Gothic Epitaph Spread


This is a past/future spread that I came up with to try something unique and fun using the Vargo Gothic deck, (or another dark tarot).

The premise is this. The cards tell the future of what is written on your grave, which you use to try to figure out what steps it would have taken to get from the here and now, to having these results as your epitaph.


Here lies (card one, the deceased self)

He/She was (card two) and (card three, definitive traits of the deceased.)

Was known for (card four, self explanatory?)

Died from (card five, also self explanatory?)

I designed it just for morbid fun, but I have not used it yet.

It would be interesting to figure out what one could learn from this, if taken seriously.

“Here lies Ned.
Caught with neighbor’s wife in bed,
Now they both have end up dead”

Have fun with this and let me know what you think!!


That was actually fun.

Here is my reading for my tombstone.

Here lies the ( Queen of Swords ) who was outspoken and firery. She knew what she wanted and always went right for it, and was more than happy to argue you down if you didnt agree.

She was (Ace of Disk and King of Cups) Married to a great guy who was understanding of her temper and did his best to balance her out while being supportive of her goals. They had a stable household in which no one wanted for anything. They were proud of everything they worked hard to earn.

She was known for (Knight of Disk) being hard headed and stubborn. She never gave up on anything she started.

She died from (Four of Swords) working herself to death to prove someone wrong, her hard head getting the best of her.

The end.

Mrs Lindemann


really! I think we have the same tastes ;)

kisses ***


This is rather morbid...and rather fun! Thanks merc!

and thanks to kittenann too...for the example...makes a lot of sense now!

I just got my Gothic today (after wanting it forever!)

And I decided this would be my first reading with it!

Here lies, a Hanged Woman...not resting in peace! Though intuitive, she had a hard time making decisions about what she needed to do to move herself forward in life...(Hanged man)

She was an artist and alchemist, mixing together many ideas and concepts just to see if they would explode...and instigating visionary projects, and passions in everyone she met.(Temperance, Ace of Wands)

She was known for tempting people away from established structures, rebelling against destiny, promoting free will choice, and wearing her slave collar to family gatherings. (the Devil)

She died while in the throws of passion with her Master.(two of cups)

Hee hee!


It's a really fun spread..... I did it a few more times and just about die laughing.... hmmm no corney pun intended in that....


it seems a good spread.

maybe i will use it .

The died from, i dont know if i undrestand exctlay the meaning.


Hmm.....Here lies (4 of Wands) the lady of romance, she was paired with a good man (Kind of Cups) yet worried overmuch (4 of Cups). She started a LOT of things (Ace of Wands) but died from a bout of overdrinking (Ace of Cups). Who knew Pepsi could do that to a person? The lawsuit is pending.


light2000 said:
The died from, i dont know if i undrestand exctlay the meaning.

Light2000, this means the cause of death, the reason the person died (from an accident, an illness, or whatever the card indicates).

This is a cute idea. Hmmm... now which deck should I use... ? Ah, the DruidCraft.

Here lies the High Priestess. She enjoyed having a good meal and drinks with friends (3 of Cups) but spent much time alone, contemplating what might have been (4 of Swords). She was known for being able to juggle many responsibilities (2 of Pentacles), but eventually succumbed to escapism, taking up permanent residence in the world of illusion (7 of Cups).


Lol Hudson!


Here's mine:

Here lies (6/Pentacles) a woman who generously gave to the community and shared what she had.
She was (The Emperor) strong and authoritative but with a (The Lovers) gentle, loving side to her.
She was known for (The Magician) her strong will, determination and ability to make things happen (even if they didn't happen exactly as she planned ;))
She died from (Two/Swords) trying to balance too many things at once without truly ever seeing anything. (Either that or accidentally killing herself because she was playing with swords blindfolded :p)