The Answer Deck-Mistake


I have been getting this card a lot lately in daily readings,and I would like to hear how others might interpret this card.

A Mistake is often considered to be a negative happening...but I just can't see where I have been making mistakes in my life this past week (unless you count my atrocious spelling mistakes here on AT! :) )

Interesting to me is the image on the card. The broken if it had just been dropped. Is dropping something and breaking it truly a mistake? Or is it just an accident? Are these two terms mutually exclusive?

I have always considered a Mistake to be a big least that's what comes to mind when I see this card...
But then...when taking a test...getting a question wrong is a mistake...and that 'aint no big thing...

Everyone Makes Mistakes...the saying goes...

Mistake is error perhaps?
Or maybe...
An error in judgement?

I would like to think of it in these often a mistake can be made that does not need to cause an event or a negative happening (like the"destruction" of a cup)
And of course there are "happy accidents" and good things that might come from mistakes...

I guess I'm just trying to define this relation to my life, since it comes up so frequently...but also in a general way.

How does this card relate to you, in your life? Has it been in anyone else's readings? How would you define it?...or do you think it really depends on the circumstances, and the surrounding cards before you can make a judgement call?

And...and what if there's an error in your judgement call? :D


Hi Chronata!

The Mistake card came up for me recently also.....

And I would agree with you that, IMO, this card is more along the lines of a minor error, maybe even an "accident" as opposed to a huge, monumental MISTAKE that is going to significantly impact my life....which is my reaction when I see the DESTRUCTION or STORM cards (among others).

The MISTAKE card is more like an "OOPSIE" situation....where you realize quickly that you forgot to shut the lights off in your car (or maybe realize too late and end up with a dead battery!). Either way, your mistake was the result of a momentary lapse in attention and/or judgement, but is not a big deal in the long run.

It's like, if you literally drop a teacup on the floor and break it. Your initial reaction might be: Oh ****!!! But then you kinda shrug, pick up the pieces and move would not let it ruin your day...unless maybe it was a piece of your great-grandmother's antique china!!! :eek:

Maybe the advice of this card is to not dwell on little be prepared to just pick up the pieces and continue on with life. Don't beat yourself up over trivial err is human.....

It sounds like we are on the same wavelength with this card, Chronata....I wonder if anyone has a different take on it???

:D Luna


lunakasha said:

Maybe the advice of this card is to not dwell on little be prepared to just pick up the pieces and continue on with life. Don't beat yourself up over trivial err is human.....

Thanks, luna!
This makes me feel a lot better! It could very well be just trivial stuff. (and most likely, in my life right now, it is!)

Sigh...I didn't realize how seriously I have been looking at things lately, but this is a good reminder for me.

Mistakes are not necessarily big deals...even the ones where the coffee cup shatters into a billion little ceramic shards that get lost in the corners of the kitchen.
hmmm..maybe getting that little bit of broken pottery in my foot is a wake-up call to something?

Or am I just looking at this way too seriously again?

(maybe it's just a wake up call that I need to clean the kitchen better!)


Chronata said:
Sigh...I didn't realize how seriously I have been looking at things lately, but this is a good reminder for me.

hmmm..maybe getting that little bit of broken pottery in my foot is a wake-up call to something?

Or am I just looking at this way too seriously again?

(maybe it's just a wake up call that I need to clean the kitchen better!)

LOL Chronata!!! :laugh:

It is possible (I think) to sometimes take these cards *very seriously* when maybe we shouldn't....

There is something about them...maybe it is the bold contrast of the black and white...that makes me nervous at times, especially with the darker, less-positive ones. Like for me, DESTRUCTION, HIDDEN ENEMY, STORM and especially LOSS give me a feeling of dread...maybe they aren't necessarily as serious, or severe as they appear to be???

Good discussion....need to think about this some more! :)

:) Luna



The Mistake card... a card that has appeared often for jhnodoubt's readings, and one that we were discussing over this very weekend. What synchronicity....

I haven't had this card appear much myself, but in jh's readings, we discussed it's almost bothersome reappearance, reading after reading, for her.

The cup has fallen, and big chip has broken off. Has someone dropped it? Or was it thrown in anger?

The word "Mistake" often conjures a feeling of anger and/or contriteness for most of us. We may be feeling regret ("Damn! I knew I shouldn't have done that!" moments).

Sometimes, I swear I can *feel* the cup before it falls, just as it goes, but I still can't catch it in time.

Sometimes, a lot of times actually, I do catch falling items, quite quickly. Some people freak on me when they see this in action. I open a cupboard, a box of animal crackers slides down and right at me, I reach up and *swoop*. Got it. Snake fast.

Did we not react fast enough? Was that the mistake?

The visionary Om Seti once said, of the human vessel, "Sometimes we need to crack the vessel, in order to make room for the light." The Tower is the most profound example of this concept.

There may be something we need to "shed" in order to go on. "Flick that chip," as jhnodoubt said of it this weekend.

The cup has fallen. The deed is done. How we react to it is what matters next. Of what significance was this "mistake"? To you? Was it no big deal? Or was it your grandma's china, and irreplacable?

And, did it need to crack? Did the mistake need to be made, in order to move forward? Time to pick up the pieces.


i have been constantly drawing this card. I'm trying to make the best of it. The mistake keeps coming up when i ask a question about the guy im seeing. I told Alissa "Thats it, gotta flick that chip" but im still finding myself with him. I feel this card is just a reminder to be aware, very aware. Like alissa said once you break it, alls left to do is pick it up. So what should i do about this boy? cards say its a mistake, is there a mistake im going to make with him or am i making one by just being with him. i have also had the new beginnings card come up with the mistake card, which tells me, pregnant mistake? only time will tell. i just advice when this card comes up be aware of your surroundings, actions, and words. You might catch the cup before it falls.


jhnodoubt said:
I feel this card is just a reminder to be aware, very aware. Like alissa said once you break it, alls left to do is pick it up. So what should i do about this boy? cards say its a mistake, is there a mistake im going to make with him or am i making one by just being with him. only time will tell. i just advice when this card comes up be aware of your surroundings, actions, and words. You might catch the cup before it falls.

I think that your advice for this card makes perfect sense: you don't necessarily want to "flip the chip" in haste....but at the same time, your gut is telling you to be careful, be aware of what is really going on with this guy. Some may say that the fact that you are feeling so cautious about him is a red flag; but only you can decide when enough is enough. As you say, awareness is key right now...hopefully you can catch yourself before you fall too matters of the heart, there is always the danger of falling, making mistakes...but in the end you will find a way to pick up the pieces of your heart and move on.

Good luck!!!

:) Luna


My own little 2 cents...

Well, I pulled this card a few times and wanted to share some of my impressions:

- We all make mistakes, to some degree or another. Sometimes, also, we feel things are mistakes... but they aren't necessarely.
- The cup obviously broke, but all it takes is a little super glue and it could be like new again!

My own experience of the card was a message that I may be throwing something away - that could still have a purpose in my life, or that may still be able to be fixed... I kind of equate this card with the 5 of cups.

I find that this deck is funny for me as I find myself often making analogies with Tarot cards...! Love it - the deck - though!