Number signs and experiences?


Does anyone have any experiences themselves with numbers being signs from their spirit guides? I have been asking my guides to give me signs regarding my health and lately, I've been seeing waves of numbers in the past month. It could be that I'm just being over aware of numbers now, but it has progressed from 444, 111, 222, 333 (I woke up several nights only to see it was 3:33 as if someone woke me up to see it) and these days, 555, 777, and 888's in the form of time (on the clock) or license plates in front of me. Additionally, I had a dream that pointed out two numbers, possibly dates of healing and advice to stay the course even if difficult, but I am being hopeful. In the past, I've had number messages too that turned out to be a good prediction.

Any insights and your experiences?


Mine is always 1111 but I don't know why exactly. I've asked the universe for signs when it comes to the guy I am interested in, and ever since then I see 1111 if he is around or if I am thinking about him, and I'll look up and I'll see 1111. I woke up today at 11:11 after I had a dream about him. I know that 1111 is a good number and all that. I've googled it enough. My question is why is 1111 associated with him?


From what I gather, 1111 seems to be sending a message that the gateway is open. Your thoughts can manifest themselves into reality, so try to only think positive thoughts and be optimistic? So when thinking of him or seeing him, that might indicate something like that.


I tend to see 333 but that's because I'm aware I'm looking for it and so I see it.