Wheel of Fortune Spread


This is my X Wheel of Fortune Year and I thought it would be fairly pedestrian but it has been far from this. I have never understood the depth of X Wheel of Fortune but I think it is one of the most the most profound cards in the deck.

One of the fundamental aspects of the card is that we choose to return to this embodied life to learn particular lessons. It is the card on the cusp of the first ten Major Arcana and the second ten before we reach individuation or XXI World.

I developed this spread a few weeks ago although it was for my own particular purposes it would suit anyone encountering X Wheel of Fortune frequently or trying to make sense of seemingly unexplainable events, and possible life lessons which seem to repeat themselves. The use of this spread presupposes a belief in reincarnation and karma.

It's based on the Wheel of Fortune Card itself. The Wheel is in the centre and the eight spokes symbolize the merging of all aspects of the personality. Also the merging of the conscious and the unconscious.

There is much symbolism in the card but let me deal only with the symbolism I used to develop the spread. There are symbols in each of the corners which correlate to the elements in the following ways. I’ve listed the symbols with the corresponding question in my spread.

Angel: Aquarius: Air: Intellect/ Will What does this mean in terms of my will?

Eagle: Scorpio: Water: Feelings; What does this mean in terms of my feelings?

Lion: Leo: Intuition: What does this mean in terms of my spirit?

Bull: Taurus: Earth; Body: What does this mean in terms of my body?

In the centre of the card the Wheel itself with eight spokes appears. The eight spokes symbolize the merging of all aspects of the personality and the the merging of the conscious and the unconscious. So I put one card in the centre of the spread with the Question How can I integrate this knowledge so that I can move on?

The spread looks as below but there is also a graphic attached and a brief sample reading. As I recap the year and significant issues come to mind I am using this spread to help understand them. So far it has been very productive. I hope those of you who are in Wheel of Fortune years, or have an interest in karma, incarnation and life lessons might find it useful as well.


Sample reading

The broad question for the sample reading was: What are the lessons I need to learn in terms of my health at this particular time? I have a medical condition which I think is something to do with karma and spiritual lessons I may need to learn but that is a whole other story.

The card in position 2 asks What does this mean in terms of my will?

II Wands shows a man holding the world in his hands and surveying the world extending before him. He stands between two Wands as if indicating his awareness of the need for balance. He holds his world in his hands. My interpretation of this is that the responsibility is completely mine. I know what to do and must simply do it.

The card in position 3 asks What does this mean in terms of my feelings?

V Pentacles. I had to laugh because this image is so apt. Two figures, one on crutches walk alongside a building with a lovely stained glass window spilling light onto their path. The light guides and warms the journey. I am the individual on crutches but I am accompanied by someone I know as my guide. I simply need to hand my will and my life over to this Guide and what she represents at present. She seems to know that way and she shares my experience of difficulty (no shoes in the cold!). There is great comfort in this - trusting another.

The card postion 4 asks What does this mean in terms of my spirit?

V Swords. I think this card represents the concept of spiritual surrender or defeat. It is a well known concept and fits just right with the meaning of the previous card. Often you need to stop fighting in order to recover. Some battles are simply crazy.

The card in position 5 asks What does this mean in terms of my body?

The card is IX Swords. The road to wellness requires commitment and discipline and that mental pain must simply be endured until it becomes matter of course not pain.

The central position (1) asks How do I integrate this knowledge so that I can move forward?

The card is V Hierophant. I laughed again at the piquancy of the Tarot. V Hierophant is the bridge between the material and the spiritual world. Wheel of Fortune is about the lessons we need to learn in this embodied life, and here is the teacher card itself. Hierophant means much more than this of course but this will do for the time being.

In terms of the outcome of the reading, the message is that I follow the spiritual path I already know well but meandered away from whilst exploring other things. I found this very clear and affirming and have used the same spread on a number of other significant issues with the similar clarity and distinction.


I hope some of you find it useful, especially those rare souls who share a Wheel of Fortune year right now :).


  • Wheel of Fortune Spread 11 September.jpg
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cool spread

hi moongold,
this looks like a great spread. i somewhat find it very different and unique... i would definately try this spread tonight..hehhee... thanks...


great layout!

I decided to do this layout since I have gotten the Wheel of Fortune a few times recently. After I did the layout, i put an extra card into the reading but had no question to it. After I read that you also added another card to the reading..I was wondering if this card I used still counts in the reading. The card was a two of cups. Should I disregard the card or if i can use it, could you please help me interpret it? I know it centers around love, and self love...but I would still love your help...also..how would i interpret a 9 of pentacles for my spirit and page of wands for the body? I received the king of swords for the mind and strength for emotions, and I feel as if I can interpret those..it's just the other three.

If you could possibly help me out I would really be greatfull! =) again nice spread.
