Madame Endora's (Secret Circle) Study Group: THE HARLEQUIN


The Harlequin

As beautiful as this card is one must ask themselves if they are doing a reading for themselves or others is who's feelings are being masked? As I meditate on this card I also get a sense of dispare behind the eyes that are not there and the lipstick smile just hiding the depths of depression.

December Fairy

Giving up self to fit in.
Painting on happy face/act, really sad or depressed looking through those dark eyes.


Harlequin & the Art of Diversion

Just this morning I was reading an article about the use of humour to avoid confrontation, conflict and the discussion of things that need to be said. This afternoon, I drew the Harlequin. I think the jester aspect of this card can represent humour misused this way. I don't have a habit of resorting to this avoidance technique but I know I have been guilty of doing so a few times and the card was advising me that an occasion to get real is upcoming and that it will be important to meet it openly, earnestly and with the serious attention it deserves. When it does, I will now remind myself not to play the fool.


I agree with what was said about this card being a bit creepy and sad all at the same time. I find it far easier to make like everything is all right, when, in fact, it is not. Someone asked me a question regarding whether I have seen so and so. Just as I started on my general routine of telling a white lie..."oh, so and so is fine...". At that moment I stopped. I decided to just be honest and admit that there was a falling out with this friend, and that, no I had not seen them in a while.
Sometimes it's easier to just "act" and say all is well, but there is a price to pay...sure you feel protected, but where is the chance to interact, bring in something fresh and new. Many times, it's really not all that bad to let others see you for who you really are and what you truly feel.


this is my fave card in the deck!!! i think it has so much depth. it can be real sad or real evil. it can hide things b/c of malicious intent or for fear of being hurt. it can hide a sad life or pretend to be a friend. are they trying to fool you or protect themselves? I am sure with more time i will see more in this card.


I get the sense this harlequin is hiding something out of restriction to speak their mind.

The smile is not a happy one. I think there are boundaries and rules that prohibit this person from acting from their true-sElf, and so, they project a false image.....they have to hide behind their mask.

I don't get the sense this is manipulative....but rather that this is a result of restrictive cirumstance.

with love