Ouji Boards


zorya said:
ouija breaks down into oui which is french for 'yes' and ja which i believe is german for 'yes'. so it means yes yes.
thank you Zora


I don't think there's any technical difference between an ouija board, a deck of tarot cards, a pendulum, or any other device that could be used to speak with your unconscious, the Gods, or spirits. In my view, they're all just tools: a piece of wood and a plastic pointer, some pieces of card with pictures on, a piece of metal or stone hanging from a string.

To me, it's how I use my tools that makes the difference, and part of that is the subconscious ideas I get when I use my tools. If I pick up one of my tarot decks and I immediately think "this is a means of connecting with my higher Self and thus my Gods", I'll probably get very different results than if I think "tarot decks are the tools of the Devil".

If I were to use an ouija board, I would be very careful about creating a safe, protective atmosphere by smudging, sprinkling salt water, and lighting candles. This is because I've been conditioned, through the media, to immediately think of the ouija board as "a tool to speak with spirits, some of which are harmful".

I believe it's very possible to use an ouija board in the same manner as a tarot deck: to connect with your Higher Self, Spirit Guide, Gods, or the collective subconscious. But I think your subsconscious intent when you use the tool wll affect what the tool helps you do, so if you're expecting it to connect you with a random wandering spirit, that's what it'll probably do. If you still want to use an ouija board, I'd suggest creating a safe and protected space, since the nature of spirits is as varied as the nature of humans - most of them are reasonably nice, and some are incredibly wise, but some are incredibly harmful.

*puts in her 0.02*


hedgecub said:
To me, it's how I use my tools that makes the difference, and part of that is the subconscious ideas I get when I use my tools. If I pick up one of my tarot decks and I immediately think "this is a means of connecting with my higher Self and thus my Gods", I'll probably get very different results than if I think "tarot decks are the tools of the Devil".

If I were to use an ouija board, I would be very careful about creating a safe, protective atmosphere by smudging, sprinkling salt water, and lighting candles. This is because I've been conditioned, through the media, to immediately think of the ouija board as "a tool to speak with spirits, some of which are harmful".

Very true, hedgecub....

I don't believe that the ouija is any more "evil" than a deck of cards or any other tool used for divination or communicating with spirits...

When this incident happened to me, it was more a situation of: a group of college kids, being silly, not taking any of this seriously, and not really understanding what might or might not happen. As you mentioned, there was (is) a popular belief that the ouija is evil, and we were maybe "testing" that theory...personally, I was more of a skeptic, and did not think anything (good or evil) would happen. This, of course, was many years ago...long before I took an interest in tarot...long before I began exploring my spiritual path.

I think it would be very interesting to hear from people who have used the ouija--seriously--as a tool for connecting with the spirit world...or perhaps even as a divinatory tool??? (which I have rarely heard mentioned...probably due to its reputation...people use it mostly to connect with spirits or "evil entities" LOL)

:) Luna


i think the main reason that ouija boards got such a bad rep. is that they were mass marketed as games, unlike the tarot etc. which were never as readily available.

as we all know, there are many who believe that trying to contact the spirit world is evil, and that it gives the devil power over you. ouija boards used to be sold anywhere that kid's games were sold, so great attempts were made (and still are) to scare people from using them.

any attempt to contact the spirit world should be done with care and caution. smudging can help, as can casting a protective circle. call upon whoever you call upon to protect and assist you; in my case, i call upon my spirit guides.

i used a ouija board for years and never had any problems at all. i seldom use it anymore, as i have found other ways of connecting and receiving messages, from the spirit world, that work better and more clearly for me.


After reading this thread I began thinking that the board would be connecting with pure energy.
When we get energy from other people, we see them, think of them, hear their voice etc. Tarot we connect with symbols.When we are on the Ouiji Board we connect with the spirit without the senses we are familiar with.

Does this make sense or am I wrong?

I never really thought about the difference of the energy of the Quiji Board before. I just feel you have to be prepared because we don't understand the energy that we cannot see.

Thanks for the thread, interesting!


We sell ouji boards at my work made especially for our shop. They are called Ghost Boards and the women who owns the shop said that as a child the whole family used to use one on Sundays which always makes me giggle :)

Another women at my work has about 5 different types of boards and uses them every night. I have decided to use it at her house because it is a safe place and she has much experience. Like hedgecub said, it is just a tool and that's what I had explained to me at work.

Yesterday the new shipment of ghost boards came in and I got two out and put my finger on the cursor(?) and felt a great energy and placed my finger on the other board which felt great, two other people at work put their fingers on too and it started to move, so I took my hand away. They asked a question: "Who do you want to speak to?"

It went to K, which is me and another girls' first letter. *Gulp* but it wasn't for me...so I took notes. It was really interesting and someone told me not to be scared as the room we were in was safe.

Thanks for all your stories, lunakasha I could imagine how scared you were.

CJ I went to the Games Shop a few shops down from ours yesterday and they had the Parker Bros. Ouiji Board or yes yes board (thanks Zorya).

I really think used in the right and positive way in the right place ouiji boards are another way of working with spirit.


More info?

I have never even seen a ouija board. Can it be used alone, or is the danger of influencing it too big then?

What do they look like, how are they used? What does one need to know beforehand? How can one protect oneself?

A zillion questions which can not be answered unless I try it. I need to say though that the thought of it scares me a bit.



