Night Hag?


Hi BE,

So sorry you've been experiencing this. It's happened to me - about the same frequency as it sounds like it's happened to you...

At start of this year it happened. I was exhausted and living in a space where the place was new and decked out in amazing affluence but the energy was stale and intrusive ... I decided to move.
As I started to get ready to move, in that period, those experiences happened . I was asleep and felt like something was on top of me and I couldn't get out. I couldn't wake myself up until I forced myself somehow.
Yes, sleep paralysis but it felt like psychic attack.
Really important to clear the space through smudging or incense , clapping and lighting candle to diffuse and making sure lights are on even when you're away from the place for awhile. Dedicate the space to light, truth and love.
It hasn't happened since but I've left the place. Hope this helps. As said earlier, they're terrifying experiences. But they're phenomenon. As an incarnated being you are always stronger.
Light surrounds you BE:)



Everyone experiences sleep paralysis differently. I don't ever feel things or hallucinate, I'm just stuck, and like another user I've turned it into lucid dreaming. When I want it to end, though, I focus on moving my pinky. The strange thing is, I can't force it, trying to move it in a panic. I just have to relax and trust that I'll be able to do it. The moment I can move my finger, the spell is broken, so to speak.


I've had the old woman sitting on me when I was a child, maybe 10 years or so. Last year bunch of gray figured appeared, they are more looking like shadowy skinny people. I had no trouble breathing or any fear just a moment when I felt trapped and couldn't wake up.
I do not remember what was going on in my childhood bit my last year was quite stressful.


Couple of years ago i had a sleep paralysis attack. It was my first attack. It was scary. I saw a white figure move around my leg. it laid next to me and whispered something in my ears. i was pretty scared. it felt that it was the longest time had stood still.
eventually i was able to move my body but the experience left me scared and terrified. i tried searching on net about what had happened.
From some hindu spiritual sites i got info that i need to chant a mantra to get out of the attack when it happens.

So the next time i had the attack i started chanting the mantra. i was able to get out quickly. and no entity grabbed or attacked me.


Just a suggestion not an accusation sweetie.[emoji813]

Was only joking. That said, I did put some weight in this time last year. I have lost it since, but when I had gained a bit more I never had those dreams. Which with hindsight now makes me think that the more likely cause for those dreams are exhaustion.


Hi BE,

So sorry you've been experiencing this. It's happened to me - about the same frequency as it sounds like it's happened to you...

At start of this year it happened. I was exhausted and living in a space where the place was new and decked out in amazing affluence but the energy was stale and intrusive ... I decided to move.
As I started to get ready to move, in that period, those experiences happened . I was asleep and felt like something was on top of me and I couldn't get out. I couldn't wake myself up until I forced myself somehow.
Yes, sleep paralysis but it felt like psychic attack.
Really important to clear the space through smudging or incense , clapping and lighting candle to diffuse and making sure lights are on even when you're away from the place for awhile. Dedicate the space to light, truth and love.
It hasn't happened since but I've left the place. Hope this helps. As said earlier, they're terrifying experiences. But they're phenomenon. As an incarnated being you are always stronger.
Light surrounds you BE:)

Perhaps I should try cleansing as well. I do believe it's just sleep paralysis rather than anything supernatural but I guess cleansing can't hurt.


I used to have these for a year or more. No finally had enough of being afraid of going to sleep. I prayed and was very forceful in demanding them to stop. I haven't had one since.


I've had something similar for years. I get startled awake and find something standing at the end of my bed. Once it was a drowned woman reaching out for me with her semi-dissolved hands. A tall figure, a young boy... different 'figures'. I start yelling, hitting and waking my husband so he can see them too but by the time he's awake, they've faded away. Only once did I have one 'hit' me. It was on my face, and the ache lasted for several days.

I just chalked them up to hypnagogic hallucinations, even though I don't have the hag riding my back experience.



Hey, I'm new but experienced at lucid dreaming. Sleep paralysis can be pretty terrifying, which it was to me at first. Then I realized it was an opportunity to become lucid and it changed dramatically. For me, the key was not to panic, but to relax and become very lucid.
The night hag turned into a loving goddess figure who was there to help me.



I've missed this thread somehow. Thanks Roswell for your post, as it brought it to my attention seeing it. Brighteye, I hope you haven't had anymore experiences like this since you posted. (((BrightEye)))

I have an entity in my spare bedroom who does the same to anyone sleeping there. I have tried all methods to be rid of it, to no avail...
oh, is this in your home in Canada? I remember you speaking of this before--but I thought you meant it was in your VA home.

We also have a 'resident' spirit guest. He bothers the visitors more then us tho. He doesn't sit ON them, or touch them as far as I know--but he does like to move things upstairs and he likes to go through THEIR things! :bugeyed: He will also walk in on them in the bedroom or guest bathroom when they are showering. :laugh: He scared our one set of friends to death--they haven't been back since to spend the night. :( And, he drives my sister nuts whenever she is spending the night. She just yells at him to be quiet & leave her alone.

He seems to also 'worry' when my husband is on travel, too. Whenever hubby is gone away--the resident spook paces on the floor upstairs back and forth, back and forth. My bedroom is on the first floor and he tends to keep me up with all that pacing and moving of things. I can hear things being moved and dragged across the floor or put down heavily on a table or counter. Use to terrify me, as I thought someone was breaking into the house by entering on the upper level. But, now that we have an alarm system--I no longer worry--unless that alarm goes off! But, even still--the cops would respond to it immediately.

How fun is THAT! I would love a night in that room.
:laugh: You should visit here! ;)

Padma, I recently read about some crystal that is very good at getting rid of unwanted spirits in a home...I will have to see if I can find that again........Its suppose to be a great crystal for mediums to keep with them--for just this reason as well as putting in a home that has spirits the living want gone. I'll try to see if I can find it again for you.