Pandora's box of plagues


The spread:

This spread is based on the myth of Pandora. When all of earth was still a paradise, Pandora owned a box she should never, ever open. However, curious Pandora couldn’t restrain herself and peered in the box anyway. The moment she opened the box all the plagues know to mankind escaped, and were unleashed upon the earth. The paradise was no more. Pandora was horrified and closed the box as soon as possible. All the plagues had already fled, and all that was left in the box was Hope. Therefore, all that mankind has in order to restore paradise is hope. Luckily for us, this might be all we need.

Pandora’s Box


1. Opening the box: What did you do to contribute to the issue?
2. The plagues:
a. Disease: What’s wrong?
b. Violence: What do you repress? (What do you know but refuse to acknowledge?)
c. Blindness: What’s your blind spot? (What part of the issue are you unable to see?)
d. Death: What did you lose that’s precious to you because of this?
3. Hope: What will set you free?

This spread has really hammered home some truths for me in the past. It’s not very gentle, as it is always hard to face your own part in a painful situation, but it really helps if you have some issues you want to resolve. I figured it was rather appropiate for the time of the year, Samhain/halloween approaching, and all. It's good to start the winter with a clean slate.

This spread is the one we're doing in the Faery seeker circle this week (feel free to join if you own a copy of Froud's Faery oracle). I'm rather fond of it so I figured I'd post it here.

Best wishes,


Hi Rosered

Thank you for sharing this spread, this one is definitely going into my Journal!!

Can't wait to try it.

Love light and peace

autumn star

this looks like a really good spread - thanks for sharing it :)


rosesred said:
The spread:

This spread is based on the myth of Pandora. When all of earth was still a paradise, Pandora owned a box she should never, ever open. However, curious Pandora couldn’t restrain herself and peered in the box anyway. The moment she opened the box all the plagues know to mankind escaped, and were unleashed upon the earth. The paradise was no more. Pandora was horrified and closed the box as soon as possible. All the plagues had already fled, and all that was left in the box was Hope. Therefore, all that mankind has in order to restore paradise is hope. Luckily for us, this might be all we need.

I adore Fairy Tales (and from your screen name so do you, Snow White's sister). And I write poems from myths. So this spread really speaks to me! Thank you for sharing it.