Ogham Study Group - Ur



Name: Ur
Pronunciation: (OOR)
Sound: U
Tree: Heather (Calluna vulgaris)
Few: three strokes straight across the stemline
Tree web site: http://www.scs.leeds.ac.uk/cgi-bin/pfaf/arr_html?Calluna+vulgaris&CAN=LATIND

The actual meaning of the word Ur may translate as the word ‘Earth” or ‘soil’. However the ogham Ur is related to Heather. Heather grows well on hillsides and moors. It is grequently used for bedding by hikers and travelers. Not only is Heather soft for bedding but it also has a fragrance which makes it a natural ‘lover’s bed’. The ogham Onn is related to sexuality but Ur is related to love, particularly the moment when two lovers join as one.

Lovers, courtship, consummation, partmership, acceptance

Lust, delusion, desire, conflict, manipulation