

Hi everyone.

I was wondering, has anyone else had an experience lately that could be considered initiatory? I mean this is in the sense of having something happen to them which was so profound in some way, that it changed not only their perspective, but their entire way of life?

Last October I was involved in a major accident. I was a passenger in a car which ended up in a head on collision with another vehicle. No one was killed ( a miracle there) but I was seriously injured, and have finally recovered to the point where I could resume normal activities (it was a knee injury, I was unable to walk much for 8 months.) July 18th I came down with some horrendous upper respiratory virus, which put me in hospital and nearly caused respiratory failure twice. Not only that, I was mis-managed by my doctor, who perscribed a common, usually well tolerated antibiotic, which I turned out to be allergic to. I stopped taking it AMA, but the damage had been done, and I went through more medical hell in order to stop the allergic reaction. (Prednisone. Ugh.)

My mom thinks these events are somehow related, as there was an awful lot of fluid in my knee, and it was there for a long time. As the knee heals, that stuff is being released into my bloodstream, so my body can clean it all out. My resistance was low, and I caught the horrible flu, which has been going around here this summer. The rest is history.

Finally, my condition has improved. Exactly 31 days of The Tower.

On August 1st, I decided that I had had enough of substandard medical care, and doctors who were using the 'guess' method of figuring out what to do, ineffectively. I decided to clean my whole life out completely, and began with diet.
I considered that the organic food route was a good place to start. I got rid of anything I had here which wasn't organic, and replaced it completely.

Especially important to me was exchanging conventionally produced American meat for organic meat. American commercial meat is loaded with hormones and antibiotics. The animals are raised in ways which stresses them out, so they lead unhappy lives before they end up in the food chain. I am not a vegetarian, and was eating such meat. I think this is the reason for the sudden onset anaphlaxtic reaction to the perscribed antibiotic. My Gramma lived by the maxim "You are what you eat", and when I considered what that was, I ditched the commercial foods, and went organic. As far as clearing any residual infection, 2 large cloves of raw, crushed garlic in the morning. (By Jove, it's working, really really well!.) I also cut out sugar, mostly all caffiene ( I still drink a half cup of organic coffee in the morning...oh well!), and milk. I'm also drinking much more pure water than I was before, and the difference here is amazing.

I'm also finally able to lose weight. Those unhealthy extra pounds are are dropping off, because I can walk longer distances now, and have been doing so regularly. I wonder if the growth hormones in American meat are also partially responsible for the epidemic of obesity in American people? And that it's difficult to lose weight because one has all these second hand ingested growth hormones working against them? You are what you eat, I think my Gramma was right.

Not only has my health drastically improved, but my energy has been returning in a different way. It feels stronger, less scattered and seems to be operating at a higher level vibration than before. Along with this dietary change I've been Reiki-ing myself every night, and have spoken to my Reiki master about receiving my Reiki III. My meditations are more peaceful and effective, and my psychic/magickal ability has also become more pronounced.

I also made a concerted effort to become more in touch with Spirit, and this is a very positive thing indeed.
I realised negative thoughts and attitudes had been seeping into my consciousness more and more. This was causing stress and actual dismay. I figured that my perspective needed an overhaul too, and have been doing what that old song so wisely councils - "Accentuating the Positive, Eliminating the Negative".

My life has turned around 180 degrees. I also thank my Deities every day, upon waking and before I go to bed, for the blessings and opportunities which they have provided me with. Cultivating an "Attitude of Grattitude" has caused me to take a good look at the gifts I had been taking for granted. I now see this illness as a gift in disguise, and thank my Gods for it; because if it hadn't happened, I would have gone on careening down the unhealthy path, and may not have decided to make such important changes until it was much later on in my life.

I am convinced that this was some sort of purification event, which is either the precursor to, or the actual initiatory experience itself.

Maybe my subconscious got together with my guides and made the decisison to not be unwell any more, and this Phoenix experience was the harbinger of it all?

"Bad days are over."


((((((DarkElectric)))))) Such experiences definitely of the purification variety.

Oft, prior to any awakening, initiatory process or passage, cleansing occurs on some level & on more than one level.

I see both events--the car accident with the bodily injury & the subsequent illness--as related. Physical body a wholistic system & unit. What affects one area of the body tends to elicit a corresponding reaction in some manner, not always detectable. Toxins from knee injury settled in the respiratory tract vai the bloodstream & apparently the "weakest" area. Onset of 'flu may have led to or contributed to secondary respiratory infection which oft occurs with 'flu.

Foods can either contribute to the constructive influences or the lesser. Ignorance may be bliss but not where a personal stake in the over-all well-being concerned. Making a concerted effort towards being an informed consumer not only assists towards the dietary decisions but self-empowerment which impacts all sectors of the life.

Revamping the diet a wise decision, especially considering the literally doctored food chain & resulting food supplies offered a nigh captive consumer audience. Discovered colouring added to supposedly fresh vegetables such as carrots & celery; also cucumbers coated with an oily substance to give it shine. Then prior to harvest, there is also the use of various chemical additives to promote growth & to repell bugs & insects. Chicken injected with tetracycline in the neck. List goes on & on.

I also prefer to bless that which I consume on the basis of a larger view & thus further contribute towards the benevolent influences.

