Mind-body-soul support during hard times?


Times like these are so very hard to cope with and my heart feels deeply for you. Lots of great ways to 'do something' have already been mentioned but from my own experience the most important things were having good friends to talk to. Friends who understood and didn't expect too much or try to change me but were there to listen and help IF I asked.

Letting go of beliefs which hurt more than they helped was another one. The "I should be doing this" or "Why is this happening to me" kind of thoughts which serve no purpose. A comforting thought is that everyone goes through deeply painful times in their lives, they are like a kind of right of passage and once through and viewed from the other side, we see the journey as a transformative process which could happen no other way. Unless, of course, we dig our heels in and refuse to change or accept what is happening - but then you are already questioning so that's not likely.

Endure and learn, like all the great hero stories around the world. Each hero or heroine must go through hardships, swamps of despair or dark forests full of fearful creatures before they reach their goal. Even when you feel like giving up, endure one more day and be open to the messages all around you of support and strength.

Hugs :)

Thanks for this. I guess here it is a case of remaining open to what is, to accepting change that is inevitable or out of my control, to going with the flow, whatever that flow is... Pain does come from our unwillingness to just be with what happens, to resist what must come to pass.

I am taking care of myself, Thai massage, reiki, shiatsu next week, working on my chakras, doing my best to get energy flowing freely around my body once more and taking each day as it comes... And above all, doing me best to remain open to experience and to be grateful for each and every day...

Thank you for your kind words!


You're welcome.

Grief is difficult to deal with, sometimes we feel that we should be unhappy, like it is a kind of duty. It's okay to be unhappy and to grieve but it's also okay to let it go and be happy too. Strange dichotomy but there you go. Just take each day as it comes.

Personally I have found that putting my reliance entirely upon 'spiritual' sources to find relief or comfort didn't work. It was out of balance to constantly look inward (or indeed, outward) for answers. Life really is for living, all of life is spiritual, we are spiritual creatures and so if there is something which engages you, brings you out of yourself or helps you to cope then, within reason, do it. It could be going out for a regular meal with friends, mountain climbing, volunteering at a local charity, learning a new language or my own favourite - riding my motorcycle. You couldn't call it a spiritual pursuit but it works for me.

You'll make it. :thumbsup: