www.facade.com interpretations???



Has anyone viewed the Free Tarot and www.facade.com? They do the spreads and then interpret the cards. If you have been there, do you like the way they read the cards or no?

I was comparing the above tarot program's interpretations to the book, "Sevent-Eight Degrees of Wisdom" by Pollack, nd I came up with some small differences and some larger differences in the cards interpretations.

Besides, what I personally believe about the situation at hand. I just wondered if anyone had opinions about these two Tarot Sources.

Thank You All for Sharing your Knowledge!!

With Gratitude,


I miss Divination systems! They had great decks there! I don't know where Facade gets the meanings they put up on their site. Divination systems (and Oresha? is that the name? a card reading system you can download) both use the meaning from the creators LWB, the booklet that goes with the cards. It really doesn't matter, what system you use as long as you are consistant. I haven't consulted 78 Keys in years, but I don't mind Facade's readings. If you are reading for yourself, my opinion is just use what Facade says, if you don't like it, is it possible that they are saying something you don't want to accept rather than giving you a "bad" interp?


I'll go to Facade.....select a deck and spread......take what comes and toddle off and do my own interp of the cards.....Their definitions of cards are pretty darn general and can be found in any RWS LWB....no matter which deck you choose......I prefer to do my own interp....and if I'm too personally involved to the point where I don't think I'm being "realistic".....I'll ask someone else to interp as well.....


Thank you

The readings were not for me. They just did not pick up on the person or people or situation. Just like you said, it was too general.

I was basically asking things that I know a good deal about. Just to practice knowing the cards, interpretation and just learn. The answers ultimately did make sense, but not in enough detail. Like just not hitting the nail on the head, you know what I mean?

I found this website on tarot studies, recommended to me by my Very Awesome psychic, to fit all the details precisely. www.tarotstudies.50webs.com This place, combines Greer, Bunning, and Pollack 's info in a very accurate way. I think though, they do not use pollack as much---sorry, that was just my impression.

I am just stating my honest results over the past few weeks. I like Facade alot!! In fact I go there everyday. I am still a little nervous about shuffling my own deck, and facade does it so well!!! All the spreads have worked out to be true. I just needed more specific details in the cards interpretations...hypothetically, if I was about to make a decision I would need that, to know what I was up against.

Thank you both,


Gracey said:
I was basically asking things that I know a good deal about. Just to practice knowing the cards, interpretation and just learn. The answers ultimately did make sense, but not in enough detail. Like just not hitting the nail on the head, you know what I mean?

Since you already "know a good deal about" the answer, no wonder they couldn't help. You didn't get the answer you thought it SHOULD give. You might do better if you approach whatever system you use with a completely open mind. This is the question, I have no idea what the answer will be. or could be. That way, in case (and this is not to say they will) they come up with something off the wall that you didn't think of, you got an answer that tarot can help with.

If it works for you to learn that way, use it. but I agree, Facade, is well, facile. I learn the cards by using the deck and the LWB if I am reading for myself. I don't worry about what others say about it. Keep it simple is my suggestion. Untimately, you must work the message given through your own head.


Thank you for the suggestion. An OPEN Mind is so important!! I never know what to expect so I usually go with the flow. Life is SO unpredictable.

Well, when I meant I knew alot about the situation etc.. I guess it sounded like I was "fishing" for a certain answer. I wasn't really. I was actually LOOKING for more unexpected outcomes etc.... Its a weird situation. My college friend is literally marrying someone solely for money. Its a disgusting situation, really false and sneaky. I am actually shocked at his attitude. The Facade.com interpretation didn't really hit on it, it was just too vague with the advice. The Tarot studies site was great because their interpretations of the cards were applicable to the sitaution. I learned alot about what he should do, and how the situation is evolving. Interestingly, it looks like he is going to SUCCEED in his goal. So it wasn't what I was expecting.

Deception = prosperity, unfortunately in this case.

Well, we will see.

Thanks for the ideas!!!


I check it everynow and then... to see what my day might be with the daily reading, it's usually pretty close, but sometimes it's a bid odd trying to decipher what they are talking about.

If you like facade.com, ... you will really like this place.

The interpretations for the cards are excellent, the list of decks, not as extensive as at facade, but are some well known popular ones.


Thank you I Like the spreads they have at that site! I just tried the Karmic one!! Very cool!!



I go to Facade when I do not have a deck handy. I like the site - the spreads and the decks they offer. I take the layout ant read it by myself.


Gracey -- I could not get the link you provided to work (the www.tarostudies one...)

Facade is probably the first site I ever went to regarding tarot, and I remember how much I enjoyed it. It fueled my interest in reading for myself.