Spirit Guide Group: Dreams, Volume Two


Oh, I know who Stephen Fry is. He was in a comedy duo with another chap, but can't recall the other one, I'm sure it will come to me, one day.

I think I know the one you are talking about, he was in a few good movies, wasn't he in "Maybe Baby". Yeah, I like him too, very funny bloke, and he seems to have a very nice, gentle nature. Kinda tall, and quite thin, with a thin, long face.

Nothing to say about the dream, just wanting to say, good choice!!!


PS Didn't know that he was gay, oh well!!

psychic sue

Yes Bec, Mr Perfect always has SOMETHING which makes him unobtainable LOL.!

David - I am so glad I have you to bounce my dreams off - I can see exactly what you are getting at, but I wouldn't have thought of that on my own!

The ballroom was large - huge actually - and we were sitting at a long table. There were other people at the table, but we were in a world of our own!

We didn't dance, we were just sitting there. I do vividly remember him stroking my hands in a very tender way - hands always seem to play a large part in my dreams.

He was dressed in a tweedy kind of suit in the style that he appears to wear in real life, but I think he had a red velvet waistcoat underneath the jacket, and a cravat around his neck. I was wearing something fitting - a ballgown of some kind - but I can't remember any details - colour etc. It was all very old fashioned - victorian even? Here we go with the victorian theme again!

psychic sue

As an afterthought David, if you can get your hands on a DVD of WILDE! it is a most brilliant film. Stephen plays Oscar Wilde so sensitively. He also looks uncannily like Wilde.


psychic sue said:
The ballroom was large - huge actually - and we were sitting at a long table. There were other people at the table, but we were in a world of our own!
Yes, in more ways than one, you were in a world of your own! :) A ballroom is certainly a place of high romance, and the size seems to indicate a limitless passion. It doesn't sound like this was the case, but I could help but think of the ballroom as circular, like a mandala of your soul.

psychic sue said:
We didn't dance, we were just sitting there. I do vividly remember him stroking my hands in a very tender way - hands always seem to play a large part in my dreams.
This sounds like a beautiful moment!

psychic sue said:
He was dressed in a tweedy kind of suit in the style that he appears to wear in real life, but I think he had a red velvet waistcoat underneath the jacket, and a cravat around his neck. I was wearing something fitting - a ballgown of some kind - but I can't remember any details - colour etc. It was all very old fashioned - victorian even? Here we go with the victorian theme again!
Yes, we've never quite been able to pin down exactly what Victorian means to you Sue, but it certainly occurs fairly regularily. I do think of English psychics and seances, and the fascination Victorians had for the exotic and esoteric.

For me Victoria means the place I was born (the capital of British Columbia), the victory of the feminine, and to be Victorian is to come from Victoria. And speaking of Victoria, I just read an email from Chapters.ca today that after 2-1/2 months of waiting they have decided they really can't fill my order for the Victoria Regina Tarot and have cancelled. Arggh! Even though it is in the States, perhaps it is time to give Tarot Garden a try.

psychic sue said:
As an afterthought David, if you can get your hands on a DVD of WILDE! it is a most brilliant film. Stephen plays Oscar Wilde so sensitively. He also looks uncannily like Wilde.
Yes, I saw the advertisement on his web site - it does look like it would be good. DVD rental selections here in Ucluelet are pretty poor but I will look out for it.

PS. Oh dear! I just found out from Tarot Garden that Victoria Regina is out of print. {Sigh}

psychic sue

David - you could try E-Bay?

I did dream last night, but have trouble remembering this morning. I know I saw a UFO (not a lucid dream) but I wasn't at all scared. It landed and two policemen got out! They were very nice to me, but not particularly helpful - unfortunately, I can't seem to remember why I needed their assistance! Grrr! I hate it when that happens! If anything comes back to me I will return and post it.


Hi Sue

Actually I think I'm just going to let it go and not worry about the Victoria Regina. Perhaps Llewellyn will reprint it and I will buy it, but if not there are plenty of other decks, and I don't feel like spending a lot of money on a used deck. It maybe too that I will run into the deck as old stock in a shop somewhere, I wouldn't be surprised...

Well, this is certainly another breakthrough to encounter a friendly UFO - and it would seem that the UFOs are about masculine authority, but "alien" as in something you have not integrated yet, but are perhaps about to.

Blessings - David


More Sex Please, We're British!

