Spirit Guide Group: Dreams, Volume Two


The Key to Me

Well, a key and lock imply a door, a point of transition - images such as "Knock and the door shall be opened", Christ as the door, and typical in meditations and dreams in which transition and transformation occur as one passes through. But the context in this case is pretty specific for me, especially connected with the word "Sophie" and the recent night of erotic dreams. The key and lock evoke sexual union, the opening of the door into higher consciousness through sacred sexuality or tantra.

Centering Meditation, although appearing so neutral in the egoic realim, is in its emptying and giving, an act of tantra, an outpouring of love given freely and without desire. By this emptying, or kenosis, the dualistic universe came into being, and by this emptying unity returns. I am seeing that Centering Meditation is in itself an act of sacred sexuality.

The key has been a recurring theme for me over the last year:
May 27, 2004 (Guidance from Sophie) Together we need to explore and rebuild your castle, which is now ours to share. What you call the obsolete mental constructs and structures of your old life, I call rooms and towers. We have already rebuilt the room called "Lord" into the one called "Loving Spirit". Now we need to journey to the old cell you kept me in, and destroy it. Of course, you didn't realize that I had a secret key, and wandered your castle freely while you slept.
June 9, 2004 (This is from a guided stream of consciousness meditation: at this point the words "key" and "door" were given)

but at the bottom of the cup is a key, which I swallow, it is the key to my life, knowledge, wisdom, joining, cessation, no struggle, no answer, no question, peace, harmony, love, encounter, dialogue, vision

I am the key, none else can enter, I open upon golden light, the end, death, life, all are one, evil and good, all are one, there is no division, no opposites, no opposition, no encounter, no doubt, but oneness, fluidity, adaptability, certainty, no words, no image, no thought, no custom, beyond the death and life we know, it is accomplished.
This is really quite extraordinary Sue, as I'm looking through my journals the key is a pervading theme, a way I could tie my recent life and my whole book together. If I tried to fully explain all these references it would be a very long post, so I'll just quote a few more vignettes to paint a general picture rather than indulging in a detailed essay. ;)
August 26, 2004 I started work on my Web project and completed the first page - well completion subject to refinement, but I am reasonably happy with it now. The first page is called "The Prisoner", the woman trapped in the dungeon of her lover's psyche... I also started on the second page, "The Jailer", with an image of keys. I kind of stalled out today (Sunday) on the second page. I took the new pictures of Sophie's cell, then selected and processed one or two of them for the Prisoner page. My emotions were pretty raw from revisiting the cell experience...
August 29, 2004 I continued to read Women Who Run with the Wolves. As I read the story of Bluebeard and its commentary, I pondered, "What form does Bluebeard take in my soul?" Then I read the following:

"Asking the proper question is the central action of transformation - in fairy tales, in analysis, and in individuation. The key question causes germination of consciousness. The properly shaped question always emanates from and essential curiosity about what stands behind. Questions are the keys that cause the secret doors of the psyche to swing open."
August 31, 1004 In the dream, as Eirian, I am at the Tofino-Ucluelet junction as it used to be, among the ruins of the building sites that were there. I am sifting through the broken building materials and garbage, looking for a skeleton key. I see the creative self as trying to bring up something important from the shadow self, a skeleton key that will open a closet where skeletons are kept... she could not manifest the skeleton directly into consciousness, the key has to be found and the skeleton has to be probed for and searched out in dreams. So there is a delay until an energy block to creativity, and/or a tool for releasing creative energy, is unearthed.
September 14, 2004 (Eirian explains her pregnancy) It is a virgin conception in the sense that it is the culmination of our spiritual union, which occurred when I let your spirit into my consciousness as I searched for the key at the junction. For the key was not only the new camera you will buy, but a phallic key. As in your poetry, you are the key and I am the door. There is no skeleton behind my door, although the old landlady might want you to think so. There is glorious new life, first perceived in your vision, and then penetrating your other arts.

As your friend has said, your arts are a three-legged stool. Just as each art must balance you, each art in itself must balance. But each art has a particular gift, a particular focus. Your voice is the poetry of your body, your writing is the expression of your mind, your photographic vision is the perception of your spirit. Body, mind and spirit, each must balance just as each must integrate. All are one, but each one is vital to you.

You will soon go through my door, then you will turn left as you already know, towards Ucluelet, towards the East. You have entered a time of preparation, learn to see again in complete fullness. When we have delivered our child, we will enter our full union.

