Recurring Number - What Does It Mean?


Well, I have noticed one thing about 33...especially when I see it on the clock: I'm usually very emotional or talking/thinking about something very emotional to me, just happen to look at the clock and it's -:33 (whatever time) or 3:03, or 3:33..etc.

Does it have anything to do with feelings? Who knows?

I asked my mom about it last night. I didn't expect any ground-breaking response (moms know a lot, but they're not Gd :p), but you never know where wisdom might come mom said, "Maybe it's a sign that this is your 33rd incarnation"....I thought about it for a second, thought of all the other people who are also stalked by 33 (see links I've posted a couple of posts ago)...and said to my mom, "Okay, but what of it? Why do I need to know that this is my 33rd incarnation at this point?" Gd bless her honesty, she said,"How should I know?" Hehe. Don't you love honest people? Guess this apple doesn't fall far from that tree. :D

Really. How should any of us know? But inquiring minds WANT to if anyone gets a brilliant flash....please post!



In my eternal quest for information on the number...I came across the link below, while searching for something completely different:

According to the page: know and live the TRUTH(33)...the Number 33 in Meaning is TRUTH...the Number 33 is directing you to seek out the TRUTH(33).

You can read more details on the page, but at least now the number 33 has a name to it for me: TRUTH. Let's see what other connections I make to it in time... :angel:

Here's another more thorough page ( about others' experiences with this number; it's good to not be the ONLY one stalked by the "truth" (33)! })

Now if only I could figure out what that 'truth' IS...!!

GA :p


I have to revive this thread.

The recurring numbers had stopped for a bit (over a year?). Over the past 3 weeks, they're back.


and now: 11:11

Even my saved mailbox now has 1111 messages. And the time is constantly 11, 11, 11, or 3:33, or :33...and most recently, 11:33.

What's all this about? And why now?

Some links I've found about these phenomenons:

1. 11:11

2. More 11:11

3. 11:11 and the Mayan Calendar

4. 11:11 Make a Wish!



With me its usually been 1s, 2s and 3s, any way round, 11, 111, 11:11 etc but lately it has been 9s and 7s which don't come up on digital clocks but still there they are on car number plates, on the tv, post counts, email messages . . . you name it.


This seems to be a very powerful time of creation for people; I see repetitive even numbers and 22's (I have both 11 and 22 in my numbers). Maybe this is an important time in your life that the universe is preparing you for; like last...did anything interesting happen last year when they stopped?

Some people are holding 09/09/09 to be a very important signpost and when I was working with several healers and crystal workers a month ago, they were channeling messages that this is a very important year and time for all spiritualists; a time of rapid growth and change for many, a destiny year for many as well. This is also a period in history that signifies the most energies we've had available to us for millenia.

That still doesn't explain your repetitive numbers though! It does in the sense of a signpost for a step in a spiritual journey, but how does that relate to what you're doing or about to do?


TractJM said:
That still doesn't explain your repetitive numbers though! It does in the sense of a signpost for a step in a spiritual journey, but how does that relate to what you're doing or about to do?
I'm not sure...that's what I'm trying to figure out and if anyone has personal experience with these numbers and has some idea what it maybe about, please share!



Well in my experience; repetitive numbers have generally varied a lot more than that; often referring to signposts and periods in time. I don't gamble but I had to buy 10 lotto tickets one day (made my money back and then some too!) but on 4 of the tickets, the first column was "06" and "08" and I felt intuitively, that it was June 8th. On June 8th I was offered a new job with a substantial improvement in conditions and money.

I used to always look at my watch at 00:11, 08:19 and 06:11 for some reason.

You keep seeing two master numbers; 11 and 33. Your guides/angels/universe wants you to do or know something. I'm not sure what the full scope of your experience or activities is; but what if you went to a medium, or did your own channeling (even asked for advice via a dream or meditative state) to gain a clearer message? They might be saying "We're hitting you on the head, now find a way to hear us better!"


TractJM said:
Well in my experience; repetitive numbers have generally varied a lot more than that; often referring to signposts and periods in time. I don't gamble but I had to buy 10 lotto tickets one day (made my money back and then some too!) but on 4 of the tickets, the first column was "06" and "08" and I felt intuitively, that it was June 8th. On June 8th I was offered a new job with a substantial improvement in conditions and money.

I used to always look at my watch at 00:11, 08:19 and 06:11 for some reason.

You keep seeing two master numbers; 11 and 33. Your guides/angels/universe wants you to do or know something. I'm not sure what the full scope of your experience or activities is; but what if you went to a medium, or did your own channeling (even asked for advice via a dream or meditative state) to gain a clearer message? They might be saying "We're hitting you on the head, now find a way to hear us better!"
Ha! :) That could totally be the case...but I need more than just a number on the clock or wherever. I need their message FEDEX'ed to me. :D Seriously, you might be on to something, but since I obviously need more...I may have to "ask" for more input, something more clear and solid that I'll understand.

GA :)


GoddessArtemis said:
Ha! :) That could totally be the case...but I need more than just a number on the clock or wherever. I need their message FEDEX'ed to me. :D Seriously, you might be on to something, but since I obviously need more...I may have to "ask" for more input, something more clear and solid that I'll understand.

GA :)

I wonder what they would do if you did an invocation "Guides & Angels, PLEASE FEDEX your message to me!"
*pictures a FedEx delivery later with a clock stuck on 11:11*

One time as a joke, I was asking an oracle deck "What resources do I have available?" and the "You have all the resources you need" card kept flying at me. They can be very honest comedians >_>

Hopefully they give you more information; sometimes I think they do this to make us develop our trust and faith in our intuition, and sometimes I swear they do it as a divine comedy :p


TractJM said:
I wonder what they would do if you did an invocation "Guides & Angels, PLEASE FEDEX your message to me!"
*pictures a FedEx delivery later with a clock stuck on 11:11*
How funny would it be if I received a real FEDEX envelope, with a delivery time of 11:11? :D
One time as a joke, I was asking an oracle deck "What resources do I have available?" and the "You have all the resources you need" card kept flying at me. They can be very honest comedians >_>
Oh yes, this happens to me, too. I used to get irritated by this. Now I just throw up my hands and go, "Very funny".
Hopefully they give you more information; sometimes I think they do this to make us develop our trust and faith in our intuition, and sometimes I swear they do it as a divine comedy :p
I agree. But I'll "ask" and see what happens. :)