Personal 'tools' for divination


MM ~ Don't just look them up, free-associate! If I got a white owl, I would be reminded of my Uncle. He smoked White Owl cigars. Sometimes a John Edward approach helps - "Oh, Uncle says hi!" BB, Stella

psychic sue

Good point Stella, but when I tried to associate I just got Wisdom, which I guess everyone would get for an owl. It didn't seem to have any other connection in my life.

However, I will try in the future, as this must be a better way to interpret.

I have ordered a set of Amethys runes and a crystal ball, both due to be delivered on Wednesday - I can hardly wait!

Sue x


hi sue;

owls, being creatures of the night, represent seeing that which others cannot. not only do they see what is hidden by the dark, they can view all the way around, in other words, they view the whole picture.

they also have very keen hearing. they are believed to represent spiritual knowledge. a knowledge of the unseen, unheard. they can be an omen of developing clairvoyance. they can assist you in seeing past peoples 'masks'. owls knowledge of the great 'secrets', of night, are why they are symbolic of witches, shaman and magicians.

owls help us see the truth. the goddess athena carried one around on her shoulders. the owl revealed to her great truths and secrets. she was even reputed to be able to shapeshift into an owl. the wealthy of ancient greece, often carried owls about with them, in cages or on their shoulders.

needless to say, being birds of prey and creatures of the night also earned owls the reputation of representing death or evil forces.
of course, this interpretation would probably be negated by your owl being white. white in any creature, usually gives a spiritual interpretation.

psychic sue

Thank you for that Zoraya.

I am opening up psychically and casting my first spells, so it all fits in very well.

I have also been drawn to The Goddess lately so that would fit in to.

Thanks for taking the time to post.

Sue x


to milfoil

You're trying too hard ! Lie down and chill out, lookat the patterns on the wall, the clouds going by outside. the cracks in the ceiling ! ( keep a bit paper and pencil beside you) watch the patterns of things and be idle ! then if something comes into you head, and then you find yourself dismissing it--WRITE IT DOWN FAST ! the go back to floating again. And like most things, it takes time --ask me how I know this ! xxx Mary


just joined AT and catching up on these postings

I have just joined this group a week or so ago and have finally finished going thru all the posts on this topic. I find it truly fascinating. I have found that items call out to me. I am strongly drawn toward amethyst and quartz - have had some great 'impromptu' images. I have found that I can 'scry' with just about anything. It feels as though objects have a message for me and I don't know what those objects will be until they appear. It could be a cloud, a river or stream, a stone/crystal, a bird/bird's song, something in breeze....

It is truly amazing and I feel so blessed to feel these things. This 'journey' sounds wonderful - I hope to continue reading these great posts and add to them as well.

Lunar mist


mingbop said:
You're trying too hard ! Lie down and chill out, lookat the patterns on the wall, the clouds going by outside. the cracks in the ceiling ! ( keep a bit paper and pencil beside you) watch the patterns of things and be idle ! then if something comes into you head, and then you find yourself dismissing it--WRITE IT DOWN FAST ! the go back to floating again. And like most things, it takes time --ask me how I know this ! xxx Mary

Thanks Mary

Will do - I think that the message I've been getting for a few days now . . . S LO W D O W N.

Nail on the head. ;)


lunarmist said:
I have just joined this group a week or so ago and have finally finished going thru all the posts on this topic. I find it truly fascinating. I have found that items call out to me. I am strongly drawn toward amethyst and quartz - have had some great 'impromptu' images. I have found that I can 'scry' with just about anything. It feels as though objects have a message for me and I don't know what those objects will be until they appear. It could be a cloud, a river or stream, a stone/crystal, a bird/bird's song, something in breeze....

It is truly amazing and I feel so blessed to feel these things. This 'journey' sounds wonderful - I hope to continue reading these great posts and add to them as well.

Lunar mist

Glad you have joined us Lunar Mist. I look forward to reading your posts and learning from you.


psychic sue said:
I have ordered a set of Amethys runes and a crystal ball, both due to be delivered on Wednesday - I can hardly wait!
MM ~ I would be stuck to the window like those Garfield dolls with suction cups on the feet, all day Wednesday (Woden's Day - VERY auspicious for psychism!) Congratulations! BB, Stella


zorya said:
...being birds of prey and creatures of the night also earned owls the reputation of representing death or evil forces.
of course, this interpretation would probably be negated by your owl being white. white in any creature, usually gives a spiritual interpretation.
Yes, a white owl would be positive. Folklore says that if you see an owl in the daytime, or hear one calling outside your house night after night, it is an omen of death. I wouldn't get alarmed or take it that far, but when these things happen, Owl IS trying to give you some kind of message! I also want to add that scrying is a very gentle medium, nothing like Ouija or any of that. It will warn you about things - when I get tigers or other big cats, it means there is "devouring" energy coming my way. A crystal ball looks out for you.