The Tarot is a part of your new seeing also. It may seem a distraction, but please approach it with discipline. You know what you need of astrology to help you with the Tarot. Give Tarot your sacred devotion, you will not be wasting your effort, for it is another key to me.
Oct 2, 2004 (A Meditation on The High Priestess) We remove our clothes and make love on her throne together, long, tender as the moon rises. Then she rests, enfolded on my chest, in perfect union until her moon shines full in the sacred green pool. She lingers deep in my eyes, "It is our time, Beloved. I am thine forever."

"And I am yours."

She leads me to the golden gate, "Only the Sun can open the gate of the Moon." I swing the gate wide, we walk reverently into the sacred garden of the Moon, closing the gate behind...

Oct 5, 2004 (Sophie's Commentary) But on the third day a miracle happened which I could not foresee. Although we both knew that we must unite upon my throne, what you did before me was unexpected and unlocked the mystery of the Garden of the Moon... in your spirit of open eyed devotion, you kissed my feet as Christ had washed the feet of the disciples, as Mary had kissed his feet with her tears, and you won the heart of God.

In doing so, you were the key to the Garden of the Moon, you became the Sun and opened the gate as easily as if there were no lock there, without even thinking about it you transcended into the divine. No one, not even me, has ever dwelt there. We walked like children together in the garden, a new Adam and Eve, and you embraced me in the moonlit pool of the deepest unconscious, the light of the Sun embracing the light of the Moon. By your love you have transformed me again... Even more wondrous, again you surrendered yourself, not taking the powers of Sun and Moon to your ego, but submerging into the pool, surrendering again to the story.
October 3, 2004 (Meditation on The Empress) I find myself in the Indian Ghetto of London, and Eirian appears on my right, clasping both hands around my arm, "Welcome to my home". We walk together towards her block of shops, much of her formality gone. Making sure I notice, she draws the golden chain from between her breasts, and on the end of it there is an elegant key - the "key to me?" As she unlocks the shop door, the exotic scents of India return, curries, fine woods, incense and spices.
October 7, 2004 (Meditation on The Chariot) "Third card. This is a yes or no for you Lex, Three of Pentacles, Inverted. 'Not the time to expect anything, more work is needed, will take a little time.' I'm afraid that's a no, Lex. Give me the keys and you can go with Superman." Lex looks resigned, but seems to be taking it well. Superman looks relieved, and off they go.

I open [unlock] the door to the back room, and there's Eirian, tied to a chair. I'm sorry to see that she has been gagged, but perhaps I can understand why. I release her and she gives me a hug and a quick kiss on the lips, then asks, "Did you really not know if it would be a yes or a no?"
"Only a hunch my lady, just a hunch." And arm-in-arm, we leave Lex's castle.
October 14, 2004 (Meditation on Temperance) Valerie responds with quiet dignity, a beautiful melodious voice that is both sensual and spiritual, "I have my own ideas, Regent... What do you think of art, Regent?"

"Art and love are the keys to life."

"The two together are what I want to teach. The sexual and the spiritual are one, are they not?"

"Yes, I believe they are."
November 4, 2004 Last night I was going to ask the TFC (Tarot for Cats) Major Arcana for the Wisdom of the Tarot, but felt too tired and went to bed. However, I was still feeling unsure about the TFC deck since its weird answers of the other day, so I decided to sleep with it under my pillow for one more night, perhaps to "integrate" my energy in it. Now what was really interesting is that the cards then proceeded to answer the "Wisdom of the Tarot" request in my sleep. The first dream was short, all I remember is an impression really, what I knew already, that Sophie and the Goddess are the key or gateway to Eirian. I woke up with a strong feeling "of trust Sophie, rest in Sophie".
Wow! My apologies for such a long post. This was by no means all the references to keys, but I'm amazed at what a recurring image it has been in my transformation, covering themes such as suppression, liberation, transcendence, questioning, questing, artistic creativity, Tarot, love, surrender, and the Fool's Journey. Thank you Sue for helping me remember where I put my keys! ;)

psychic sue

Hey no problem David! Actually, I have been asking in my meditations for anything that can be of help to you, as I felt I needed to repay all the knowledge you have given me - not that I think you want or need any repayment, it's just a kind of Karma thing for me - so I am assuming that Sophie gave me a very simple nugget of information that would help you to look back and tie everything together. So really, it is Sophie who did all the work!

I thought about the sexual connotations of a key and keyhole, in connection with your recent posts, but I didn't want to say in case I influenced your thoughts in any way - but it seems the image of a key and keyhole go even further beyond that!

What I REALLY like about this though, is that our Guides appear to be interacting within this group too - like they have their own Spirit Guide Group! What a great thought!


