Is this just me guessing?


Yesterday me and my mom was watching this tv show.. and it was talking about this man. I was curious on what his age was because he looked young. I assumed that he was in his late 20's or early 30's, while my mom assumed that he was in his late 40's or early 50's because he had older kids. I turned my head to the tv, I saw the number 46. It had came to me, but in a way it wasn't very clear to see.. I just saw it.. (it's really hard for me to explain cause I don't know what it means). The first thing I did was looked up his name and the show and when I looked, I found out his age was 46.. Now maybe it was a guess or that it was true with what I saw... but I never knew that the number I saw was right. I don't remember seeing his age anywhere.. my mom saw the show before with him on there, but she didn't know either.

This also brings me back to when I wanted to do automatic writing, because some readers were doing it so I wanted to try it. I think I failed at that because when I tried to do it, I couldn't get anything. But words were coming to me, I saw it the same way that the number '46' was shown to me... but only single words like 'cold'.. or short words like that. Does anybody know what this is? I can't really put a name to it...


Thank you! Someone else said the exact same thing, but I wasn't sure if that it was right or not... so I think that pretty much confirms it.