Btw: Whilst antibiotics have their place in the medical field, do consider carrying a card in wallet or wearing a bracelet indicating allergy to that antibiotic. (Due to personal experiences of sensitivities resulting in violent reactions to most prescribed drugs & those available over-the-counter, I try to be conscientious & avoid the inadvertent poisoning--which is what occurs.)

Blessings of Goddess on your new path!!


Thanks, MeeWah, you're the best!
I hope your visit to Oz was filled with joy and wonder!
Peace & Blessings,

psychic sue

DE - so sorry to hear about your troubles - hope you are feeling much better now.

I have had a similar, although less dramatic "intiation". After years of money problems and problems with my ex (re; the children) I suddenly came down with IBS last November. I was ill for a couple of months during which time I spent most of the time in bed. This then turned into a kind of agoraphobia and I was literally scared to leave my bedroom. My doctor prescribed antidepressants which didn't work. Then came months of swapping the drugs around until I found one that suited me. Then I went to see a psychiatrist about the agoraphobia. Eventually I started to get better and I'm now back at work part time. However, my immune system is not all it should be and I was stung by a wasp/bee last week and the bite got infected and caused a viral reaction. I seem to be getting over that now.

It was around last November that I began to connect again with the spiritual side of life.

During my depression, I noticed a change in eating habits - but it wasn't a conscious one. I simply cannot eat refined foods - they make me feel ill and in any case, I just don't "fancy" them. I've lost 20lb in the last 3 months (bonus!). I have to say I feel so much better for it and I agree that heaven knows what goes into our foods nowadays, and I am sure that it contributes not just to obesity, but to many other illnesses.

Now I am getting back to "normal" I have to say that my priorities have changed and my perspective on life is slightly different. I don't worry like I used - I let things go over my head. People don't irritate me like they used to - I'm generally much more chilled out.

I feel that my "tower" was broken down and re-constructed for a reason. Though I wouldn't want to go through it again I somehow feel it was necessary and I am much better person for it.

Funny old life isn't it?

isthmus nekoi

DE, your story about organic food is fascinating. I also started eating more organic meat although for myself, it wasn't really initiatory. As for milk, I won't get into it here, but I would urge people to google a biotech company called Monsanto.

I've had two major initiations, one which was deeply personal and the other which was a part of a group - both of which I was aware of beforehand and had dreams etc of.

During the first, I actually tallied up all my tarot cards during a period of several months; I'd been doing one c/c a week and wanted to see any patterns. I had a normal bell curve distribution except Tower which was out there at almost 25% of the time and the next runner up was Judgment at roughly 20%. It was a powerful, intense and gorgeous time in my life and I am very different for it. It would be disrespectful of me to give you explanations or metaphors but I will say that at the end of it, I was more human and less human than I'd ever been.

The second initiation was very different b/c of the lack of personal meaning. But I dreamt once about the ritual before, interpreted it as such, so it was quite an experience to have my dream literally come to life, to see the symbols transmute into material reality. That one has changed me, but only in my mental orientation, a very consciously directed shift in mindset. w/the 1st one, the change was far more instinctual, viceral, and completely wiped me out... So beautiful.

I think there is a difference b/w initiation and a life changing event. I've had a few life changing events in which my lifestyle/outlook on life/personality totally changed - but I consider them differently b/c I did not truly gain KNOWLEDGE during those times. For example, when I began to consciously work w/the unconscious, simply realizing that there was this other, unseen world... that was definitely a complete change for myself but it did not feel "initiatory".


Wow. Thanks, you guys, for sharing your experiences.

Isthmus, you made a good point about the difference between initiations and life changing experiences. I'm convinced this was an initiation, because of the intensity of the spiritual component. I ended up in hospital a total of 4 times. On the last hospital visit, I finally broke down completely, and, facing respiratory failure, began seriously praying in earnest. I turned it all over to Mother, and literally put my life and destiny in her hands. I "Let Go, and Let Goddess" as the saying goes. I believe it was this moment which was the turning point. They were able to rescue me using bronchiodialation medication, they did NOT intubate me, nor did they do a tracheotomy (whew). This was the first "miracle".

There have been several others, concerning all this. But everything seems changed. I don't know how to explain it, exactly. It's a perceptual change, as well as a physical one. I'm in my life, I do all the things I always did, but I feel like a different person. I'm still me, sort of. But I'm a different me than I was before, and I also feel more and less human, as you so succinctly described. Something changed on a fundamental level. It's as if I took a step sideways into a parallel universe, or something, and yet I know this is my life.

It's very weird, even for me and I'm still sorting all of this out. But the main thing is that I'm able to hear Mother's voice more clearly amidst all of the confusion. And I feel closer to both Mother & Father now. It's the difference between simply knowing they are there, and feeling their actual presence in my life, every minute of every day, like I do now.

I guess it took something this radical to teach me the meaning of "Perfect Love, Perfect Trust".


I have had them, but not involving life-threatening situations.

Instead, my initiations have been a long time in coming - there have been signs and nudges running up to them, and then I'll be somewhere at a certain time, and BAM! I'll fall into a vision or trance, or I'll have a sudden, huge realization, or something in my head will 'click' and it'll ALL MAKE SENSE. Everything that I've been doing, feeling, seeing, experiencing up until that point all merges into something unified and I GET IT.

The last time this happened was in March, at St Nectan's Glen in Cornwall. Intense, powerful experience...
