Spread- What you bring for your past life


Hi all!!

The last week i entered at the Soul Gatthering, the spread was free, so i could used what spread i like most.
But like was the first time tath i was doing a reading for past lifes, i made up a spread to help me.
Like it seems that it help much and my partener (purple_scorp) liked it, i decided to post here.

So, i hope you enjoy it:
The name can be (what you bring for your past life)

1 line - past life
1- what you had learned
2- what was the most important
3- the summary

2 line- karma
1- the bad
2- the good
3- your mission

3- this live
1-what you are doing bad
2-what you are doing right
3-are you folowing your mission?

1~2~3- Line of past life
4~5~6- Line of Karma
7~8~9- Line of this life

I hope you like it.


This one looks interesting. I'll try it tonight. Thank you for posting this spread. I hope to learn more from you as time progresses. :D

