Lesson Spread


this spread is for those moments when you know you are walking through life on a journey that is based around one big test and lesson, and you would like to get some insight on it. i tried it and it seemed quite insightful

1 what is the lesson

2 what is the importance of this lesson

3 why am i being given this lesson now

4 what is underlying about this lesson

5 how do i learn this lesson

6 how do i use this in everyday life

7 what is the outcome when i overcome this lesson


Hi Sprite;
Is there any particular way you put the cards? I.e. layout or just seven down? I may be making this layout more complicated than what it is..lol But, a lot of these spreads have a particular layout sometimes. Anyway, I wanted to ask before I tried it.


sorry i kinda forgot that part i think i laid them out as such, really nothing special just kinda how i felt at the time


autumn star

Thanks for this spread -

It's such a coincidence because I was looking for a spread that was just like this.

It's great for finding out the reason why your in a situation and what you can learn with it.


yeah thats what i was thinking to. i am going through the biggest lesson/test in my life and it has turned my world upside down and inside out and i needed to try and get a grip on it somehow. i used the authurian legend when i did it, figured i could use some old wise souls to help put the pieces together on this one. i hope it works for you all and if anyone thinks that it could better chime in and share.


sprite said:
sorry i kinda forgot that part i think i laid them out as such, really nothing special just kinda how i felt at the time


Great spread. I would lay it out this way though:


Since position 4 is about what's underlying, it makes sense to me that it would be at the bottom of the spread. I also think the position meanings pair up better with the new layout.

sprite said:
1 what is the lesson

2 what is the importance of this lesson

3 why am i being given this lesson now

4 what is underlying about this lesson

5 how do i learn this lesson

6 how do i use this in everyday life

7 what is the outcome when i overcome this lesson

You have the following pairs that can be further explored:
lesson and the outcome
importance of lesson and how to use the lesson
why the lesson is given and how it can be learned.




Lookin' good! I'll give it a shot...





This is just what I was looking for.I can't wait to try it.