Yes/No spread


Awesome Yes/No spread

I thought of this spread one day in a coffee shop after looking through some books. I used as a basis the book "Tarot for Tomorrow" by Emily Peach. The spread is laid out as follows:
[size=+1]1*6*7[/size]-keep face down
[size=+1]2*5*8[/size]-turn over
[size=+1]3*4*9[/size]-turn over​

Lay out the cards all face down. Cards 1,6,7 stay faced down, you do not need to know about them at all, but later you can look at them, but for now dont look. Cards 1,6,7 are the yes/no line. If 2-3 cards are upright, it is most likely yes; 2-3 cards reversed, most likely no. The next line gives the answer "because". These are cards 2,5,8. Turn them face up. The third line, 3,4,9, are the "consequence" or "result" line. Also turn these face up. Ill give an example to make it clear:

OK, so i just laid out all my cards face down.

I happen to notice that cards 1,6,7 are 2 upright, 1 reversed (because of the back- if your deck has a symmetrical back, like the RWS, you'll have to look at the card, but still leave it face down). I can say now, that the answer has a yes tendency.

I turn over 2,5,8. I make the statement, "Yes, because....(and i interpret the line of cards)." I then turn over the third line: 3,4,9. I say, "Yes, because....(second line interpretation), and as a result...(interpret line 3).

The fun's not over yet. :) Now, you interpret down and diagonally (uh oh!) This is actually the very interesting and revealing part though-but not necessarily needed). The first 'down' reading is 1,2,3. It is the same as above, except shorter and may say something different. Card 1 (upright for instance), we could say, "Yes, because (card 2) and as a result or consequence (card 3). Repeat this for 6,5,4 and 7,8,9 in the same manner.

Diagonally is really no different. The lines are 1,5,9 and 7,5,3.

Now that your interpretation is pretty much finished, you can look at the face down cards. These can represent the basis of why it is no (reversed) or yes (upright). However it is not limited to that. They can all have different meanings, or can be bias cards, suprise cards, or anything you desire to be of help to you. Each one can show wrong bias for any yes/no premise of thought (bias against what you think, whether yes or no).

HERE is an actual reading using this spread

I hope that this spread helps, I know it sounds difficult, but may be very enlightening to the confused querent. Please remember that yes/no questions do not utilize the Tarot very effectively, I just wanted to make a Yes/no spread that would satisfy difficult questions seeking a simple answer.

Any questions just ask! Feedback would be nice too....

Quick guide:
Read [167][258][349] (yes/no because consequence)
Read [123] (yes/no-because-consequence)
Read [654] (yes/no-because-consequence)
Read [789] (yes/no-because-consequence)
Read [159] (yes/no-because-consequence)
Read [753] (yes/no-because-consequence)
Cards 167 only use dignity for the reading, you dont have to turn them over.


Any feedback? How did it work for you? Are there any changes i need to make? Any clarification of parts?


Hi Rainwolf,
interesting spread

I am just too tired to understand it all right now. I am going to write it in my tarot journal and check it out soon. I will give you feedback when I am done!
Probably tomorrow.
Thanks, I am always excited to try new interesting spreads, and I am really in dire need of some variety!


I did this spread a few times...I am a little confused about that first line 1,6,7 how is this the yes/no line? I thought that cards 2 and 3 determined whether it is yes or no...?
But, when I read each individually, it is very helpful regarding the overall reading. It is really cool, going thru the combo's...123 and the diagonals too. Things amke a lot of sense when going thru these combo's.

Could card 5 reprsent something kind of "bigger" than just card number 5? I mean because of its position. Do you know what I mean? Have you done this spread enough to have any ideas about that #5 card? It just looks like it could affect all of the other lines somehow sitting in the center like that.
Thanks for sharing this with us,


1,6,7 are horizontal in respects to yes/no.
2,5,8 are 'because', and
3,4,9 are 'consequenes'.
I think you are mixing 123 with yes/no: it is read down as a [yes/no:1]+[because:2]+[consequence:3]. Across, it is an entire yes/no in the first, longer reading[167:yes/no]+[258:b/c]+[349:conseq.].
I hope that can answer your question.

Quick guide:
Read [167][258][349] (yes/no because consequence)
Read [123] (yes/no-because-consequence)
Read [654] (yes/no-because-consequence)
Read [789] (yes/no-because-consequence)
Read [159] (yes/no-because-consequence)
Read [753] (yes/no-because-consequence)

As for number 5, it is important because it relates to every card almost, except the initial reading where it is only read once. Therefore you can say that the card can be looked at individually for insight also.

Did that make sense? I can write more if it will help. Ill update the original with the quickguide.


I think this is a very good spread, a bit tough though if you are a begginer.... :| but hey, that's my problem.... :D

Would it be okay for me if instead of reversals (since I don't use them and don't want to use them) I use the yes/no method of suit/element?


I agree it is a little difficult, i had it in mind as a more advanced spread that would provide more information for those who like the technical "dignity" stuff, but im glad that you are stretching yourself! You can use an elemental dignity if you would like, but the reversal method was my easy part (the elemental may be more ambiguous but reasoning), that way you dont even have to turn over the top row of cards, meaning you just read the back if it is upside down (no) or right side up (ya). Either or-its just elemental may make it harder but may even provide more info (didnt think of that before, thanks!)

I hope i mentioned that the whole spread is supposed to be read according to every dignity (so the top row not using them may be a relief).


I get it now, thanks. And thanks for this spread, I like it. Very insightful and fun to do.


Yaaaay! I made a useful spread!


What about using ED's for the 167 cards??

I just had an idea that will possibly give a little more depth to the Yes/no tendency of reversals (especially for those of us that are still not comfortable with reversals - they tend to turn reading upside down :).

If you are interested I'll see what I can put together wrt teh possible interactions.

Let me know.

Love Light and peasce