
Hi all,

I was wondering, can anyone answer me 2 questions about this pack:
Where did the name come from ?
What is the history of this pack ?



Hi, Happiness --

According to Stuart Kaplan, Johann Georg Rauch designed the first Swiss 1JJ deck circa 1831 to 1838. Kaplan says, "Rauch is known to have worked in Diessenhofe between 1831 and 1838 and was one of the predecessors of the firm of cardmakers now known as AGMuller & Cie. The engravings on the cards are hand-colored, and although the figures are stiff and awkward, the drawings are less crude than those of many other tarot decks of the time. Many of the cards have images like the Tarot of Marseilles, but do not follow the pattern closely. Cards II and V are changed from the Popess and the Pope to Junon and Jupiter. The deck is similar to the Swiss 1JJ deck currently published by AGMuller & Cie."

Kaplan saw a Swiss 1JJ deck at a toy fair, and bought a bunch of them to sell to bookstores in the U.S. It was the success of this venture that led him to start U.S. Games Systems, Inc., and a few years later he bought the rights to the Rider-Waite deck.

The 1JJ title comes from the renamed cards, Junon and Jupiter.

-- Lee


The 1JJ Swiss was my first deck, over 20 years old now, and with the cards in French. I think they've been re-printed now in English. Its a nice deck to use :) but I didn't know much about the history of it, the LWB only lists the meanings of the Majors and just the one celtic cross spread.


To add to what Lee has told you I have read that "Swiss 1JJ" is related to the "Tarot of Besancon" and is considered to be an updated version of it. The names were changed to "Junon" and "Jupiter", because the cardmaker did not want to offend the Catholic church. The man in the "Strength" card is also a mythological figure, but I can't remember his name.

The pips in the 1JJ are pretty much original (very old), but I've read that the major arcana were updated awhile before Stuart Kaplan ever saw them.

I (like Eve Anna) have been using this deck for a long time (since '83) and for some reason I get really great readings from it. Maybe it is because I like the art in it. This and "Tarot Classic" are my #1 favorites. Stuart Kaplan has two fine books about each of these decks and they are not expensive to buy. The Swiss 1JJ book is nice to have with the deck and is offered as set also.

You can get these really affordable on eBay (book too).



It is "Hercules" in the "Strength" card and "Fortuna" in "The Wheel of Fortune" card.

It is currently in print in french only, but I remember like Eve Anna does, that it was offered in english awhile back.



Thanks everyone for all the information. I have a 1JJ, and was always curious as to the strange name, and if it was an old deck, or a new one designed to look traditional.