Zorya, I will do my best not to cause you any trouble... ;)

Well, that was indeed a night to remember! I cannot say I have ever had a night so full of erotic dreams, including intercourse. Clearly if there had been a bodily climax this could not have been the case, but in all other respects this night of dreams was highly charged with both sublimely tender romance and energetic sexual physicality.

Certainly Sophie and I have engaged in dream intercourse on several occasions, starting with the Sacred Union itself - although this first instance was from the dream observer's point of view, and was quite neutral erotically - to a few other more erotic dream encounters over the course of the intervening year and a half. But in my experience a man's erotic dreaming will usually either lead to physical orgasm or to waking up. In the case of encounters with Sophie they have never led to physical climax since it has been a highly sublimated and imagic relationship. In any event, I would suggest that a sequence of deeply erotic dreams is unlikely for a man, and in my case I would say unprecedented.

My instinct is to attribute this experience to the effects of the Centering Meditation - not that I have more than the most vague sense of what the outcome of this daily practice will be - but it has crossed my mind that the unitive work has ascended from the Root Chakra and is now healing the Sacral Chakra. Referring back to an earlier theory, I would suggest that the meditation is opening me to an inrush of grounded feminine energy, through the feet and up through the Chakras in succession.

In all of these dreams the counterpart was Sophie, and all of them took place at sea, in a large cruise ship. It would appear that my ship has at last come in, referring to Post #225 in Spirit Guide Group Dreams (Volume One), "Finding My Naked Feet". In the first dream of the sequence I will avoid the intimate details but simply observe that Sophie's previous sexual partner, my old self (in this case, the self of before the Wisdom School barely two weeks ago!) was left compassionately but firmly out in the cold in favour of the new self to whom all was given.

In a later dream in the sequence there was a difficulty in finding a place on the ship in which we would not be observed. My suspicion is that this refers to the transparency I have undertaken in describing the act of Centering Meditation, which in my heart feels the equal in intimacy to that of sexual intercourse.

Lastly, near the end of the night, a message was relayed to me from one of my colleagues [yes, we did find time to appear in public too], that a widow of a fellow technologist from the East was most anxious to see me. In this case the East appears to be simply Québec [to keep the metaphor within the limitations of my job with Coast Guard]. Due to the obligations of my work as a supervisor of her deceased husband, I had no choice but to go to meet her when she flew in to Vancouver. It was obvious what she had in mind, and I was not particularly looking forward to it - every man has his limits! And that was the end of a most extraordinary night.

I am quite sure that this widow from the East refers to Eirian, her widowhood being from my old self. The lack of possessive desire for her, and indeed for Sophie, is a great healing in itself. Egoic desire is being replaced by the unrestrained outpouring of unitive love.


I am quite sure that this widow from the East refers to Eirian, her widowhood being from my old self. The lack of possessive desire for her, and indeed for Sophie, is a great healing in itself. Egoic desire is being replaced by the unrestrained outpouring of unitive love.
This is a beautiful break through Sophie-David! I too feel from your descriptions that this may be a kundalini awakening you are experiencing. How exciting and somewhat frightening! :)


My eyes turned again to the fair eyes...

Hi Wildechilde

Yes, it crossed my mind too, the kundalini awakening. I am not really knowledgeable of that model, and although I just did a quick Google could not seem to get anywhere with it. To me this means to simply let it be for now.

Just before I went to bed last night I typed up a quotation from Dante's Paradiso for the Competition thread. In the last line of the quotation I was haunted by the poet's contemplation of Beatrice, his Inner Beloved, and so I put it in italics and even put a smiley beside it, which I never do when I'm quoting:

"My eyes turned again to the fair eyes." :)

I didn't really know why it moved me so much, but it did, and it seemed that somehow there was a special significance that would be revealed in dreaming. And so it was, in an unprecedented and unrestrained celebration of affirming union with the Inner Beloved.

Incidentally, according to Cynthia Bourgeault, the practice of Centering Meditation works specifically with the Third Chakra, since it releases the egoic will and passions.

Namaste - David

PS. I note too that this is the month of Virgo, the earth child who rules the solar plexus, centre of the Third Chakra - I think this is a most auspicious time to take up Centering Meditation!

psychic sue

Interesting stuff about the solar plexus - I never thought it before, but when spirit people draw near to me, my solar plexus is the first part of my body to feel it - a kind of "rolling" feeling.

David, as I was dropping off to sleep last night, I saw a Key and a Keyhole. Someome then whispered "Sophie" in my ear. Mean anything to you?