Taste of Service Party!


We had a party in our salon.
I did a three card Tarot reading, the year in numerology, a paper with the meaning of their name & gave an angel card as a gift with a discount for a reading expires Feb. 25/05.

The three other ladies gave
~hand massage
~hair products
~neck and shoulder massage
~ free gifts, snacks and a draw for a door prize.

We had 17 people on Friday and 27 people Saturday ~ 44 people

I'm posting this because I would like people to believe in their creativity...

~ I knew maybe only half of these people and had only read for a couple of them before
~"MOST" people did not "KNOW" what a reading was or numerology
~"MOST" people were excited to know...
~one lady came to me with her hand raised and said " I'm sorry I'm anti-against cards" I said, "that's fine it's not for everyone but would you like the paper I have ready for you that tells you what your name means" yes she said and then " Would you like to take an angel card with you?" She pick one and read the affirmation and said "o.k. thanks" (1 out of 44)
~ I could brush up on my skill but 43 people were amazed with their three card reading, (I was right on or next to being right on) and the year thing was a hit! (15 mins. went fast for the readings)
~ one lady her face went red and she said "this is scary, I don't think I'll be back" as she was laughing. ( I knew I was right on there) lol

*** Please do not be afraid to read. People want the information and they
are amazed at the knowledge we give them***


Thanks for posting this ros, it sounds wonderful! You must be very proud :D What a great salon :)


Ros, that's great and sounds like fun. I wish I was there...except Holy snappin turtles, I hear it's cold up there!!!!!!!!! ;)


Ros, that's wonderful! Sounds like you had a great time and that things went very well. I'm sure the good word will spread about your town now :)

All the best,


Thanks very much for sharing a wonderful experience! & kudos for having the courage to do so.

That ought to act as positive affirmation for the Tarot endeavours & "free" publicity for your skills.


ros wrote:*** Please do not be afraid to read. People want the information and they are amazed at the knowledge we give them***
I love stories like this.
So Ros, (hee hee hee)...why do you read Tarot (for other people)?


Forgot to add I got three bookings for readings on the Saturday.

***Don't be afraid and step up to the plate!***

I did the Numerology first, Tarot reading and then let them pick an Angel Card.
The numbers, reading and the Angel Card all connected together in
most of the cases. I was even surprised at what was happening.


Yes I'm wondering now, why I do read!

I thought at first to find "my" own answers and then to "help" others find their
answers and now it's...
I don't know. I think it's getting wierd!


Last thing.

I told over half of them about being here with you people!


That sounds great, Ros. it sounds like everything really clicked. Thank you for posting about it! What deck were you using?
