Palmistry Study Group:Changing Lines


New lines?

I want to know more about palmistry too. I read that you get new lines forming in your hands because your thoughts can change the electo-magnetic field in your body. Is this true? Have you been reading palms long enough to find a pattern in them forming? What about just dry hands lines. Sorry for so many questions at once. I had a palm reading combined with tarot cards the other day, and it was a fascinating combination.(but you make more sense than he did) here's a precognative thanks :)


Cascade said:
I read that you get new lines forming in your hands because your thoughts can change the electo-magnetic field in your body. Is this true? Have you been reading palms long enough to find a pattern in them forming? What about just dry hands lines.
I don't know why our lines change, whether it's electromagnetic force, or what. I do know they change, as I've watched my own palm change in response to the changes in my life.

Patterns? The Life line is the first to form, within the womb, followed by the Head and Heart lines. After that, other lines will emerge on an infant's palm, and can be as complex or blank as an adult, in my experience. A good deal of palmistry information can be seen on a child under one year old... but rmeember, this palm shows what the Self is at the current time. The infant's hand can (and will) change.

The only pattern to line formation I've ever found is the Girdle of Venus (not discussed in this study group), which I read as a sign of sexual self. This line is not seen on children too young to feel their own sexuality. I once was put in the uncomfortable spot at a faire when a teenage daughter and her mother both wanted palm readings. They were pleased with their readings, but I said nothing about the teenage girl's sexuality (although I did about her mother).

About 10 minutes later, the 2 were back at my booth. "Tell her about my sexuality, tell her the truth!" the young girl says, with a challenging look at her mother. Embarrased, I opened her palm and saw no Girdle of Venus. "There is no strong sexual self yet developed," I told them both.

"SEE?" said the daughter triumphantly. "I TOLD you I was a virgin!" she gloated. Her mother gave me a wink, and I was greatly embarrased, but happy to help the twosome in their debate.


Life Changes and Lines

Hi Alissa You say your palm lines change with your life changes. But are they permanent lines? Maybe not deep, like the lifeline or heartline, but still there always. Is this how we get the star and crosses? One line forming on another? and what will I be looking for when I have new lines? Whew...sorry but you have answers. Thanks :)


Cascade said:
Hi Alissa You say your palm lines change with your life changes. But are they permanent lines? Maybe not deep, like the lifeline or heartline, but still there always. Is this how we get the star and crosses? One line forming on another? and what will I be looking for when I have new lines?
The best way to watch your lines is to make palm prints. This takes the guess work out of waiting 6 mos to a year, and then wondering if *this* line was there last year or not, or if it ended more in a fork before, etc. ;) The permanent lines stay - I have never heard of a Life, Heart, or Head line disappearing from the palm. I *have* heard tell of those missing a significant palm line, were born without it, but I've never actually *seen* a palm without these three lines, for sure.

The lines themselves will change. They may become braided, chained, islanded, forked, frayed, weaker or stronger in appearance. They may break apart, or as I have more often seen, they may lengthen, deepen and grow.

Stars and crosses: some folks have stars or crosses that they wear upon their palm for many years, or even all their life. Other times, current influences can cause lines to come together, or unique markings to surface on their own, to make stars and crosses that were not apparant on the line previously.

I have seen my own Teacher's square come and go, and metamorphisize as my "teaching" position in life changes, for example.

On a related note, I find it endlessly fascinating to make palm prints of my young son's palm. I've been watching his lines change in the 4 years he's been alive, and it can be a fascinating study also.



Just what I needed! Clear, concise how-to advice. I'm going to print my own hands. Kids love to make handprints anyway, so what a neat idea. You could keep them in photo albums and follow his progression over the years. Thanks again Alissa, you're the bomb..


My great-uncle is a Korean palm reader. What he does is different from the white-American reader I've seen.

When I was seven, he visted us and the first thing he did was look at my palm. Said something about being inside too much and having a slightly weak heart because of little exercise, which would lead to disease/failure of a couple organs (kidney and liver). He was right, because at that time I stayed inside all day reading instead of running around like kids should, nor did I eat right. He showed me which lines meant what and how.

Eight years later he was back, and he grabbed my hand again the instant he walked through the door. I have NO idea how he remembered the last reading he gave me, but he said, "You've changed! You excercise more now! Your heart line says you're stonger and sturdier than before. You life line is longer and I see no kidney failure." There was more, but that was the gist of it.

There's a logical explanation to it. My muscles changed. I know that palmistry also reflects personality. Well, when you chose to change personality (from introverted bookworm to slightly more extroverted athlete, in my case), your lifestyle habits change, too. More exercise for me meant more developed muscles, which means lines in my hands changed. You'll notice construction workers, housewives and pianists have deeper lines than philosophy majors and mathmeticians who "crunch numbers" all day. They aren't as active, so they have weak muscles that reflect in their weak palm lines.

That's the short version of it, anyway. I hope I wasn't confusing. I need to think of a clearer way to say this, but I wanted you to know it now.


I have several questions, but I suppose I should post them in the correct Palmestry place.

Anyhow, I would like to know what it means to have "two" Life lines. Mine starts out at the beginning of the Head line (near thumb,) but as two seperate lines, which come back together by the time they reach the end of the Headline.
There is actualy a "third" at the begining of the Life line, which is a light mark that reaches down into the Venus area (near the thumb). I assume this as part of one Life line.

Thanks, in advance.


Hello psychicbody,

This sounds like the sister line on the Life line. Secondary, or "sister," lines can appear for any of our major lines, but I see them most often on the Life line, hugging inside of the thumb, near the "worry lines" area, just as you describe. I discuss their appearance in the Life line thread also. In general, a sister line to the Life line shows, as I mention, the strong and pronounced presence of a guardian spirit/angel(s).

Hope this helps... :)


I have them too!

Changing or transient lines, in my left hand. and it hurts when they appear too!.

Its a couple of broken lines jutting down from my left thumb to my wrist and then a single, and reletivly deep, line moving upwards to my little finger, alltogether it looks like a sharp 90 degree angle.

They turn bright red and itch until they dissapear and don't follow any other line patterns in either hand.



I've just noticed something quite unusual that I have never seen on my palm before. It is near the base, probably about 3cm in from the base, and it is pretty much smack bang in the middle (equal distance from both sides of hand), it is a like a reddish/pinkish "blemish" about 0.5cm in diameter, and it is slightly raised. Oh, by the way, it is on the right hand, my dominant hand.

I have had a particularly stessful day today, and may indicate an ending of something or at least a start of something. But this is very early days, and not quite sure where it is going to go yet.

I doubt it, but I was wondering if there is any significance of that appearing on my palm. If so, what does it mean?
