Just bought Arcus Arcanum


Well, I made a trip to my friend'shouse the other day, and managed to find the Arcus Arcanum deck in a really cool Pagan shop in Exeter, so I bought it. (The deck, not the shop, although Iif I could I would...)

Anyway, I absolutely adore this deck, and it said somewhere that the creator is working on a book to go wit hit, but I don't know how long ago that part was written.

So, do any of you know if the book is out yet?



Just commenting on your purchase, I don't know about the book.
I looked up the cards here on the site, they look beautiful. The summary said it was "male-oriented" , is it ?
And, if so, you find that in any way disturbing?'



Just thouht I would post the Aeclectic(al) link to the Arcus Arcanum deck.


I didn't find it male-orientated at all. And the 'comic book' art it really beautiful too.



I may be mistaken but I think it's out of print now. If so you were at the right place at just the right time.
Sorry, have no idea about the book though.


'Arcus Arcanum' is still in print, at least here in the States. the book however is VERY hard to find. i only know of the German version, but a friend of mine was in Germany and Austria earlier this year looking for it, and was unable to find it. very elusive.


What exactly is the title of the book?
I can have a look around here, lots of english books in Holland.



I think that that might refer to the characters in the pictures....most of them are men, except where mixed-sex pictures are required, ie...the cups cards, mostly, and the Queens (and Pages).
Then again, I could be (and frequently am) wrong...

To be perfectly honest, I'm not entirely sure how a deck can be oriented to a single gender....i mean, obviously, if it has pictures of naked people, but at an actual spiritual level....?


i can't remember the name of the book. i will find out though.
i haven't really noticed this as being a 'male oriented' deck. perhaps i'm wrong. i'll look again from this angle.
but as far as gender, i think that might be cultural more than anything. Germany is referred to as 'the Fatherland' as opposed to 'the Motherland'. ships are 'he' instead of 'she'. and some Teutonic paths think of the sun as Goddess and the moon as God.
this might be an explanation.
or not.


Another big question about the Arcus Arcanum, this time to do with the Minor Arcana..

My boyfriend and I were looking at the deck, and we noticed that the cards in the Cups all seemed to have the same people in it. And the Wands did the same... The cups were also set in the same place! So, we were wondering if the Minors are meant to tell a story through each of the cards, like the Majors do?

And if anyone has the book, and doesn't want it anymore, I'd be more than happy to buy it off you!
