Why am I still single? spread


Hey there everyone

This for all you singles out there, who may want to explore the reason why you are single. Here it is:


1: What are you currently doing that would be beneficial for you to get in a relationship?
2: What are you currently thinking that would be beneficial for you to get in a relationship?
3: What are you currently feeling that would be beneficial for you to get in a relationship?
4: What are you currently doing that would be sabotaging your efforts?
5: What do you need to change about these sabotaging actions?
6: How do you change these sabotaging actions?
7: How will changing these sabotaging actions help you increase your chances?
8: What are you currently thinking that would be sabotaging your efforts?
9: What do you need to change about these sabotaging thoughts?
10: How do you change these sabotaging thoughts?
11: How will changing these sabotaging thoughts help you increase your chances?
12: What are you currently feeling that would be sabotaging your effects?
13: What do you need to change about these sabotaging emotions?
14: How do you change these sabotaging emotions?
15: How will changing these sabotaging emotions help you increase your chances?


PS I'm currently working on doing some readings using this in the Reading Exchange, if you want to take a look, the link is:

PPS, due to a suggestion by danubhe I will be adding an alternative lay out and spread for this, below, where the negatives will be dealt with followed by the positives, instead of the way it is currently, where the postives first and the negatives! It is up to you which way you want to do the reading


I'll have to try this one fer sher!! :D Thanx!!


The alternative way:


1: What are you currently doing that would be sabotaging your efforts?
2: What do you need to change about these sabotaging actions?
3: How do you change these sabotaging actions?
4: How will changing these sabotaging actions help you increase your chances?
5: What are you currently thinking that would be sabotaging your efforts?
6: What do you need to change about these sabotaging thoughts?
7: How do you change these sabotaging thoughts?
8: How will changing these sabotaging thoughts help you increase your chances?
9: What are you currently feeling that would be sabotaging your effects?
10: What do you need to change about these sabotaging emotions?
11: How do you change these sabotaging emotions?
12: How will changing these sabotaging emotions help you increase your chances?
13: What are you currently doing that would be beneficial for you to get in a relationship?
14: What are you currently thinking that would be beneficial for you to get in a relationship?
15: What are you currently feeling that would be beneficial for you to get in a relationship?

Thanks danubhe about the suggestion!!



This is great, I have a feeling this will really be insightful. Thanks


I really like this spread, i used it when i read for my friend and had very good results.


Ah yes, I used this spread on a friend of mine yesterday and...well...it sort of revealed a new insight on his inability to get over his ex-girlfriend. His reaction wasn't so pretty, but, I think that he'll be on the right track from now on. It was a real wake-up call for him.


>why you are single<

hey , it works.. my reading said i'm single because I'm lucky and lead a good life!


Yersterday I have tried this spread and can say that it really works for me too. But after I'd finished my reading I thought that better this spread to do more symply and more correctly. And I did:


1- Why I' m single (my position and question)
2 - What in my mind (my thoughts)
3- What in the heart (emotions, feelings)
4- What i'm doing to become acquainted with somebody. (actions)
5- Present situation
6- Troubles
7- Help
8, 9 and 10 - Advises for activitiy (gives a more precise difinition to 5, 6 and 7 carts)