WITCHES TAROT - 2 pentacles


Another bodybuilder. An oldermustached man, holding a dumbbell in one hand and taking money in the other.

LWB = Physical force, physical energy, good work.

This card doesn't appear as easy to read as the similiar 8 of pentacles. We still have the recurring green theme as the pentacle suit does.

But what is the connection with the money? It always seems to me that he has won a bodybuilding contest more than anything else. The anonymous money being handed to him from the side, and it looks as though he is accepting it.
Could it be that the good work interpretaion comes from striving to get it? He works hard at his body and he gets the rewards from it. That would imply good work, but not so much physical force or energy.

Does anyone see this card differently?


Jamwalls said:
Another bodybuilder. An oldermustached man, holding a dumbbell in one hand and taking money in the other.

LWB = Physical force, physical energy, good work.

This card doesn't appear as easy to read as the similiar 8 of pentacles. We still have the recurring green theme as the pentacle suit does.

But what is the connection with the money? It always seems to me that he has won a bodybuilding contest more than anything else. The anonymous money being handed to him from the side, and it looks as though he is accepting it.
Could it be that the good work interpretaion comes from striving to get it? He works hard at his body and he gets the rewards from it. That would imply good work, but not so much physical force or energy.

Does anyone see this card differently?

I think you're right. From the picture itself and the LWB, what you say makes sense. I think perhaps this card represents rewards coming from hard work, specifically physical work.

Ok, I just thought of a more ominous meaning...lol. Think "Bully in the schoolyard". The LWB says "physical force" what if they are giving him money because he is threatening them with physical harm if they don't? " lol


2 pentacles

Ok, I just thought of a more ominous meaning...lol. Think "Bully in the schoolyard". The LWB says "physical force" what if they are giving him money because he is threatening them with physical harm if they don't? " lol

Actually that is an extremely interesting insight, and it is quite plausible.


I like the bully interp too! I do see it as money being a reward for like you say a body building competition, but as there is 3 wads of money being handed over to him he is only looking at one wad, so mabey this a warning to the querent that there are 2 sides to a story/ way to earn money and to not look at the obvious the most secure way, (the dumbells that he is holding on to for dear life ) so you still get that juggeling of money feel with this card although I feel it represents all matters in life not just money.