Long Distant Relationship Spread


I am looking for a Long Distant Relationship Spread, and couldn't find one on this thread. I am wondering if anyone can help me out? I saw one but don't know where I found it-- I know silly.



*bump* - I'm interested too... :)


Hope this can help

I made this spread up. I hope it covers the things you wanted to know.


1/ Me (or the querent) now
2/ My partner now
3/ Current state of the relationship
4/ What I want out of the relationship
5/ What my partner wants out of the relationship
6/ True (or Spiritual) cause of the distance
7/ Postives (or benefits) to the distance
8/ Negatives to the distance
9/ Advice
10/ Most likely outcome

I tried it out on my own long distance love relationship with what I think was a lot of success. It certainly identified issues I was already aware of. Let me know what you think and if it works for you.



Thanks I will try it today!-

Updated 10:45am Eastern time

I used the spread and it is giving me the same cards as I have used in another spread but it's more specific.

I do have a question -- this is because I am new to using other spreads other than the celtic cross of the seven card spread--

If a card needs more explaining could you pull more cards to "define" that one?

and if so, do I lay it across that card?


Hi Ceit,

Follow your instinct on that one. Personally, I wouldn't use the companion card to cross the one you need to understand better unless you were asking yourself why you are having trouble accepting the card message. (Does that make sense?)



FaeryGodmother said:
Hi Ceit,

Follow your instinct on that one. Personally, I wouldn't use the companion card to cross the one you need to understand better unless you were asking yourself why you are having trouble accepting the card message. (Does that make sense?)


I think I needed more understanding of the last card. It was the 5 of wands. All the other cards in the spread were upbeat and very positive. I just wanted to know where the struggle would be.

Thank you very much for the spread. It's a good one.



I love this spread!!

Thank you so much FaeryGodmother for this spread. In this day of internet and long distance romances this has become very handy indeed for my on-line readings.
Many Blessings


I really like this spread, i think it would work well for any seperated couple, or for those who for reasons unknown have drifted apart, i'm going to post a reading with this, with a link back here,thanks for the spread!


Funny, I ve got the 5oW too as the outcoming card..!Are you working with quintessence? (All numbers in addition. The outcome could tell something about a deeper meaning, or as a summary ).

Like the spread:)


I just used this spread its really good as it opened up a few areas of thought on a long distance relationship. I've just pretty much had a major quarrel with my partner and find it interesting to get the Page of Cups as my 'outcome.' I take this to mean that we may resolve our issues even though a lot of the other spreads I have done point on my LDR point mostly towards the contrary, predicting not great outcomes all round! I wonder if anyone else gets contradicting vibes? Thanks for the spread :)