspective, I see Hawk.

I love how the Universe communicates with me through Nature :)

It's great to see the different significances of different birds! I love how the Universe communicates with me through nature too :)


wow! what another cool experience. what type of a bird was it, do you know?

Yannie, I wonder if it was a bee-eater. If my guess about your (highly urbanized city-state) homeland is correct, It might be a blue-tailed bee-eater, with green wings & a yellow breast :)

They're migratory.

Another possibility is an escaped pet--perhaps a parakeet?
I've seen those bee-eaters in the Gardens a couple of times! No it wasn't a bee-eater, because it doesn't have that tail, and it wasn't a parakeet either, although it could be an escaped pet. Its long sharp black beak, long black feet and small size resemble that of a sunbird's, although when I googled sunbirds/Singapore sunbirds, none of their colours matched the one I saw. So it could be a rare breed of sunbird, but I can't be sure. Head is yellow with patches of green and dark green-rimmed eyes, dark green wings with specks of white, full bright yellow underside. It has a delightful, cheerful trill, even while tweeting its annoyance at being disturbed, lol. Thanks for the helpful link, though :)