Cold Case: Who Murdered Me? (40 Years On).


My mother (in NZ) was watching earlier tonight a new episode of an old loved TV series "SENSING MURDER". In fact, our conversation was cut short, so that she could focus on it as it was just about to start and about an NZ girl killed in Sydney, Australia.

As yet I have not seen it or heard anything back on it at all and the only thing I have is a "name" and that she was killed in "Sydney". (Not too far from where I used to live in the city).

I have decided to see what I can come up with before I talk to my mother next so that I can compare "notes" with those "Psychic/Mediums" if my mother is good at recalling what they said. Also, if I can find the time over the next week or so I will try to go to the "area" she was killed to see what I pick up there.

Have found a photo as I looked for one when I searched in images using her name.


screen shot windows

Let's see what is revealed or not.

DND :)




I am aware she was working at a gas/petrol station at the time it happened and not too far from where I lived before. Like a suburb or two over. She was an NZ'er and quite young. It happened over 40 years ago, so around the 70's maybe. Give or take.


I got a sharp pain in the chest not long after I first posted.

I am thinking if a "girl" then too young for something like a "heart attack" and if "killed" and on a program like "Sensing Murder" - then not a "natural death" at all.

I am going with kicked, beaten, and/or stabbed.

I get the color "cream yellow" around her, so maybe a very confident, lively, and enthusiastic type and good with communication. A "peoples" person.

Do not want to be "biased" as I kind of know the "area", but an impression I got earlier on was that whoever killed her was "dark skinned", so likely "Aborigine" or an "Islander" plus I feel strongly under the influence of a drug and/or even alcohol. Not sure if just "one" person either. :bugeyed: I think more than one - like someone "watching for anyone coming" and "both" there for whatever purpose. I really wonder if "female" and "male".

I do not feel she knew her killer(s) - a complete stranger(s).

I get the image of a scrawny, skinny, brown skinned man, and a smoker. Messy black hair. Mustache. Only I am not sure if this is the "offender" or "someone" she may have come across in her last days on earth...or other.

I do see a "knife" being wielded like a male threatening with one and raising his voice.

NOTE: With it being a gas station I think it is natural to assume it was a robbery, so I am having a hard time getting passed that which is frustrating.

To continue...

I feel Joan Wech was close to her family and especially her mother and maybe one other sybling like a sister. More than one child in this family - 3 maybe 4. Maybe 1 of 4 although there may have been a miscarriage. So, maybe 1 of 3.

I get this quite strongly:

"It wasn't just money! It wasn't just money!"

I cannot help but wonder if the killer also rummaged through her "personal belongings" although I do not feel, I really do not, that this "killer" or "killers" stayed around an awful long time. I do not think the motivation was "sexual" yet one has to wonder with:"It wasn't just money". Smokes and alcohol? Not sure if gas stations sold those types of goods back in the day.

Maybe 10 to 20 minutes with her - not long at all.

I feel the person came in making out he was going to buy something and then pulled the knife on her when he got the opportunity. Like able to jump the counter kind of thing when her attention was on the till. I actually see her hair tied back and wearing something like a dark green top or smock.

I get the "killer" was wearing dark clothes and boots.

Something about that "dark green color" as it "stands out".

Break time....

DND :)



As some well know, I am a very curious person and will research information until I am satisfied or no more can be found only usually after the fact. But for some reason I had this "urge" to look up the "clothing" worn by Joan Wech at the time of her death. Just the "dark green" was what I was after.

No surprise to come up with nothing although a small part of me was hoping, but it is an "unsolved cold case", so it makes sense to keep it confidential I suppose.


I did come across a comment made by someone that may have been around during that incident or may have been familiar with the story- not too sure. Also, apparently back then it was a "really rough area".

Maybe I was meant to stumble across this by looking for that piece of the jig saw...

COMMENTER: This makes me think someone who she knew ... considering it wasn't a robbery.

It apparently WASN'T a ROBBERY and actually ties in with what I heard: "It wasn't just money! "It wasn't just money!".

So, then what was it about?

I still stand by what I said about her not knowing the assailant and will take another look when I find the time.

I need to make sure it definitely was not about being a "robbery" as it seems highly unlikely with it being a "gas station".

I will try to make sure not to read anything else out of what I have already written as that would just ruin it for me otherwise.

LESS really is MORE!

DND :)



I am aware she was working at a gas/petrol station at the time it happened and not too far from where I lived before. Like a suburb or two over. She was an NZ'er and quite young. It happened over 40 years ago, so around the 70's maybe. Give or take.


I got a sharp pain in the chest not long after I first posted.

I am thinking if a "girl" then too young for something like a "heart attack" and if "killed" and on a program like "Sensing Murder" - then not a "natural death" at all.

I am going with kicked, beaten, and/or stabbed.

