The Untrodden Trail


This spread was created by WalesWoman and I. If you are considering a path to take or have a dream you would like to pursue, and want to find out the pro's and con's of taking a chance on it or whether it it is viable or not ... have a go :D


1. What is the dream, the path you would like to walk?
2. What is the fantasy - what you think it would be like? (What does your mind's eye see?)
3. What opened your mind and heart to this possibility? (What Event, occurrence, from what direction, influence?)
4. What is the hidden potential?
5. What are very real delusions?
6. What you need to learn before you commit to this path. (Reality checks)
7. What you will learn along the way.
8. Dream's Awakening (How you can begin)
9. How the potential of your dream will be realized.


Maggie Bell

Another rockin' spread ... yeow!



Great ideas in there - I like!

Need a jump start right about now ...

(Only part I'm not sure about is #10 - how will it be realized.)

Ann S:OS