Dog symbolism


So I'm not sure if this is the right place to pu this but here I go...

About half an hour ago I decided to go for a walk to the little shop 5 minutes down the road from me. On the way there I saw an old black and white dog with a collar wandering by itself on the path ahead of me, I startled it as I walked past (I think it may have been at least partially deaf). I've never seen the dog before and my neighbourhood is not know to have dogs wandering on the loose so I thought that if I saw it again when I came back I would see if I could find where it belonged.

Then on the way back I came across a small tan young dog without a collar in the middle of the side road I was crossing. This time I stopped as it was obviously out without the owners knowledge.

As I was stopped, trying to figure out which house the dog belonged to I asked an older gentleman who was walking towards me if he knew where the dog belonged. As I was talking to him he asked me if I was English (I've lived in NZ all my life and have never been out of the country). As we're were talking the little dog wandered back over to its house across the road so I said goodbye and carried on home. I didn't see the old dog again.

This has me wondering if my (very English) ancestors were trying to give me a message of some sort that I now need to figure out. I have been trying to connect with them lately but have been having difficulty. So I guess my question is, what symbolism could dogs as maybe messengers represent? Or is there something else that I have missed? I feel strongly that this is about more than just a couple of dogs on the loose.

Any help would be much appreciated :)

Fee :love:


The Egyptians had really interesting views about dog symbolism and had them as protectors into the afterlife. The God Anubis is depicted as a dog (or jackal) or as a human with a dog's head. Anubis had a role of taking us safely by our souls into the afterlife, protecting our spirits and watched over embalming. He is also the protector of tombs and graves.

As a symbol or a guide outside of that, the dog represents loyalty and friendship (it has that strong symbolism is Lenormand cards), protection and bravery. Also we have a similar view to the Egyptians in that dogs will eventually be reunited with their owner in the afterlife.

I do think there is something to the idea of dogs "guiding our souls on their journey". They are not really messengers as animals but more guides. Like think of the St Bernard who finds and guides someone to safety. Perhaps they are a symbol of finding out more about your English ancestors?

When we see something as a symbol it's most important what it means to you! But for me they are a strong symbol as well as a guide and protector, of friendship and loyalty. That would be a message to me to look at something about my friends, like can a friend help with your ancestry? just an idea!

I have an old black and white dog who is partially deaf, I hope he has not wondered to NZ :) Actually he is never allowed free like that because he is a nightmare at chasing runners or cars! I hope they both went back to their homes :)