Your Psychis Abilities

Red Emma

Psychic abilities

Mystic Moonlight, those of us with special abilities can feel very lonely in a world where people look askance at anyone out of the ordinary. My suspicion is that there are many more people with these talents, but are loathe to discuss them, and many more who have them and repress or deny them.

In a similar, but a little different vein, some friends and I were meeting once a month to study spiritual and occult matters. We discovered that if we were to hold anything owned by another person, we'd get mental pictures of that person's life.

For instance I held one woman's earring and saw children playing on the beach. She had gotten it when she was a teenager and stayed the summer at a beach home her father had bought. She held a ring I had bought in London, and saw visions of Robin Hood kind of characters. It was a lot of fun. And since we could all do it, further convinced me that most people really do have these kinds of talents.

Goddess Bless,

REd Emma