I get the color "cream yellow" around her, so maybe a very confident, lively, and enthusiastic type and good with communication. A "peoples" person.

Do not want to be "biased" as I kind of know the "area", but an impression I got earlier on was that whoever killed her was "dark skinned", so likely "Aborigine" or an "Islander" plus I feel strongly under the influence of a drug and/or even alcohol. Not sure if just "one" person either. :bugeyed: I think more than one - like someone "watching for anyone coming" and "both" there for whatever purpose. I really wonder if "female" and "male".

I do not feel she knew her killer(s) - a complete stranger(s).

I get the image of a scrawny, skinny, brown skinned man, and a smoker. Messy black hair. Mustache. Only I am not sure if this is the "offender" or "someone" she may have come across in her last days on earth...or other.

I do see a "knife" being wielded like a male threatening with one and raising his voice.

NOTE: With it being a gas station I think it is natural to assume it was a robbery, so I am having a hard time getting passed that which is frustrating.

To continue...

I feel Joan Wech was close to her family and especially her mother and maybe one other sybling like a sister. More than one child in this family - 3 maybe 4. Maybe 1 of 4 although there may have been a miscarriage. So, maybe 1 of 3.

I get this quite strongly:

"It wasn't just money! It wasn't just money!"

I cannot help but wonder if the killer also rummaged through her "personal belongings" although I do not feel, I really do not, that this "killer" or "killers" stayed around an awful long time. I do not think the motivation was "sexual" yet one has to wonder with:"It wasn't just money". Smokes and alcohol? Not sure if gas stations sold those types of goods back in the day.

Maybe 10 to 20 minutes with her - not long at all.

I feel the person came in making out he was going to buy something and then pulled the knife on her when he got the opportunity. Like able to jump the counter kind of thing when her attention was on the till. I actually see her hair tied back and wearing something like a dark green top or smock.

I get the "killer" was wearing dark clothes and boots.

Something about that "dark green color" as it "stands out".

Break time....

DND :)



I still feel it was not someone she really knew, but someone she may have come across in passing because of it being a gas station and on a main street.

Focusing on her and mainly her eyes I asked what else could it be, if: "It was not just money!".

And this is what I was shown in something not to different to a movie only it was through her eyes, and weird as this may sound, also what seemed like his eyes as well!.:bugeyed: (I reckon he may have passed away).


This "perpetrator" took notice of her - real notice enough to become "fixated" and "stalker like". But not over time - in a short time. He was street wise and would have known the area well and was likely homeless and/or a criminal. Rough appearance.

I feel he watched for a time to make sure she was alone then went in making out he was going to buy something, only to really "proposition" her but she "rejected him", and he lashed out because he didn't like that. Over the counter and BOOM! Drugs and/or alcohol would have been present in his system. I literally see "wide opened wild glazed eyes" in a "frenzy".

I think it started in the shop part (public), but was taken somewhere else.

There still could have been another with him and I do wonder about that, also, I do feel it was quick and over within a short time. That has not changed.

So, was it "sexual motivation"?

I feel it was "rage" because of "rejection" and at some point soon I will take a look using my Lenormand to see what they reveal.

DND :)


Later tonight or on the weekend I will decide if I want to use other tools. Eg Autowriting.

No dreams last night on her at all.

DND :)



My mother was being a tad reluctant tonight as apparently it will be concluded next week - so it was like getting blood out of a stone. In addition, she feels "re-enactments"might just be the "tv show" not what "really happened" when there is no CCTV camera and with it being so many years ago. Actually, she does have a point, but what can be done with nothing really out there as it is still an unsolved case.

No idea what the "Psychics/Mediums" came up with yet as that will be next week. :D


It did happen in the gas station only not when she was serving, but when having a tea break somewhere at the back.

So, not over the counter at all if I understood right and if the "re- enactment" is correct. Not sure if it was in a "public" part of it either as I have no idea what the lay out of the station is and have not seen or read anything on it plus I do not think there is a lot of info on it with it being "unsolved". And the station might not exactly be there anymore.


The "killer" was "watching from outside" and likely "waiting" to get her on her own, as s/he came through from the side or back, not the front. This is an indication that s/he knew where she was and how to access her, but it still may be a total "stranger". Just someone that knew the area and place well.

Next week should shed more light on that though.

There was "another person" there - as in a worker. It was him/her that found her body. As to why s/he did not hear anything is rather puzzling, but according to my mother nothing was heard. Not one little sound and yet she was just meters away.


1) Wrong about the counter and being served if the re-enactment is correct.
2) Correct about the "watching" and "waiting" for her to be on her own.
3) Correct about "others" or "someone else" - just not in the right context.
4) Not confirmed yet that there may have been "someone" else with the killer although by next week there may be an angle on that when the "Psychic/Mediums" strut their stuff.