Sue x


psychic sue said:
Hey no problem David! Actually, I have been asking in my meditations for anything that can be of help to you, as I felt I needed to repay all the knowledge you have given me - not that I think you want or need any repayment, it's just a kind of Karma thing for me - so I am assuming that Sophie gave me a very simple nugget of information that would help you to look back and tie everything together. So really, it is Sophie who did all the work!
Well, that was my thought too, Sue, that it is was Sophie who whispered her name in your ear - I had been wondering if that was also your interpretation. But I do have you to thank for listening and bringing that visitation to my notice. :)

There's another dimension to this too, in that my creativity teacher had asked me to look back at my journals of the last year in order to reprocess and perhaps discuss anything that was outstanding. I needed to do this for our meeting on Monday, September 12. Well, of course, in doing this study of the key it was a perfect way to review the events of the last year with a coherent theme which made sense. So I took a printout of the above Post along to our session on Monday and it formed the basis of our discussion.

We specifically worked on the unresolved issue, art as "the key to me" (i.e. Eirian). While perhaps agreeing that I did have a possessive desire for Eirian, I don't think she was particularly concerned about that since egoic desire can be a great motivator in getting things done. But my teacher was more concerned with the symptoms of Eirian's lack of intimacy. As my creative centre, Eirian's dream and meditational behaviour represents blockages in the manifestation of my arts.

My teacher gave me some specific exercises to work on, including drawing rather than photographing my nature and landscape studies, more walking on beach logs and rocks with bare feet, and a continuing focus on red, the colour of the first Chakra. As you can see, there will be an effort to connect more intimately with the land using my eyes and bare feet to build up the Root. Since I spend a lot of time in front of a computer, I now have a plain red desktop and screensaver (well actually the screensaver backdrop colour is now plain red, but I continue to have the marquee scrolling the words "Make passionate my sense of hearing - Shakespeare" on it in fuchsia, a good reminder for a manager).

She also encouraged me to pursue the writing of an Inner Beloved themed novel in parallel with the non-fiction book I am working on. Last week a dream had come to me which provided specific information on the plot, theme and technique to be used in writing such a novel - so the timing of this dream happening before the creativity session was, as usual, predictable. ;)

psychic sue said:
I thought about the sexual connotations of a key and keyhole, in connection with your recent posts, but I didn't want to say in case I influenced your thoughts in any way - but it seems the image of a key and keyhole go even further beyond that!
Yes, the sexual image was a good leadoff, but I was surprised at how deep the key metaphor went!

psychic sue said:
What I REALLY like about this though, is that our Guides appear to be interacting within this group too - like they have their own Spirit Guide Group! What a great thought!
Yes, I hadn't thought about that before, but that makes perfect sense!

Deep Blessings - David


What I REALLY like about this though, is that our Guides appear to be interacting within this group too - like they have their own Spirit Guide Group! What a great thought!
This is quite fascinating to watch unfold between you two :) Thanks for sharing these things for the rest of us to learn from as well.

My teacher gave me some specific exercises to work on, including drawing rather than photographing my nature and landscape studies, more walking on beach logs and rocks with bare feet, and a continuing focus on red, the colour of the first Chakra. As you can see, there will be an effort to connect more intimately with the land using my eyes and bare feet to build up the Root.
David, I'm not sure I understand why you are focusing on the Root Chakra??? It would seem by your recent experiences that the Root (as well as the Sacral) are pretty active right now without the added effort.

I don't see any "just red" stuff here, but I do have a cool link for some mandala and chakra screensavers and backgrounds. I have "Green Tara" as my background right now!


Seeing Red

wildchilde said:
David, I'm not sure I understand why you are focusing on the Root Chakra??? It would seem by your recent experiences that the Root (as well as the Sacral) are pretty active right now without the added effort.
Yes, you are quite right of course, they are already well opened - in fact I am pretty sure that all the Chakras are open. But I believe the teacher is trying to be thorough, leaving nothing to chance, and teaching me tools which I can use in the future when I may find myself out-of-balance in one Chakra or another. But being a Capricorn the Root is fairly easy for me, and of course I like red quite a lot anyway - on my desk I have a red pencil holder, paper holder and mouse pad; and my chair and the lower walls of my room are burgundy. So really she is just leading me through a systematic course so that I understand the energies of each Chakra, and how they are stimulated. In the past year the release of pent-up Aquarian feminine energy had tended to overpower even my strong (Sun & Ascendant) Capricorn root, so I do think it is wise to be very sure of the foundation.

wildchilde said:
I don't see any "just red" stuff here, but I do have a cool link for some mandala and chakra screensavers and backgrounds. I have "Green Tara" as my background right now!
Oh yes, I found that gorgeous site today too, in my quest for red! I looked all over the place for convincing solid red expanses, but orange is actually much more common than red, even in so-called red dragons. So I just settled for using the built-in red backdrop that Windows has in it. I am actually really growing to like it. I could probably just enlarge one of my red flower photos so that the flower filled the screen, but I'm quite content with the red purity of the Windows backdrop for now.