We (my friends and I) used them often as teenagers. We would make our own, using scraps of paper with the alphabet on each piece, laid out in the same fashion as the board. And a Yes/No. Turned any cup upside down as the planchett.

It was fun for us, and "mystical". Like most, we "contacted" mostly spirits who weren't terribly nice, or communicative of anything helpful. Marilyn never did show up for me... :( ;)

To stop the questions of "who's pushing the cup?" or "how do I know I'm not answering myself subsconsiously by moving the cup?" we would have one person THINK the question, and two others be on the board to answer.

This worked better for "purer" results (we got less gibberish this way) but it changed how we used the board. So we quit using it.

The way I see Ouija now is it's kinda like throwing open the door to your spiritual house and inviting ANYONE to come on in, stay as long as they'd like. You probably wouldn't invite people you didn't know off the street into your home indefinitely... the same advice is good practice with spirits, I think.

The advice of others on the "mindful use" of it makes sense though.


I've only used a ouija board once, twice i watched it being used. the first occasion was about 4 years ago, a bunch of us were staying back late in school , and with nothing to do, we decided it would be fun if we made a makeshift ouija board. Over here, they call it 'spirit of the coin', it's pretty much the same as a ouija board, except a coin is used as a planchette and a piece of paper with the alphabet written on it as the board. i had decided to sit out of it because of the scary stories i heard. so i stood by and watched. the boy we contacted claimed to be a tourist who died here, and he seemed to react to comments i made though i wasnt even using the board. And somehow he knew my name, though it had not been mentioned during the session at all! That scared me good! At first he seemed a completely benevolent spirit, even making funny remarks. And then when we decided it was time to end, he didnt want to let us leave. he said an accident would occur if we did! In the end we promised that if he let us go now, we would come back to talk to him tmrw. ( which we never did of course.) i was more scared going home that night than i've ever been!

More recently though, two of my aunts and my grandmother decided to use a ouija board to contact my dad grandfather on 3 occasions. i myself dont believe it his him at all, beacuse evil spirts can manipulate and lie. the spirit they contacted instructed them to take care of 'an old virgo' and 'an old scorpio' and a 'sagittarius'. ( aka my grandmother, my father, and my youngest aunt respectively) He also said that he was still amongst us and was staying with my grandmother. on the 3rd time of contact, he said he would not be able to talk to them anymore because he was about to be reincarnated. i seriously doubt it was my grandfather they were talking to because

1. My grandfather doesnt speak english!! unless xenoglossy is a phenomenon upon crossing over. 2. Why didnt he just refer to their names instead of using their zodiac signs? 3. a trusted astrologer had said this was his last incarnation.


My bad experience with Quija board

I started using the ouija board since I was 9 years old.. (I used the chinese version with chinese newspaper of we made it by hand on our own with alphabets). I was a frequence user with couple of my friends, and whoever show interested at the moment. I loved it back then. We called up celebraties who passed away, know other spirits we just called in for "fun" and hope for some fortune tellings. We use it in school library, coffee shops, anywhere we find we can find space and spare time between school and after school. Couple girls quit because they had dream of spirit trying to marry them, or spirits told them not to bother them anymore, etc. But for me it was a spiritual experience for me, often some spirits will come back and just "chill out and chit chat".

:( Until I was 13 years old, traveled alone to Canada for schooling, something happened. I was boarding in a 200+ years old castle. I still used to do my quija business with room-mates and didn't have a problem with anything. One day, a girl from a lower grad got a real ouija board from her room-mate. I had never seen a real nicely printed ouija board before so it caught my interest. As a foreigner student I didn't get to ask questions just because I wasn't so good at English. All the girl was amazed when we claim that we didn't move, it was the spirit. The spirit we called on kept wanting to tell us something before she answered any of our questions, she told us our school dean's grand-cousin killed her in the castle. Right after that the girl's room-mate's best friend came and grabbed the ouija board away from us during the communication. Well.. the girl stole her room-mates ouija board obviously. I just knew it wasn't good, so I pull out a quarter, asking some girls to touch the coin again so we don't lose touch of the spirit, the coin went crazy moving in a shape of 8, and tried to jump off the edge of the table (it was actually a piano chair). While all the girls are so scared, I told them I was frequent ouija board user, this is not a game but a real connection with spirit which required respect! I was panic myself too since I had never encounter such situation. What I did was, I started speaking chinese to the spirit telling her not to be scared, but it is time to go home. I draw a cross as the gateway to go home (which we always did when we draw our own ouija board). Seems like the spirit understand me and she stopped freaking out but making circles slowly. My thought was that she doesn't want to leave yet... I was panic and those girls around me was screaming and yelling and think I am a witch who is speaking an evil language to "fix the problem". I was getting impatient and I sort of yell a little, saying "you have to go home now, maybe we will talk next time" and I drag the coin back home :( I shouldn't have done that! The next day there was a bet flying all over our hall. Everybody freaked out except for couple chinese girls. In chinese culture bet is a sign of luck and prosperity. But after that, I started getting nightmares with demons faces, and started having day dreams and hallusination on demons and killings. I never touched a ouija board, not even a homemade since then. I prayed to Christ for help, images fading away but still pop up once in a while. Whenever demons come back, I just pray to Jesus now and they will be gone immediately, just leave me the eiree feelings and stress from fear.

I loved my ouija board experience... but not anymore..