DND :)

I feel he watched for a time to make sure she was alone then went in making out he was going to buy something, only to really "proposition" her but she "rejected him", and he lashed out because he didn't like that. Over the counter and BOOM! Drugs and/or alcohol would have been present in his system. I literally see "wide opened wild glazed eyes" in a "frenzy".

I think it started in the shop part (public), but was taken somewhere else.


I still feel it was not someone she really knew, but someone she may have come across in passing because of it being a gas station and on a main street.

Focusing on her and mainly her eyes I asked what else could it be, if: "It was not just money!".

And this is what I was shown in something not to different to a movie only it was through her eyes, and weird as this may sound, also what seemed like his eyes as well!.:bugeyed: (I reckon he may have passed away).


This "perpetrator" took notice of her - real notice enough to become "fixated" and "stalker like". But not over time - in a short time. He was street wise and would have known the area well and was likely homeless and/or a criminal. Rough appearance.

I feel he watched for a time to make sure she was alone then went in making out he was going to buy something, only to really "proposition" her but she "rejected him", and he lashed out because he didn't like that. Over the counter and BOOM! Drugs and/or alcohol would have been present in his system. I literally see "wide opened wild glazed eyes" in a "frenzy".

I think it started in the shop part (public), but was taken somewhere else.

There still could have been another with him and I do wonder about that, also, I do feel it was quick and over within a short time. That has not changed.

So, was it "sexual motivation"?

I feel it was "rage" because of "rejection" and at some point soon I will take a look using my Lenormand to see what they reveal.

DND :)



She was stabbed 7 times in the chest and possibly hit in the mouth as her lips were bruised.

No other stab wounds anywhere else on her body, but as for the type of weapon that was not made clear to me.

1 of 3 kids and she was the oldest child. (Sad :( )

So, I got those on the mark which is great.

Need to work out where my wires went a little bit haywire last night with the "counter scene" except it was like I was seeing it through two sets of eyes so there might be a reason behind it or why I saw it.

May have been the previous encounter leading up to the actual murder.

Anyways, will leave it there for the time being. I will come back when I've drilled into myself "clean slate" over and over.

DND :)




Just came across it now when looking up something to do with "online watching" or "will it be shown in Australia" and I think it is a 30 sec advert or promotion of the upcoming episode next week. No idea, but it is about Joan.

At the moment NZ is the only country that is getting it. :mad:

Some of the words or sentences the two Psychic/Mediums say more or less about the "killer":

Deb: "There is so much anger built up in this person - he just exploded! So much rage".
Sue: " He watched her and followed her. He has seen her before".
Deb: "Rage just rage. That is all I'm getting. I feel sick and I'm hurting and I've got rage."

It is in line with what I wrote below and also with some of my Lenormand readings on the "killer".

DND :)


I still feel it was not someone she really knew, but someone she may have come across in passing because of it being a gas station and on a main street.

Focusing on her and mainly her eyes I asked what else could it be, if: "It was not just money!".

And this is what I was shown in something not to different to a movie only it was through her eyes, and weird as this may sound, also what seemed like his eyes as well!.:bugeyed: (I reckon he may have passed away).


This "perpetrator" took notice of her - real notice enough to become "fixated" and "stalker like". But not over time - in a short time. He was street wise and would have known the area well and was likely homeless and/or a criminal. Rough appearance.

I feel he watched for a time to make sure she was alone then went in making out he was going to buy something, only to really "proposition" her but she "rejected him", and he lashed out because he didn't like that. Over the counter and BOOM! Drugs and/or alcohol would have been present in his system. I literally see "wide opened wild glazed eyes" in a "frenzy".

I think it started in the shop part (public), but was taken somewhere else.

There still could have been another with him and I do wonder about that, also, I do feel it was quick and over within a short time. That has not changed.

So, was it "sexual motivation"?

I feel it was "rage" because of "rejection" and at some point soon I will take a look using my Lenormand to see what they reveal.

DND :)



Just speculation I know but it does tie in with what I saw, felt, and/or was shown. (Lenormand too). And this is based on some viewers watching the "re-enactment" leading up to her death etc.


One Person:

"Why wasn't he (workmate) or the guy who arrived to ask her out questioned by police"?

(Apparently they were and both had alibis). (Ask her out? Was this the killer perhaps).

Another writes:

"Personally I think the guy that did it was the one that a week or so before her murder tried to hook up with her and she told him no and he got aggressive and she basically had to tell Him to F off".

(So she was "mouthy" to protect herself. However, was he brown skinned and a total stranger).

I "felt" it was because of "rejection" and "rage" with the "killer", but I did not feel it was someone she really knew. May have met one or two times and in passing. Not established friends.

Be interesting to find out next week if it is a "stranger" or a "known" from what the Psychics bring up as impressions. And my mother had better be forthcoming and not take 3 or so hours like she did tonight!

DND :)