Yours in Red - David :)


Sadly, because I'm sick I do not have time to read all the beautiful posts I know are there.

I just had a strong "talk" again. As most of you might know, usually it's not the dream but a voice that tells me something.

Before going to bed, I asked to know the connecting factor to all my diseases.
(Rheumatism, Graves Disease, Asthma, Migraines, Allergies and some other minor stuff)

I heard a voice very clearly state when I was asleep:

"Your Brain. -12%"

For course this doesn't mean I'm psychosomatic. Especially since many of my diseases are seen in the blood. Although, I hate the "psychosomatic" bullcrap anyway.
Each disease reflects on both body and mind. And it would be time doctors said that.

I think what the voice meant was that I usually have a very negative outlook on things, worsening the situation. Not about my life, but about each disease and how often it will cause me discomfort. I always want to know the worst course of action etc.
Besides that, I am an overanalyser most of the time.

It has given me a lot to think about. Also if I should have my brain scanned :p
Especially since I have a lot of headaches suddenly on the back of my head. A very odd place.


psychic sue

Firstly Khalie, can I just say how sorry I am that you are sick, and I am putting you on my healing list as of tonight - every little helps.

I wanted to share with you though, the power of negative and positive thought. I think everyone here knows that I battled with depression and agoraphobia last year, and it was actually my psychiatrist who told me to start thinking in the positive. It had amazing affects too. I went from being barely able to leave my bedroom, to being back at work in 6 months - something my doctors were amazed at - they had me down for at least a 2 year recovery. Of course antidepressants played their part, but I did have to say to myself, "you CAN go outside and you WILL go outside" instead of thinking "I CAN'T face the world, I just CAN'T do it".

Also, on a more physical illness level, my mother had cancer 25 odd years ago now. From the moment she knew, she said "I'm not having it and that's that" - she had a radical hysterectomy and the doctors told her she would not work for at least a year - she was back at her desk in 6 months. The cancer has never returned (fingers crossed).

Same when she had a heart bypass 15 years ago - she was up and walking around the ward 48 hours after the op, and she is still here now. She always says "I'm not going anywhere until I know you are all settled and OK" and she means it too!

The power of positive thinking is an amazing thing and much under-valued in our culture.

David - looking back on my posts, remember when I saw the flash of RED cloak in my bedroom? Funny how this all seems to tie in.


Sue x


Sophie-David said:
So really she is just leading me through a systematic course so that I understand the energies of each Chakra, and how they are stimulated.
Thanks for the further description, David. I am glad to hear this is a "systematic course" and that you are/will be working with your other centers as well. I would certainly encourage anyone working with Chakra's to not focus on any one area exclusive to the others. You risk "stretching" your center out of balance by doing so. BTW, I did find an excellent red background on that website featuring the Goddess Kali!! I forgot to keep the link, but it is under "other desktop backgrounds" or some such link at the bottom of the linked page above.


Just sending you love and a supportive hug, dear. Sorry to hear about your continued health crisis'. I hope you know that there are many people here on the forum that truly care about you!! I would say to "follow your instinct" in regard to what you heard. Following our 'gut feelings' is also a part of learning to think positively...as it is about trusting ourselves and our own higher power/consciousness.


Hi Kahlie

To me all those disorders, correct me if I am wrong, seems to be mostly related to the immune system, where allergies such as asthma, and rheumatism, not sure about Grave's disease. I have forgotten most of my studies when it is related to glands and what not that you have in your body, I am thinking that perhaps there may be one in the location where you think you are experiencing your headaches. It might be worthwhile to get, not only a brain scan, but some other tests to check for various other things!

But I have to agree with what Sue has to say about positive and negative thinking.



Dear Kahlie

I agree with all that Sue, Wildchilde and Bec have already written, including the positive thinking, following your instinct, perhaps a common physical cause, having further tests done, and the fact that you are on the hearts of many caring and powerfully spiritual people here in the forums. You continue to be on my prayer list too...

Wishing you wholeness and health, {{{Kahlie}}}