Beginner in Tarot


Hey, I'm very new to tarot and I find it amazing. I already ordered two decks online and I only just discovered this site last night. I'm going to go to the bookstore later to see what kind of selection they have there and buy a book that can give me a basic foundation in what tarot is all about. (suggestions definitely welcome!)

It seems to me that the standard deck is the Rider Waite deck and that most others are compared to it. Please correct me if I'm wrong! As a beginner, would it be best if I started out with the standard and then went on to variations?

I bought the Cosmic Tarot deck and the Gendron deck, which both had mixed reviews as far as if they can be used easily by beginners or not.

Thanks a lot. :}


There is a thread here suggesting good books for beginners. check it out if you haven't already.

As for starting with the Rider Waite deck. Most people think it's a good idea. But the first deck I really was able to learn from was the Robin Wood. GREAT DECK! It is rider waite based so you can still use the books written about the Rider Wate deck. I don't even own a regular sized Waite deck. (gasp) I just have the smaller "purse-sized" one I bought when I decided I wanted to carry a deck with me.

I found it was easier for me to learn from a deck I really enjoyed and connected with personally. So I say - Go for the ones that jump out and grab you!!! :)


Quote:Gwyth (05 Oct, 2001 04:30):
It seems to me that the standard deck is the Rider Waite deck and that most others are compared to it. Please correct me if I'm wrong! As a beginner, would it be best if I started out with the standard and then went on to variations?

Quite right, actually. Something like 85-90% of the decks are based on RW, so it's good to use that as your training deck before you play with decks that have different interpetations--whether slight or great--or even more accurate ;)

But don't let that keep you away from any deck that calls to you. In tarot, each reader finds their own way.


get the deck (or decks!) you absolutely love, and also the RW, for comparison and study.
i have finally surrendered to the truth that there is no such thing as the perfect, all-purpose deck. i have a divination deck for meditation, a RW tarot deck for study, classes and practice, two other tarots for doing readings for others, another for my own readings, and another deck for "a-card-day" on my altar.
...keeping in mind, of course, that i am a TAROT-HOLIC!!! :D :D :D


When I first began learning tarot, I used my boyfriend's rider-waite and Thoth both. Then , years later I bought my own decks- motherpeace (favorite!) ,medicine woman , and enchanted tarot ( getting into this one all over again). Also "power deck" by v.c. andrews, a great non-tarot deck. It's out of print and I So wish I hadn't given it away! Gwyth, I think the cosmic tarot would be great for a beginner! I don't have the gendron so I really can't comment on that one. Good Luck .


Quote:purplelady (06 Oct, 2001 23:59):
I don't have the gendron so I really can't comment on that one. Good Luck .

Gendron is a beautiful deck, but I don't think it's a good one for beginners. Very busy cards, a great deal of symbolism. I would have never understood or been able to read with Gendron as a beginner. Too much to look at and remember.

Give it to RW, the images are generally clean, direct and memorable, the meanings pretty straight-forward. Very good for beginners.


Thanks so much for all your replies ;D

I received the Gendron deck in the mail today, I'm so excited, I absolutely love it. I love the smell too lol... It is overwhelming though, compared to the Cosmic Tarot cards I've seen.

Don't plan on trying to read with them yet b/c I at least want some rudimentary knowledge in the basics and be able to read with a simpler deck. But it's nice to have a deck anyway and it's a Sagittarian deck (thanks Thirteen for that!) sooo when I heard that I *really* couldn't resist buying it since I love astrology and I'm a Sag. :) ;D :D

And thanks metaz, I'll get an RW deck too so that I don't feel like I'm skipping integral stuff b/c I'm learning with the variations. ;D

purplelady-Actually, my roommate suggested motherpeace to me because it's her mother's favorite too! One day I must look into that deck.

Hmm... is there anything I should do with the deck? I guess for it to get to know me, or me to know it or something of the sort?

Thanks so much!